Tag: <span>enhanced</span>

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced ready for sale - en

Saba Meersburg W4 – en

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced

Also this reviews will be accompanied by a section with graphs of technical measures of the most important parameters.
There is no such thing anywhere else, as far as I know. Not even the manufacturers themselves detailed the technical features of their own devices at this level.
This new section has been developed for an objective comparison of different devices.
In order to avoid interpreting the measurements incorrectly, it is very important to read the warnings carefully the first time.

The Meersburg is one of the most prestigious models produced by Saba. The version that we present in this review has been modified in order to maximize the performance of this device.

The low frequency stage is an excellent example of a class A amplifier, with an EL84 with well known sonic characteristics.
The feedback is moderate, so the resulting sound is very open, with great presence in the mids and trebles and sufficiently damped bass.
The cabinet is very robust and free from vibrations and resonances.
There are no equalizers or filter circuits that could introduce distortion or blurring of the sound.
In short, the first models of Saba Meersburg represent an ideal basis for an upgrade.

The weak point is represented by the loudspeaker system, and it is precisely the section on which we have worked around.

The speakers:
The larger of the two, a huge SABA 1675U10 with TIGGES Permadyn magnet in Alnico measures 35 x 24cm.
It is a loudspeaker built starting from 1953, with a magnet with a flux density of 8000 Gauss, an impedance of 4.1 Ohm and a voice coil of about 25 mm.
It has a frequency response that extends from 55 to 10,500Hz within +/-3dB.
The entire frequency range is sent to this loudspeaker and the high part is cut mechanically.
The cone, despite being very large is relatively light, this property allows you to have bass that are very ready, really powerful and without tails.

In our opinion, the original 5330F15 electrostatic tweeter is too inefficient compared to the large oval mid-woofer and above all it has a too high cutoff frequency. It begins to feel starting from 9600 Hz, and at a level that is too low anyway. It works therefore as a supertweeter rather than a tweeter.
This loudspeaker is placed in front of the full-range, almost in the centre. This arrangement (if it were placed right in the centre) would in our opinion be the ideal arrangement, see Goodmans Triaxiom, Altec Lansing Duplex and so on, because it allows very precise focusing of the sound image. However, since the mid-high frequencies emitted by the full range are concentrated right in the central part of the cone, the treble is mechanically hindered by the electrostatic loudspeaker placed in front.
The end result is a sound that tends towards gloom and with some unpleasant reflections as the electrostatic tweeter is not placed exactly coaxially with the mid-woofer.

We fixed these issues with two essential changes:
1 - Replacement and correct placement of the original tweeter with a Saba 5238U8 cone tweeter
2 - Made the frame with the front canvas removable

1)  The Saba 5238U8 cone tweeter has a diameter of 112 mm, is equipped with a 7500 Gauss magnet, a very light 12 mm voice coil and an impedance of 5.1 Ohm.
The frequency response starts already regular from 1500 Hz and rises up to about 13 kHz, and then returns to decrease towards 20kHz.
Remember that all acoustic musical instruments that reach higher are the cymbals (Cymbals) that reach just over 10 kHz.
The efficiency of the tweeter and its low cut-off frequency compensate for the mids and trebles generated by the central part of the rear mid-woofer which are absorbed by the shadow cone of the tweeter itself.
The tweeter is positioned exactly in the center of the mid-woofer, in a perfectly coaxial position, thus avoiding the annoying reflections generated by the misalignment of the original electrostatic tweeter, maintaining the invaluable advantages of coaxial speakers.
Finally, the crescendo response curve up to 13 kHz means that the treble is really very bright.

2) The front canvas covering the speakers is never completely acoustically transparent.
For this reason, the only way to obtain maximum performance from the appliance is to eliminate it.
We built a dummy frame into which the original canvas was installed. This frame attaches to the speaker panel with magnets.
In this way it is possible to detach it when you want to listen to music with maximum transparency and put it back in its place when the radio is at rest to protect the loudspeakers from dust and to restore the original aesthetic appearance of the unit.

All this translates into exciting dynamics, brilliance of sound, lack of oscillation of the canvas in the presence of low frequencies, making listening to this beautiful device very realistic and pleasant. With a pinch of eccentricity.

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced

The first track is Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out performed by Bessie Smith. At the end of the WWI, the United States economy restarts strongly, a period of abundance begins, the Roaring Twenties. Written by pianist Jimmie Cox in 1923, after several interpretations and modifications to the original text, it was interpreted by Bessie Smith in 1929. The text speaks of the fortunes made by someone during the Prohibition era and highlights the precariousness of material wealth and interested friendships that result. On October 24, 1929, the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange will bring about the greatest depression that the United States and parts of the rest of the world have known.

