Tag: <span>hifi</span>

Brionvega RR126 in ANTWERP brionvega - en

Brionvega RR126 Alexa – en



This page is the result of an eccentric and courageous request sent to us by a particularly demanding customer.

We were asked to set up a Brionvega RR126 radiophonograph to be managed by voice commands  ALEXA.
We studied the problem and made the necessary modifications and inserted actuators so that this RR126 works with voice command.
As you can see in the video, this device turns on and off, adjusts the volume, chooses songs with voice commands, in this case implemented by Alexa.
Although tested with ALEXA this special version of RR126 works with any voice assistant, be it Siri on Apple HomePod, Google Assistant on Nest mini and of course Amazon Alexa on board Echo Dot!
And of course it also works with traditional controls, like a normal Brionvega RR126.

Brionvega Totem RR130 brionvega - en

Brionvega Totem RR130 – en

Brionvega Totem RR130


Brionvega is certainly the Italian brand of electronic equipment that left the deepest mark in the history of world design.
On this page, one of the most beautiful equipment of the Brionvega is presented: the TOTEM RR130.
It was designed by the architect and designer Mario Bellini in 1970.

Eight times Compasso d'Oro, Bellini counts among his most famous creations the Centro Espositivo e Congressuale di Villa Erba (Exhibition and Congress Center of Villa Erba) in Cernobbio, the Tokyo Design Center in Japan, the America Headquarters of Natuzzi in the United States, the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, the Headquarters of the Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, the Department of Islamic Arts at the Louvre in Paris, the new Convention Center in Milan.

The Brionvega Totem, along with others of Bellini's works, is exhibited at the MOMA in New York. It is visible on this page of the museum.

When closed it looks like a smooth cube of 51 cm per side.
Once opened, the turntable, the console and the two adjustable and removable speakers are found.
The turntable is a beautiful DUAL 1257 with a magnetic cartridge DUAL DN145E. The turntable and the cartridge will be analysed in detail later.
The central body includes a 22W stereo amplifier, an AM/FM tuner and a muzak receiver.

The Totem project follows the famous RR126 Radiofonografo. The two devices share different circuits, but several improvements and updates have been implemented in the Totem.

The acoustic quality is interesting. Leaving the speakers in their rotating supports, the distance between them is sufficient to guarantee a fair stereo separation, even if the best results are surely obtained by extracting the speakers from their supports and placing them at a distance of more than 1,5 meters.
The power is more than enough to fill medium-sized environments.
Rather than the frequency response, which is still quite linear, the most interesting feature is the kind of musicality the device can express. In fact, the sound is warm and mellow, close to the sound of tube amplifiers. This result derives from the type of circuit with a low negative feedback rate and the use of fair components, in complete contrast to the projects of Japanese derivation that were so fashionable in the 1970s.

A musicality with these features, a brilliant design, such a strong personality have determined its remarkable commercial success.

In our restorations we propose a small modification to the loudspeakers by equipping them with a brighter tweeter, which associated with the insertion of a bluetooth 5.1 circuit or of a wi-fi connection allows the listening of liquid music or any web-station of the world with a satisfying level of pleasantness in the listening.

The aesthetic remains absolutely unaltered but the sound changes significantly, becoming considerably more precise and free of disturbances.

Almost all the devices that are sent to us are stained, yellowed and with damaged edges.
For this reason we have equipped ourselves for the total double repainting (white and anthracite) and the screen printing of all the front and back writings.

These incredible restorations are photographically documented at the bottom of the page in the dedicated section.


Brionvega Totem RR130



Bluetooth receiver embed



Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.
- Multi Platform Connection - A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.






In 1945 in Milan, Giuseppe Brion and the engineer Leone Pajetta founded the B.P.M. (Brion Pajetta Milano), electronic component production company.
At the beginning of the 50s the company specialized in the production of radio devices and becomes the Vega B.P. Radio.
At the beginning of the 60s specialized in the production of Tvs and becomes Radio Vega Television.
In 1963, the company takes the definitive name of Brionvega.

