Nordmende Tannhauser E330 in Murano

Nordmende Tannhauser E330 in Murano

Nordmende Tannhauser E330 in Murano

This Nordmende Tannhauser E330 is now playing in Murano - (IT)

Nordmende Tannhauser E330 in Murano

Nordmende, at the time of its greatest splendor and technological development called Tannhäuser the line of their most beautiful devices.
Products designed to represent the best in class and built with painstaking care.
In his most mystical work Wagner created a beautiful opera. Nordmende paid him honor making its best product with the same name.

Murano. ITALY - Amuriana villa is a series of islands in the Venetian Lagoon. Founded by refugees during the barbarian invasions in 1295 the Serenissima Republic of Venice trasfered all kilns on it, so it became very important for glass art work ... still today.