This year Napoli won the Scudetto, so there was bound to be happy Neapolitan music. The second piece written by Umberto Bertini and set to music by Vincenzo Di Paola and Sandro Taccani Chella 'llà was one of Renato Carosone's fortes. The song tells of the joy of a man who manages to free himself from a relationship that caged him and who is savoring freedom. The song begins with a speech to become playful and catchy as only the Neapolitans can do.

The third piece performed by Dizzy Gillespie, the famous Tin Tin Deo was composed together with Gil Fuller and Luciano "Chano" Pozo. A thunderous opening that later transforms into a Latin rhythm and then returns explosively with the trumpets sliding towards swing. His style that combined entertainment and musicality has encouraged the spread of bebop. Gillespie's solos were breathtaking. Certainly a giant of Jazz.

The fourth piece is the Adagio for oboe in D minor by Alessandro and Benedetto Marcello. It is an interesting piece because it is a classic example of baroque with a musical theme adorned with flourishes. The flourishes are recognized above all in the repetition of the opening motif where the virtuosity and musical sensibility of the singer or performer could be expressed. Johann Sebastian Bach transcribed a harpsichord version of Marcellus' Adagio (BWV 974)

The fifth song is the very famous The River by Bruce Springsteen. Springsteen himself called this song "a revolutionary song". He himself also stated that he drew inspiration, in the lyrics, from a 1950 song by Hank Williams "Long Gone Lonesome Blues". The song recounts a conversation between him and his wife's brother. After losing his construction job, he worked hard to support his wife and young son, but he never complained. In Pittsburgh on September 22, 1984, he dedicated the song to Pennsylvania union leaders.


Bluetooth receiver embed



Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



Bluetooth receiver embed – The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.

Multi Platform Connection – A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.

saba meersburg W4 enhanced
Saba Factory - Villingen - 1960

saba meersburg W4 enhanced




SABA is the acronym for Schawarzwälder-Apparate-Bau-Anstalt meaning engineering institute of Technological appliances of the Black Forest.

The company was founded back in 1835 by Joseph Benedikt with the initial name of Jockele-Uhren, but only in 1923 the production of radio devices began and the company went under the name of SABA.
Toward the end of the 20s SABA became famous with the well-known S35 and in the following years it became the second German producer after Telefunken. During the war SABA produced military equipment and in 1945 the company was completely destroyed by a bombing.
In 1947 the production of radio devices began again and SABA distinguished itself immediately for ist avant-garde and high- quality production.

hey also began to produce TVs (the first PAL color TV is a SABA), house appliances and medical equipment. Many Italians used to work there. The Alnico Greencone loudspeakers became popular for their linearity, power handling, constant impendence that would be employed in each Hi-Fi devices of that time.

The radio devices with motorized tuning became popular as well and SABA became the representative German brand meaning quality, reliability and detailed precision. In the 1970s the decline began. According to specialized magazines of that time not having a Japanese device at that time meant not having Hi-Fi. In the 80s Thompson took over SABA. In the 90s the other way around, having a Japanese device of the 70s meant not having Hi-Fi. They found out that they functioned with a 96% counterreaction and that a device with 0.001 db from 1 to 100 KHz extension did not necessarily sound good.

We do not trust our ears and we do trust what other people say not necessarily with a good purpose.
2007: due to insolvency SABA disappeared from the TLC (Chinese) and Thompson (French) joint venture, and SABA ceased to exist.


Year of production:  1954
Superheterodyne IF: 472/10700
8 AM Circuits - 11 FM Circuits

Medium Waves (MW),  Long Waves (LW), Short waves (KW), FM (UKW)

a 9" x 14" woofer
a 4" tweeter

Dimensions (LHD): 610 x 385 x 276 mm / 24 x 15.2 x 10.9 inch
Peso netto: 14.5 kg / 31 lb 15 oz

Tubes 11: EF80 EC92 ECH81 EF41 EM71 EAF42 EABC80 EL84

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced


(to be read carefully at least the first time)