Brionvega since ever had world-known designers and produced objects that are exposed in the most famous international museums.
Among the firsts designers Zanuso and Sapper, 1964, that projected the portable TV Algol 11 (picture on the bottom left) and the radio TS 502, the “cube” (picutre on the bottom right).
In 1965 the Castiglioni brothers (ppicture on the top left) signed then the Stereophonic Radiofonografo RR126.
In 1970 the designer Mario Bellini traces the shape of the stereo system “Totem” (picture on the top right).
In 1992, the company is sold by the Brion family to the Seleco.
In 1997 Seleco goes out of business and Brionvega, controlled, does so.
In 2004 SIM2 Multimedia has acquired the part of the Brionvega company dedicated to the radio production.
In 2010 SIM2 Multimedia acquires also the TV sector of the historical italian brand.

Brionvega Totem RR130




Year of production: 1970


Long wave (OL), Medium wave (OM), FM

AC Voltage: 110; 125; 160; 220 Volt

6 loudspeakers

Dimensions (LHD): 510 x 510 x 510 mm / 20.1 x 20.1 x 20.1 inch (closed)
Net weight: 70 lb 8 oz

26 Transistors:

Brionvega Totem RR130


The turntable used in the Totem is the DUAL 1257.
This is an excellent semi-automatic equipped with a DUAL 16-pole motor, with belt transmission and a very heavy plate, for an excellent rotation stability; wow and flutter, in fact, remain within a small 0,05%.
The belt transmission and the detachment of all the not necessary mechanisms during operation allow to reach a signal / noise ratio of 68dB.
The 1257 is equipped with stroboscope and fine adjustment of the speed. It is also provided with micrometric adjustment of the bracket weight and separate Antiskating settings for Conical or Elliptical stylus.

The magnetic cartridge is a DUAL DN145E. This is a cartridge with diamond elliptical stylus built by Ortofon.
A frequency response is declared from 10Hz to 28,000Hz with an output level of 4.0mV
The dimensions of the elliptical stylus are 6 x 18 μm.
The manufacturer recommends adjusting the weight to 1,5 gr.
The load resistance is 47 kOhm.

Brionvega Totem RR130 Brionvega Totem RR130


The Totem RR130 is equipped with two separate volume controls.
- The first (LOUDNESS) changes the level by automatically changing the frequency response curve according to a physiological criterion (at low volume the bass and treble are enhanced).
- The second (VOLUME) changes the level, leaving the frequency response curve unchanged.
Both commands increase the overall output level.

Listening to LOW LEVEL: turn the volume knob to maximum and act only on the loudness knob to get the desired level.
Listening to MEDIUM LEVEL: turn the volume knob halfway and turn the loudness knob to get the desired level.
Listening to HIGH LEVEL: act on both the volume and loudness knobs to get the desired level.

Brionvega Totem RR130


 Left from the top we find two instruments:
- the FM signal level
- the centering of the station
Then we find the knobs of LOUNDNESS,  LEVEL, BALANCE, TREBLE and BASS.
Below we see the knob of the AM tuning which acts on the indicator of the three scales below SW, MW, LW.
On the right you can still see the FM tuning knob which acts on the scale up indicator, FM.

Brionvega Totem RR130

In the lower row of the panel we find a series of keys that have the following functions:
AFC - Automatic Frequency Control
PHONO - Turntable
TAPE - Tape Recorder
FD - Muzak
LW - Long Waves
MW - Medium Waves
SW - Shortwave
Finally we find six keys numbered from 1 to 6 with which you can choose the channels of the muzak.


Each speaker is equipped with three cone speakers, a woofer, a midrange and a tweeter.

Curious is the electrical connections between loudspeakers and amplifier. It is obtained simply by inserting the loudspeakers box into the appropriate support tube, equipped with slide contacts.

The woofer and the mid are quite adequate to the characteristics of the amplifier.
The tweeter is a little silky, soft, it lacks a bit in transparency in the higher frequencies.
This feature was totally irrelevant in radio reproduction, while using the Totem for listening to liquid music or other digital sources we prefer to replace the tweeter with a more modern and brilliant one.
Also the reproduction of vinyls benefits considerably from this.
Of course, in our restorations, the modification leaves the external aesthetics completely unchanged.

Brionvega Totem RR130


Output for external speakers.

Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).

Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)

AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.

Power fuse and loudspeakers fuse.


Brionvega Totem RR130
Nordmende Stereo Steuergerät 3007 3007 - en

Nordmende Stereo Steuergerät 3007 – en



Finally we do not find passive correction or equalization filters on a machine, and this goes to advantage response linearity and signal transfer speed.