  1. The following measures have been carried out in order to compare, from an electrical point of view, the devices that will be reviewed on this site. It is not possible to make comparisons with measurements made by other laboratories on different devices. The instrumentation and measurement conditions are probably very different.
  2. The instrumentation used for the measurements is obsolete and unprofessional. We believe that more precise instrumentation is not necessary due to the tolerances of the human auditory system. Distinguishing a distortion of 1% from one of 1.1% or 1.001% only makes sense from the electrical point of view. Probably no one can hear the difference by ear. Only a child and very few lucky people can perceive the difference between a flat response curve up to 16 KHz and one up to 20 kHz.
  3. The perception of sound depends on many factors, namely the age of the listener, the listening environment, the musical genre that is being reproduced, the listener's expectations, his or her listening habits and knowledge and many other factors, besides of course the quality of the other devices. Therefore, there is no direct and unique relationship between the results of the measurements made and the pleasantness of listening to a specific device.

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced


Normally the measurement of the bandwidth is done on a resistive load. Therefore, the deformation caused by the loudspeakers' inductive load and the effect of the mechanical resonance of the speakers themselves on the feedback circuit are not considered. The effects are by no means negligible, the measurements carried out on a purely resistive load are always very linear but they don't coincide with the real frequency response.

On the other hand, this response curve was measured on an inductive laod, that is, with its own loudspeakers.
The frequency response measurements were made with a sinusoidal generator and a 
Wandel & Goltermann WM  20 level meter.
You can see the actual frequency response on the vobulator' screen.


Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced


he lower of the RMS voltages measured at the three sample frequencies divided by the load resistence.
The measurement conditions are the following:
- sample frequencies, 100, 1000, 10,000 Hz
- 8 ohm resistive load
- distortion less than or equal to 1%.
The measuring instrument provides the RMS value directly.

The measured RMS power is 3.8 W

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced


Misura IM% a 1000 Hz

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced


The Intermodulation Distortion % was measured with the SMPTE standard and measured at 1W RMS.
The two measurements were carried out by modulating the 50 Hz sine wave with a 1080 Hz sine wave and then with a 10400 Hz sine wave, with an amplitude in a ratio of 1/4 compared to the basic sinusoid.
The output voltage was kept around 2.83V on an 8 ohm carico.

The measured Intermodulation Distortion % (IM%) is 0.14%



The tones control system is very efficient. Above the large tone control knobs there is a band that lights up gradually indicating the emphasis on the band on which it acts.



Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced



Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced



Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced



Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced



Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced



Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced


Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception and a ferrite rotating aerial for AM reception.
Ferrite aerial can be rotated from the outside to achieve a perfect tuning of the device in the AM.
In this picture you can see the rotation mechanism, and the aerial position indicator.
The reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good. This unit was in fact produced when there were not many radio stations, and those available were far from each other.
Using an external aerial sensitivity is further increased.

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced




The magic eye has of course been replaced.


Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced

1 - Rotation command of the ferrite antenna
2 - Volume control (with loudness built-in)
3 - The bass control knob
4 - OFF
5 - Aux
6 - Long waves

7 - Medium Waves
8 - Short Waves
9 - FM
10 - Treble control knob
11 - Tuning knob AM
12 - Tuning knob FM

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced


Output for external speakers.
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket

Saba Meersburg W4 enhanced
Telefunken Opus 55 TS german radios - en

Telefunken Opus 55 TS – en


Telefunken Opus 55 TS

Designed and created in 1954, the OPUS 55 TS was the flagship model of the entire Telefunken production for the years 1954-55.
Since 1949, Telefunken decided to distinguish by the name “OPUS” the radio models at the top of their production. In fact, the first Opus model is the 1949 OPUS 49. This denomination remains until 1978, when the last Opus model, the 7050 HI-FI, is produced. In the following years the different models will be distinguished by alphanumeric abbreviations, such as TR550 and such.

The restoration of this device was very challenging, as the chassis had been cannibalized. As a matter of fact, potentiometers, tube sockets, many components, wires were missing and the HF coils had been torn. In short, the device was in terrible conditions. But a machine like this deserved a much more glorious end and the final result proved us right.
The amplifier stage has been literally rebuilt, the very fine wires of the high frequency coils have been reconnected through a very meticulous work.
The phases of this challenging restoration are documented with photographs, which can be seen at the end of the page in the dedicated section.

The declared output power was 15W but judging by the scheme and the voltages it must deliver about 10.
The good amount of power delivered and the high efficiency of the 6 loudspeakers allow the Opus 55 to successfully sonorize large rooms.
The double medium frequency stage, the complex feedback network, the push-pull output stage make it a classy and elegant radio. The configuration of this device will remain pretty much unchanged also in the following models, until the transition to the production of stereophonic models.
The devices of the Opus series are still among the most wanted by collectors for their extremely high quality standard.

The songs in the playlist highlight the incredible virtuosity of the performers. All these tracks were chosen specifically to put the device to the test. Below is a brief description.

- The first song proposed is a flamenco. Inspired by Playa la Barrosa in Cadiz, Spain, it was composed and interpreted by Paco de Lucia. The talent of the Spanish Maestro makes flamenco enjoyable even for those approaching this peculiar musical genre for the first time.
- With the second track we fly to Paris to meet the Russian-Israeli trumpet player, Sergei Nakariakov. Known as “the Paganini of the trumpet”, Nakariakov's work is fascinating because it continuously experiments with transcriptions of songs composed for other instruments, such as the song proposed here, “Moto perpetuo”, written for violin by Paganini himself.
- The third song, known as “Vento d'inverno”, ranked as op.25 no.11 is a technical study written by F. Chopin in 1836. This study was specifically written with the purpose of developing technique and endurance. It deserves to be seen played live, as it is truly disconcerting. However, Chopin did not mean to impress his listeners with the demonstration of his skills, but he believed his fingers to be “handmaidens of his soul” and with his soul he wanted to be heard, not with ears (H. Heine).
- The fourth track is a 1987 song taken from the album “Surfing with the alien” by guitarist Joe Satriani. An album that was recorded on the cheap, with a very limited budget, the three guitars used by Satriani were modified by him and electronic instruments were used to simulate many drum effects. However, the album was extremely successful thanks to Satriani's skills and creativity. The proposed song is a remastered edition of 2014.
- The last track, “Drum solo”, is a live recording of a performance by Daniel John Erlandsson (Malmö, 1976). Erlandsson is a Swedish drummer, who became successful with the metal band Arch Enemy. It is characterized by a very precise ritmica suono that mixes classic metal passages with the death-metal typical of his band. The song is undoubtedly exciting even for the non-lovers of the Metal genre.

Telefunken Opus 55 TS

Telefunken Opus 55 TS



Built-in Bluetooth receiver



Each radio is equipped with a special cable that connects with any digital source.



- Built-in Bluetooth receiver - This unit can be equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly from the device. That makes it possible to use the amplifier from any digital device, IPAD, Smartphone, or sophisticated multimedia station. You can listen to your wireless Web Stations or favorite music around the room. On request, we can also mount a Wireless Receiver.

- Multi Platform connections - Along with the device, we can also provides you an impedance adapter cable to connect any digital source, such as iphone, smartphone, computer, CD player, etc. This purpose-built cable adapts different impedances of modern digital equipment. Also the two stereo channels are collected into a single flow without increasing the load input unit.

Kaiser Wilhelm II
Telefunken U73b Compressor
Telefunken U73b Compressor
Telefunken V76 in studio


1903 To prevent the English Marconi Company from having a monopoly on wireless transmissions,,Kaiser Wilhelm II orders the company AEG and Siemens to set up a joint venture to develop wireless telegraphy in Germany. It was established under the name of Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegrafen mbH.

1923 The company name is changed to Firmierung in Telefunken, Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegrafen mbH. Abbreviated as Telefunken, where Tele means Telegraph and Funken means "Lightning" in the sense of being fast and immediate.

1930 Production gradually moves from military and Government equipment to the production of consumer appliances. During this period, Telefunken enters the market of radio-television, recorders and etching of records.

1930 As radio transmissions are now needed not only to transmit telegraph messages, but also true music and speech broadcasts, it becomes necessary to introduce the concept of sound compression, to avoid continual volume level changes of the radio. Telefunken designs and produces the U3, the first compressor for transmitting stations in the world,. TheU73b, as seen in the picture, represents the evolution of previous models—it allows you to change the compression level, the release times and the attack times.

1941 All Telefunken’s actions are transferred to AEG, which effectively becomes the sole owner of the trademark Telefunken, its factories and patents.

1948 Germany is not invited to the Copenhagen Conference, where the division of Medium and Short Wave radio frequencies of Central Europe is decided. The war has just ended, and officially Germany isn't considered as a technologically important nation. Because of this, Germany decides to develop FM broadcasts even if the quality of the transmissions is considerably higher than those in the AM. At this time, Telefunken develops the V72 microphone/amplification system and its evolutions, intended to be used in all German broadcasters and most European ones too, as well as at the most important recording studios, such as EMI, Decca, Telefunken, etc.