I put this note at the beginning to highlight the main characteristic of the NORDMENDE STEREO STEUERGERAT 3007, say, the extreme response linearity.
The power of the RMS output goes around 9W per channel, and its enough to pilot medium dimension and efficiency speakers.
Not having appearently a color of its own, this machine leaves musicality to the loudspeakers, that will have to be chosen with care.
This is in my opinion the harder side, but at the same time intriguing, of the placing of this Nordmende.

Very easy to use and very compact, represents a stylistc line at the top those years in Europe.
Shortly the Japanese will come with their professional-looking machines...talking about the appearence.

The cabinet is very beautiful and opaque-varnished.
The care and the precision by Nordmende in its production are notorious. The quality of the components is known over all by german collectors.

I personally prefere the “naked” machine.
Aesthetically it reminds me of the McIntosh look (don't blame me the evaluators of the legendary Chambers Street's company)
The deisgn is less heavy and immediately becomes current and this benefits the thermic balance increasing the functioning stability and the duration.
If I would have to do a tweaking and not a refurbishment, I'd protect the machine with a black shiny grid of the right dimension. I'm convinced that the result would be very interesting.


It is possible to connect any speaker, preferably with high efficiency.



The device is equipped with the rare Stereo Decoder, allowing you to listen to a multitude of FM Stereo broadcasts in stereo



Built-in Bluetooth receiver



Each radio is equipped with a special cable that connects with any digital source.



- Altoparlanti separati - Poter utilizzare diffusori separati  è una possibilità importante per ricevitori stereofonici. In questo modo è possibile accoppiare al ricevitore i diffusori più adatti alle esigenze di spazio, di design o di prestazioni acustiche. I diffusori più adatti sono analizzati in seguito, nella sezione altoparlanti.

- Stereo Decoder - L'apparecchio è dotato di Decoder Stereo integrato. Questo permette di ascoltare in stereofonia le stazioni che usano tale sistema trasmissivo. Molti ricevitori stereofonici non sono dotati di Multiplexer per cui funzionano in stereofonia soltanto quando si seleziona l'ingresso Giradischi/Registratore/Aux. Tali ricevitori, nell'ascolto della radio, inviano ad entrambi i canali lo stesso segnale, per cui l'ascolto è monofonico. Non è il caso della Concertino 2380 che è totalmente stereofonica.

- Ricevitore Bluetooth integrato – Questa unità può essere equipaggiata con un ricevitore BLUETOOTH alimentato direttamente dall'apparecchio Questo rende possibile usare l'amplificatore da qualsiasi dispositivo digitale esterno, come IPAD, Smartphone, o sofisticate stazioni multimediali. Potrete ascoltare le vostre Stazioni Web o le vostre musiche preferite senza cavi in giro per la stanza. Su richiesta è possibile anche montare un Ricevitore Wireless.

- Connessione MultiPiattaforma - Con l'apparecchio viene fornito un cavo adattore di impedenza per connettere qualsiasi sorgente digitale, come Iphone, Smartphone, Computer, CD Player ecc. Questo cavo appositamente costruito adatta le differenti impedenze delle moderne apparecchiature digitali. Inoltre i due canali stereofonici vengono raccolti in un unico flusso senza aumentare il carico dellunità sorgente.

Nordmende factory


In 1923 Otto Hermann Mende founded Radio H. Mende & Co. in Dresden. After the bombing of the factory in 1945, Martin Mende (son of the founder) created a new company in Bremen, the "North German Mende Broadcast GmbH" whose name was later changed into NORDMENDE.

In the 50s and 60s it became one of the most prestigious German TV and radios manufacturer.

In the 70s the televisions by NORDMENDE became famous for their frames, cards and for the rigorous testing and quality controls carried out on their finished products. Unfortunately, the high cost involved in such detailed quality determined a competitive disadvantage when the price of color television began to fall.

In 1977 the majority of the shares was sold to the French Thomson. The following year, the family sold the remaining shares. In 1980, the factories of Bremen was closed, NORDMENDE becoming purely a trademark of Thomson.