1955 The company becomes Telefunken GmbH.

1967 Telefunken is joined with AEG and the company becomes ‘’AEG-Telefunken’’.

1970 Poor management causes the company to lose market shares. AEG begins to outsource entire business segments and make constant rearrangements.

1985 Daimler-Benz AG buys what remains of AEG-Telefunken.

1996 The name Telefunken is cleared and all activities related to audio products stop.

Today The company name has been renewed in Telefunken Holding AG. Telefunken and its use worldwide are responsible for the name. In United States Telefunken USA buys the rights to build and market worldwide original microphones and some audio equipment under the brand Telefunken Elektroakustik.
The original company that helped spread the music throughout the world doesn’t exist anymore.


Year of production: 1954/55

Superheterodina IF 460/10700 8 Circuiti AM 11 Circuiti FM

Medium Waves (OM), Long Waves (OL)
Short waves (OC), FM (UKW) 

VOLTAGE (AC) 110; 125; 160; 220 Volts

6 Loudspeakers
2 Main Mid-Woofer
2 Front electrostatic Tweeters
2 Cone Tweeters on sides

Dimensions (LHD):  640 x 420 x 280 mm / 25.2 x 16.5 x 11 inch

Net weight: 15,7 Kg

9 Tubes: ECC85, ECH81, 2 x EF89, EM80, EABC80, EC92, 2 x EL84

Rotating ferrite antenna for AM bands


This device is equipped with a set of 6 loudspeakers.
Only the Saba Freiburg 14, the Nordmende Tannhauser 59 and some later models of the Opus series are equipped with the same number of loudspeakers. All other German radios, even top-quality ones, have 5 loudspeakers at most.
In the front we find two wideband loudspeakers and two electrostatic tweeters. These loudspeakers are very directional so they are fixed to a prism structure that directs them so that the resulting spread angle is as wide as possible.
Two 10 cm cone tweeter are placed on the sides, cut with a 6 dB/oct filter so that along with the treble they also reproduce medium-high frequencies. The whole audible spectrum is then spread evenly in all directions, granting the listener a complete freedom of movement.

The frontal loudspeakers visible in these photos are not Telefunken originals. All the other loudspeakers are original.


As with each top german radio from this time period, the Opus 55 TS has separate bass and treble control.


Inside the Cabinet there is a dipole to receive FM bands and Shortwaves. A ferrite rotating antenna is for long and medium waves reception. The ferrite antenna can be rotated from the outside to collect the maximum possible signal while receiving two AM bands.

In the picture you can see the entire mechanism of the antenna’s rotation. Using the internal antennas, the sensitivity is very good. Of course, under some conditions, using an external antenna further increases the receiver’s sensitivity.


The tuning system is interesting and different than other devices made in Germany. The device is equipped with separate tuning mechanisms for AM and FM bands. There are two tuning knobs, separate but coaxial, with cable and pulley systems separated depending on the band. This type of tuning has a very strong mechanics.
Regarding maintenance, cleaning and lubricating once every 10 to 15 years is sufficient.

Telefunken Opus 55 TS


The magic eye has of course been replaced.


Telefunken Opus 55 TS

To the right is the volume controls (with built-in loudness)
On the same axis the larger knob controls the position of the Ferrite Antenna. A small window indicates its position.
Then we find the Magic Eye, which indicates the perfect tuning position for each station.
Just below there’s the Bass control knob. On the staff the notes change color depending on the position of the knob.
At the top we can find the dial glass.

Below, in order,
PLATTE - Turntable
MAGNETTON: Tape Recorder
LANG - LW (long wave),
BANDREITE - Bandwidth control in AM
MITTEL - MW (medium wave)
KURZ - KW (shortwave)
Finally there are AM/FM coaxial Tuning knobs.
Below, you can see the high-tone control knob with its indicator.


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Telefunken Opus 55 TS
Saba Freiburg W3 freiburg w3 - en

Saba Freiburg WIII – en


Saba Freiburg WIII

Saba Freiburg WIII is the company's flagship model in 1953. In that year, only Grundig 5050 could compete with  Saba Freiburg in terms of sound quality.
No other device was provided with concentric loudspeakers and, at the same time, with the 2 x EL84 (6BQ8) push-pull power amplifier.
The sound performance is very satisfying in both devices. The tweeter aligned with the woofer plays voices and solo instruments with unsuspecting brightness and presence.
With the second reinforcing woofer, the depth of the bass is inspiring and the holding power is also remarkable.
We are talking about actual 7W which, with such powerful loudspeakers, enough for large places.
The solution of concentric loudspeakers, unfortunately, was not adopted for the devices subsequently created both by Saba and Grunding, but it was later taken up by  Graetz for some of its top-of-the-rang models.
Now, it is one of the most adopted solutions in Hi-End speakers.

In the radio section, three peculiarities can be underlined:

  • the Muting button
    By pushing this button, the FM stations search becomes very quiet. The noise and interferences that are normally heard while moving from one station to another in the research phase are quietened. The Tuning Indicator decreases its sensitivity in the interval between two stations, regaining automatically the maximum sensitivity as soon as it gets closer to the station. A pleasant and exclusive refinement.
  • KW-Lupe
    When listening to broadcasts in the short wave band, tuning is often difficult because of the small bandwidth. It only takes a slight movement of the knob to lose the station. In order to solve this problem, Saba drew up the tuning precision control in Short Waves (KW-Lupe). This is how it works: press button K to select the Short Wave band. Tune to a radio station through the big knob of AM bands. Finally, refine the tuning by turning the small knob of the FM band, which in this case works as precision tuning for Short Waves.
  • ORT-S.
    It is possible to store a radio station in Medium Waves and rename it simply by pushing the ORT-S button. The storing mechanism is very simple. Press button ORT-S. Under the radio there is a hole with a screw. By turning that screw with a screwdriver, it is possible to tune to the favourite station. From this moment, every time the button ORT-S will be pushed it will tune to the preset station. In order to listen to other broadcasts in Medium Waves, it will be necessary to just push the button M and use normally the big tuning knob.

As usual for German companies, the series name, Freiburg in this case, is maintained throughout the years, even if the models produced are very different from each other. Among the devices of the Freiburg series, the  WIII model has unique features. The previous models do not have the same tone controls, the next models lack the concentric loudspeakers. They have other features, equally interesting... but not these.


Saba Meersburg w2 Enhanced



Bluetooth receiver embed



Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



Bluetooth receiver embed – The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.

Multi Platform Connection – A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.

Saba Factory - Villingen - 1960

Saba Factory - Villingen - 1960


SABA is the acronym for Schawarzwälder-Apparate-Bau-Anstalt meaning engineering institute of Technological appliances of the Black Forest.

The company was founded back in 1835 by Joseph Benedikt with the initial name of Jockele-Uhren, but only in 1923 the production of radio devices began and the company went under the name of SABA.
Toward the end of the 20s SABA became famous with the well-known S35 and in the following years it became the second German producer after Telefunken. During the war SABA produced military equipment and in 1945 the company was completely destroyed by a bombing.
In 1947 the production of radio devices began again and SABA distinguished itself immediately for ist avant-garde and high- quality production.

hey also began to produce TVs (the first PAL color TV is a SABA), house appliances and medical equipment. Many Italians used to work there. The Alnico Greencone loudspeakers became popular for their linearity, power handling, constant impendence that would be employed in each Hi-Fi devices of that time.

The radio devices with motorized tuning became popular as well and SABA became the representative German brand meaning quality, reliability and detailed precision. In the 1970s the decline began. According to specialized magazines of that time not having a Japanese device at that time meant not having Hi-Fi. In the 80s Thompson took over SABA. In the 90s the other way around, having a Japanese device of the 70s meant not having Hi-Fi. They found out that they functioned with a 96% counterreaction and that a device with 0.001 db from 1 to 100 KHz extension did not necessarily sound good.

We do not trust our ears and we do trust what other people say not necessarily with a good purpose.
2007: due to insolvency SABA disappeared from the TLC (Chinese) and Thompson (French) joint venture, and SABA ceased to exist.


Year of production: 19523
Superheterodyne IF: 472/10700
12 AM Circuits 11 FM Circuits/5

Wavebands: LW, MW, SW, FM
1 Woofer with assial Tweeter
1 Woofer

Dimensions (LHD):: 660 x 435 x 314 mm / 26 x 17.1 x 12.4 inch
Net weight: 19.8 kg / 43 lb 9.8 oz (43.612 lb)
10  Tubes: EF80 EC92 ECH81 EF41 EM71 EAF42 EABC80 EF40 EL84 EL84

Saba Meersburg W4 Enhanced


The loudspeaker polar diagram.

This is an example of polar diagram of a coaxial loudspeaker. The different lines show the sound intensity at the angle and frequency change. It's evident the minor directionality of low frequencies respect to those high.
We studied the positioning of the two loudspeaker to obtain the best response at a distance of  3 up to 6 meters.