Year of production: 1966/68

Superheterodyne IF 468/10700
6 AM Circuits
10 FM Circuits

Medium Waves (OM), Long Waves (OL), Short waves (OC), FM (UKW)

AC Voltage: 110 - 220 Volt

External loudspeakers output

Dimensions (LHD) : 550 x 210 x 230 mm / 21.7 x 8.3 x 9.1 inch
Net weight: 9.2 kg / 20 lb 4.2 oz (20.264 lb)

Tubes 8: ECC85, ECH81, EAF801,ECC808, EMM803;ECC81, 2 x ECLL800

Nordmende Stereo Steuergerät 3007


The tube sockets are made of ceramic and not bakelite.
The use of this expensive material ensures the grip of the contacts even with high temperatures and without spurious capacities and and interferences thanks to the best dielectric characteristics of the ceramic compared to other cheaper materials usually used in commercial devices.


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception and a ferrite aerial for AM reception.

The reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good.
This unit was in fact produced in a period when there were not many radio stations and those available fairly apart from each others.

Using an external aerial sensitivity is further increased.

Nordmende Stereo Steuergerät 3007


The tuning system is interesting and different than other devices made in Germany.

The device is equipped with separate tuning mechanisms for AM and FM bands.
There are two tuning knobs, separate but coaxial, with cable and pulley systems separated depending on the band. This type of tuning has a very strong mechanics.

Regarding maintenance, cleaning and lubricating once every 10 to 15 years is sufficient.


The magic eye has of course been replaced.

Nordmende Stereo Steuergerät 3007


Nordmende 3007

On the left we see the volume command with incorpored loudness.
After that on the right the L-R channels balance control.
Bass tones knob, treble tone knob.

Nordmende 3007

We find then these buttons, in this order:
Power On/Power Off,
Turntable/Recorder Input,
Long, Medium, Short Waves,
Automatic Frequency Control (keeps an FM station centered once tuned in)

Nordmende 3007

On the right we find then the magic eye that indicates with the left bar the presence and the level of a Stereo Station, with the two little bar on the left the perfect tuning of each station.
Finally we find the two axial knobs for the tuning of the AM and FM bands.

Nordmende Stereo Steuergerät 3007


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Nordmende Stereo Steuergerät 3007
Korting Neckermann Stereo Steuergerät 821/80 german radios - en

Korting Neckermann Stereo Steuergerät 821/80 – en



Korting Neckermann Stereo Steuergerät 821/80 has an elegant line and its compact dimensions in relation with other sinto amplifier of that period make this machine easily placeable in modern and minimalistc environments.

Its the most prestigious device produced by Körting-Neckermann in those years. Körting became famous for its excellent (and expensive) TVs and then the company had been absorbed, like many other german companies, by foreign assets, in this case Slovenian to produce various electronic devices.

The use of this machine is very simple, being it intentionally not equipped of filters compensations automations or others. A few but very efficient controls: treble, bass, volume, balance and obviously the tuning changes.
In particular, the tone control (Baxandall) is extremely efficient. It is the same kind of control still used nowadays in the high fidelity amplifiers.

Korting-Neckermann 821-80

The balance has been obtained with a particular circuital solution, the control indeed has been placed after the output transformer. You get a balance control that can be very precisely calibrated. However, even turning the knob all on one side, the channel never reaches the Zero.

Korting-Neckermann 821-80


The device is equipped with the rare Stereo Decoder, allowing you to listen to a multitude of FM Stereo broadcasts in stereo



It is possible to connect any speaker, preferably with high efficiency.



Built-in Bluetooth receiver



Each radio is equipped with a special cable that connects with any digital source.



- Separate loudspeakers - Using separate loudspeakers is an important option for stereo receivers. This allows you to couple the receiver to speakers best suited to particular space, design or acoustic performance requirements. The most suitable loudspeakers are analysed later, under loudspeakers.

- Stereo Decoder - The device has an integrated Stereo Decoder. This allows you to listen to stations that use this transmissions system in stereo. Many stereo receivers are not equipped with a Multiplexer so they work in stereo only when you select the record player’s /Recorder/Aux input . Such receivers, in listening to the radio, send the same signal to both channels, so listening is monaural. This is not the case with the Concertino 2380, which is totally beyond stereo.

- Built-in Bluetooth receiver - This unit can be equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly from the device. That makes it possible to use the amplifier from any digital device, IPAD, Smartphone, or sophisticated multimedia station. You can listen to your wireless Web Stations or favorite music around the room. On request, we can also mount a Wireless Receiver.