To avoid pointless words, you have to listen to the result.


The tone control system is peculiar. It is a Baxandall configuration system with a particular feature, it interacts with the feedback system. This ensures an effective control of the band providing at the same time a reduction of distortion. The use, anyway, is very simple, as we can find the usual tone control knobs at the sides of the display. The colour of windows on the display progressively changes with the rotation of each knob. In this way, it is possible to get an impression of how much tones have been enhanced.

Saba Freiburg W3
Saba Freiburg W3


The device is provided with two internal aerials. A fixed dipole for the FM and UK bands and a rotary ferrite for MW and LW bands.
Clearly, the device is provided with sockets for external aerials on the back.
The ferrite aerial can be rotated with the big knob behind the volume knob.
Around the Magical Eye there is a seal with an indicator which reveals the position of the aerial.


Saba Freiburg W3

Saba Freiburg W3


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM and FM bands.
The movement is transferred to both mechanisms with a system of pulleys and separated gears.anica.

Saba Freiburg W3


The magic eye has of course been replaced.


Saba Freiburg W3

The Volume is controlled by the big knob on the left, the physiologic compensation is integrated.
The front knob, smaller, enables to rotate the ferrite aerial.
Moving right, on the tuning dial we can first find the tuning indicator (Magical Eye).
Around the Magical Eye we can see a crown with the indicator of the position of the ferrite aerial.
Just below, we can see the window of the bass tones indicator, and further below the bass tones knob.
Moving further right, we find the dial glass with the different bands, Long Waves, Medium Waves and Short Waves.
The UK section is the scale of the FM band.
Below it, we can see also the scale of the TV channels, which could be listened to installing an additional module.

Further under is the keyboard, the buttons of which have the following functions:
AUS - Turn Off
UK - FM band
Ϙ - Turntable
UK/M - (FM) Tuning Mute  - (AM) - Ferrit Antenna (otherwise Off)
L - Long Wave
M - Medium Wave
K - Short Wave 
ORTS-S - OM preselected station

Moving left we can see the window of the treble indicator, and below the treble knob.
Finally, on the left remain the two concentric knobs of the tuning.
The one on the back, bigger, regulates the tuning of AM bands (OC, OM, OL).
The front one, smaller, regulates the tuning of the FM band (when the UK button is pushed).
When it is the K button to be pushed, instead, the same knob regulates the fine tuning of the Short Waves.
Under the radio we can find the two pre-selection screws of the OM station, which can be listened to by pushing the ORTS-S button.

Saba Freiburg W3


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.

Saba Freiburg W3


Pre-selection screws to set the OM station


Saba Freiburg W3
Braun RCS9 braun - en

Braun RCS9 – en

Braun RCS9

Braun RCS9

The best Tube receiver built by BRAUN.
Same receiver you find on model with turntable Atelier 2 and 3.

This receiver section represents the utmost of Braun tube production. It belongs to the class of biggest German receivers such as Telefunken Opus 2550, Nordmende 3004, Graetz Stereo Unit 250, the Saba Studio I etc.

Main feauture of this device is the simplification of electric circuits (today is pretty self-explanatory, but in 1961 it was considered a remarkable feature). Differently from other devices the Braun’s Negative Feedback is reduced to a single resistance (highlighted in red) aiming at a low distorsion and an excellent musical transparency.

The sounds control circuit is canonical: a very efficient and balanced Baxandall circuit (highlighted in yellow). It allows the sound control without changing the signal’s phase according to potentiometers.

The Loudness circuit (highlighted in green) is extremely simple and studies for a correct emphasis of low frequencies. Sound quality is as good as Telefunken’s, Nordmende’s, grundig's and Graetz’s of the same level, more refinement maybe.. You will definitely need high-efficiency loudspeakers. This enhanced device is valuable for its breathtaking design and for its performance both.

Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced

-FM frequency range widened from to 88 up to 104 MHz.
- Ultra noiseless MPX decoder embed.
- Output stages with noiseless resistors.
- Bluetooth receiver embed.
In no other place is there so much


FM frequency range widened from 88 up to 108 MHz


Amplifiers with new noiseless capacitors and resistors


Ultra noiseless MPX decoder embed


Bluetooth receiver embed



- FM frequency range widened from to 88 up to 104 MHz - The tube radios produced in Germany in the years 50/60 are famous worldwide for their excellent sound quality, the beauty of their furniture, their strength and for their construction standards without compromise. Unfortunately the FM band extending from 87.5 to 100 MHz for which are scarcely usable in most cases. After careful study and a lot of tests we were able to obtain a frequency range by some units from 88 to 104 MHz. We have also reconstructed a display exactly identical to the original, made with the same materials and the same techniques, but with the new frequency range. The result is perfect. An original device, but with the ability to listen most stations in any country.