- Multi Platform connections - Along with the device, we can also provides you an impedance adapter cable to connect any digital source, such as iphone, smartphone, computer, CD player, etc. This purpose-built cable adapts different impedances of modern digital equipment. Also the two stereo channels are collected into a single flow without increasing the load input unit.


Year of production: 1965

Superheterodyne IF: 460/10700 10 Circuiti AM 17 Circuiti FM

Medium Waves (OM), Long Waves (OL)
Short waves (OC), FM (UKW) 

VOLTAGE (AC): 110; 125; 160; 220 Volts

External Loudspeakers

Dimensions (LHP) : 20 x 8 x 9 inch
Net weight: 20.5 lbs

Tubes 8: ECC85, ECH81, EBF89, 2 x ECC83, EM84, 2 x ECLL800

Stereo Decoder

Korting Neckermann Stereo Steuergerät 821/80
Korting Neckermann Stereo Steuergerät 821/80


Inside the Cabinet there is a dipole to receive FM bands and Shortwaves.

A ferrite antenna is for long and medium waves reception.

Using the internal antennas, the sensitivity is very good. Of course, under some conditions, using an external antenna further increases the receiver’s sensitivity.


The tuning system is interesting and different than other devices made in Germany. The device is equipped with separate tuning mechanisms for AM and FM bands.
There are two tuning knobs, separate but coaxial, with cable and pulley systems separated depending on the band.
This type of tuning has a very strong mechanics. Regarding maintenance, cleaning and lubricating once every 10 to 15 years is sufficient.


The magic eye has of course been replaced.


Korting Neckermann Stereo Steuergerät 821/80

It is also there the marker of the stations transmitting in stereo.
At the top left we find the marker of the stereo stations.
Below we find the scales of the long, medium and short waves, and FM too.
On the right, we see two big tuning knobs, concentric, but separated for AM and FM.

It is also there the marker of the stations transmitting in stereo.
At the top left we find the marker of the stereo stations.
Below we find the scales of the long, medium and short waves, and FM too.
On the right, we see two big tuning knobs, concentric, but separated for AM and FM.

Korting Neckermann Stereo Steuergerät 821/80


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Korting Neckermann Stereo Steuergerät 821/80
Blaupunkt Steuergerat 23450 blaupunkt - en

Blaupunkt HIFI Steuergerät 23450 – en



BLAUPUNKT HIFI STEUERGERÄT 23450 is the device ever produced by Blaupunkt, that most of all gets close to my “phonic” taste.

Steuergerät means Control Electronic Unit.
The unit encloses the tuner and the amplifier, both stereophonics. You can connect to it a turntable, a CD/DVD player or any other source of sound.
What fascinated me about this device is not its power (4W produced by a single-ended ECL86) but its depth, its silkiness and the precision of the riproduced sound.
The ECL86 musicality is out of question.
Its a fact that in the “esoteric” websites, there are loads of ECL86 vs EL84 threads still today.
I matched this machine with a couple of wonderful Goodmans X, big sisters of the very-well-known Maxim.
The efficiency of these boxes its enough to make the Blaupunkt sound well. Very well.
I tried to match it to another couple of boxes among the ones I prefere: the box 450 from Grundig. But the result has not been likewise satisfying.
The Blaupunkt product line gets close to the one from other producers of that time: Graetz, Nordmende. One of the last wood/glass devices.
The japanese little monsters with anodized alluminium face and retroaction rate of 85% are about to appear in the market.
Again a couple of words about the Goodmans X that would deserve a page of the website for themselves.
Among the best english creations, produced for the very demanding german market, they mount speakers made of fusion-obtained Alnico, the best kind of Alnico.
The membranes are in very high quality rubber, and indeed they kept in perfect condition until today.
The loudspeakers choice is very important to add value to this and other similar machine of that time.
With the wrong loudspeakers, single-ended finals will just make you yawn. Match them with a couple of loudspeakers of this class, with this efficiency and this super-high quality.
The Rogers are probably among the best vintage speakers you can imagine for his levels of power.
The best website about the Goodmans Maxim is this "click here".



Bluetooth receiver embed



Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.

Multi Platform Connection – A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.


Year of production: 1963-64
Superheterodyne IF: 472/10700
8 AM Circuits 11 FM Circuits
Wavebands: LW, MW, SW, FM
Voltage (CA): 110; 125; 160; 220 Volt
External loudspeakers
Dimensions (LHD): : 615 x 210 x 245 mm / 24.2 x 8.3 x 9.6 inch
Net weight: 10.1 kg / 22 lb 3.9 oz (22.247 lb)
6 Tubes: ECC85 ECH81 EAF801 EM87 ECL86 ECL86
Rotating ferrite aerial for AM bands

Blaupunkt Steuergerat 23450
Blaupunkt Steuergerat 23450


As any modern sinto-amplifier, the unit is not provided with speakers in the inside of the cabinet: it would be impossible to obtain something that could call itself “Hi-Fi”.

I already described the pleasure that these beautiful and rare speakers give, but I can't show the huge magnets and the accurate made-in-england manufacturing because they are sealed, on the front and on the back, almost impossible to disassemble.
But we don't need to. They're perfect.


The radio is equipped with a tube Stereo-Decoder, that means it is a real stereo, not like most other vintage radio that used to be mono in the radio FM and stereo sections only because of the double final section. To be clear, the record player could be played in stereo, but the radio only in mono.

Blaupunkt Steuergerat 23450
Blaupunkt Steuergerat 23450


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM and an orientable ferrite antenna for AM reception.
The receiving sensitivity with internal antennas is very good.


The FM section is made of the super-tested ECC85 with the configuration Amplifier RF/Ocillator-mixer.

This sections is not yet hit by the problems that characterized the devices of that time, in particular the Stereomeister 3000 by Grundig, that is, the instability to maintain the tune.
The FM section is controlled by a dedicated knob, separated from the AM section.
The mechanical complexity of this solution is minimal, increasing hugely the system reliability.

Blaupunkt Steuergerat 23450
Blaupunkt Steuergerat 23450


The tuning indicator has of course been replaced.


The tone control system is very efficient. Above the large tone control knobs there is a band that lights up gradually indicating the emphasis on the band on which it acts.


Blaupunkt Steuergerat 23450

On the left end the magic eye that indicates the perfect tuning of every station.
The first knob on the top left is the volume control, with incorporated loudness.
Axially from this we find at a first level the L-R channels balance knob.
Again axially from the volume knobs but on a second level of depth we find the knob that permits the rotation of the antenna made of ferrite, for the AM bands.
Below we see the knob for the bass regulation.

The upper scale is the one of the the AM bands, say, short, medium and long waves.
The lower scale is the one of the FM band.
At the right of the scale we find the coaxial knobs of the AM and FM tuning.
Below we see the treble regulation knob.
The buttons, starting from the left, are respectively:
Solo - HI-FI - On/Off - Turntable/CD - Ferrite Antenna- Long Waves - Medium Waves - Short Waves - FM - Mono/Stereo - Muting

Blaupunkt Steuergerat 23450


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


I premise that I am not an audiophile expert and so these impressions have only the value of personal opinions.
The Radio Section is perfect, stable, with a perfect selectivity even today and with an easy tuning of the radio stations, due to the long scale.
Other competitor devices Graetz Stereo Unit 250 or Grundig Stereomeister 3000 had 5/6 pre-selectable and savable stations. On the Stereomeister this preciosity was a big source of problems.

My test benches since time are two, always the same ones: Hosianna Mantra, the masterpiece by Popol Vuh and the 6 Unaccompained Cello Suites by Bach, played, or better interpreded by Yo-Yo Ma.

The CD reader is a Grundig CD35, a good machine.

Describing in writing how these pieces are reproduced by this system requires a big effort of imagination, even by who's reading.
Roundness, sweetness, contained basses, trebles never straining.
The listening struggle is the most distant sensation from the match Blaupunkt/Goodmans. It never comes.
The only unpleasant sensation is...when it's late and you have to interrupt the listening, because tomorrow is another working day.

For further information I have to say that this Blaupunkt is not the ideal machine to listen to the Nirvana... but at that time they weren't there!


Saba Freiburg Studio A
Brionvega RR126 in ANTWERP brionvega - en

Brionvega RR126 – en



Brionvega is certainly the italian elecronic equipment brand that the most left a sign into the world design history.
Brionvega masterpiece, the Radiofonografo Stereofonico Brionvega RR126.
It has been projected by architects Giacomo and Achille Castiglioni in 1965.

The RR 126 has been projected as “stereophonic high fidelity device”.
When it appeared on the market, it was welcomed with a big selling success.
It was available in white, lobster, and wood. The white one was the most requested.
It has been a revolution in the design of the home devices for the listening of the music.
Thanks to its modular structure, that allows to put the speakers on the top of the central body so that a cube is shaped, or on the side of the central body so that a parallelepiped is shaped.

Thecnically the circuit is typical, except for what refers the stereo decoder that is preamplified alone.
The original sound of the bi-conic speakers is a little defective in the high and low part of the range, and a little bit enclosed.
For this reason we always suggest in our refurbishments an internal adjustment to the speakers, introducing a little mask that bends the loudspeakers towards the center to focalize better the listening, and also the radical replacement of the original loudspeakers with modern 3-ways ones, projected to work in a limited-dimension sounding board.
The aesthetics remains absolutely unmodified but the sound changes deeply, widening, opening and getting significantly more precise.

Almost all the white or lobster models, when they come to us, are spotted, yellowed and with damaged edges.
For this reason we are equipped for the whole double varnishing (white and dark brown) and for the serigraphy of all the incriptions, anterior and posterior.

These incredible refurbishments are documented by pictures at the bottom of the page in the dedicated section.

Breaking news: the RR formerly owned by David Bowie has been auctioned in London for 324.000 pounds.






Bluetooth receiver embed



Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



The kind of the loudspeakers is changed.



- Improved loudspeakers - The modest bi-conic original loudspeakers can be replaced, with pertinent changes, by brillant 2/3 ways loudspeakers with a significant improvement of the device's sounding performances.
The adjustment is completely invisible.

- Bluetooth receiver embed – The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.

Multi Platform Connection – A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.






In 1945 in Milan, Giuseppe Brion and the engineer Leone Pajetta founded the B.P.M. (Brion Pajetta Milano), electronic component production company.
At the beginning of the 50s the company specialized in the production of radio devices and becomes the Vega B.P. Radio.
At the beginning of the 60s specialized in the production of Tvs and becomes Radio Vega Television.
In 1963, the company takes the definitive name of Brionvega.

Brionvega since ever had world-known designers and produced objects that are exposed in the most famous international museums.
Among the firsts designers Zanuso and Sapper, 1964, that projected the portable TV Algol 11 (picture on the bottom left) and the radio TS 502, the “cube” (picutre on the bottom right).
In 1965 the Castiglioni brothers (ppicture on the top left) signed then the Stereophonic Radiofonografo RR126.
In 1970 the designer Mario Bellini traces the shape of the stereo system “Totem” (picture on the top right).
In 1992, the company is sold by the Brion family to the Seleco.
In 1997 Seleco goes out of business and Brionvega, controlled, does so.
In 2004 SIM2 Multimedia has acquired the part of the Brionvega company dedicated to the radio production.
In 2010 SIM2 Multimedia acquires also the TV sector of the historical italian brand.






Year of production: 1965


Long wave (OL), Medium wave (OM), FM

AC Voltage: 110; 125; 160; 220 Volt

2 loudspeakers

Dimensions (LHD): 295 x 476 x 144 inc
Net weight: 70 lb 8 oz

27 Transistors: BC109 BC109 AF121 AF125 AF121 AF116 AF116 AF116 AF121 BC114 AF126 AF126 AF126 AF126 BC119 BC154 AC127 AC132 AD149 AD149

Brionvega RR126


The device is provided of dedicated tuning mechanisms for AM and FM bands.
Even the dial glasses are two, separated and symmetrical for a big visual impact.
Big part of the personality of this device comes from this choice of design.


Starting from the left, on top we find the dial glass of the AM bands and the related knob for the tuning, the strength tuning indicator, the indicator of the stereo station (green), and the power on one (red). Finally on the right we find the FM scale and the related tuning knob.
Below we have the buttons for Long, Medium, Short Waves, FM Mono, FM Stereo, Turntable Mono, Turntable Stereo, AFC, Tape Recorder.
Further below we have the Power On / Bass, Treble, Balance, Volume, Input Level knobs.

Brionvega RR126
Brionvega RR126


The loudspeakers are two, one per speaker.
The reproduction of treble and basses is naturally not so linear.
For this we suggest, in our refurbishments, an adjustment that leaving completely unmodified the exterior aesthetics transforms completely its sound characteristics.


Output for external speakers.

Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).

Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)

AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.

Brionvega RR126


Brionvega RR126