- Improved amplifier - New high quality Metal Film resistors take a place of the noisy old carbon composite resistors. The old capacitors are completely renewed with very low parasitic losses (ESR). Great attention in the direction of assembly of the components has been used. All the improvements are substantial.

- Ultra noiseless MPX decoder - A MPX decoder was introduced between RF and BF stages. Usually it lack. It's a decoder developed specifically for this unit by a German engineer I work with. The noise level introduced is very low. Crosstalk is perfectly calibrated. With correct receiving conditions the result is an accurate reconstruction of the sound stage.

- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.


Dieter Rams installing the 'The New Electronics' pavilion for the show "Designing Modern Life" held within the Design Museum in London.

London Design Museum Rams

Design Museum of London

Short bibliograpy

- Walter Gropius, The new architecture and the Bauhaus, Cambridge, M.I.T. Press, 1968, ©1965.
- Gropius - Marston Fitch, Walter Gropius, New York, G. Braziller, (The masters of world architecture series), 1960.
- Magdalena Droste; Angelika Taschen, Bauhaus 1919 - 1933, Ko?ln Taschen 2002,
- Reissinger; Robinson; Siebenbrodt, Bauhaus Weimar - designs for the future, Ostfildern-Ruit : Hatje Cantz Publishers, 2000.
- Jaeggi-Schwaiger, Fagus: industrial culture from Werkbund to Bauhaus, New York , Princeton Architectural Press, 2000.
- Hans-Joachim Braun, The German economy in the twentieth century (The German Reich and the Federal Republic), Routledge, New York 1990.
- Jonathan M Woodham, Twentieth century design, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997.
- Nigel Whiteley, Design for society, London, Reaktion Books, 1998.

- http://www.bauhaus.de/
- http://designmuseum.org/design/dieter-rams
- http://gizmodo.com/5411868/dieter-rams-gallery/gallery/10
- http://www.formguide.de/en/designers/overview/peter-keler/


The 1961 is one of those "crossroads" years of the History of Twentieth Century. That year's events will leave a deep mark - for better or for worse - in Europe. The international context has deeply changed form the post-war years. The Nations that allied to defeat the Nazi Germany are by now opposed militarily and ideologically. From the beginning of the year the Cold War influences the whole World. The threat of a new Global War appears at this point inevitable, and the assumptions are all there. In this gloomy climate, a series of crucial events for mankind comes in succession.

In Germany, in particular, 1961 is recalled as "The year of the wall". In few days the Authorities of the German Democratic Republic ordered the construction of a double layered wall and an armed surveillance system to divide East Berlin form the western sectors. Berlin Wall becomes the symbol of a contrast between East and West that gradually involves the whole World, shortly afterwords bringing it to the brink of a nuclear catastrophe with the Cuban crisis two years later.

The contrasting two superpowers involves all sectors of the economic and political life. Scientific research paves the way to the conquest of Space, opening another contest front between USA and USSR to reach the Space. On April 12th, 1961 Yuri Gagarin with the Vostok 1 is the first human being to travel into Space and orbit around the Earth. the United States of America have to acknowledge the huge leap ahead of the technological development of Soviet Union.

It's the intellectuals turn to build bridges between the counter posed parts. 1961 is sure enough an extraordinary year also for Culture: Ivo Andric is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature; the debate between Positivism and Dialectical materialism divides the Frankfurt School. Karl Popper and Theodor Adorno discuss on the Scientific Research Methodology and give birth to the "Positivismusstreit", namely the clash between Positivism and Dialectical materialism that will influence the future Epistemological debate. The philosophical debate is as such originated by the different ideological visions of Marxism and Positivism. Hemingway commits suicide and Primo Levi writes "La tregua/The Truce", an account of a return to the world of the Living after the hell of Lagers.

The 1961 is moreover the Economic Boom year and the re-construction of the Europe that had been destroyed during the Second World War -that went on during the '50s - forms the paving ground of an unprecedented economic growth period. The welfare society arises, and Germany is in the front line.

German culture rediscovers Weimar. and the representatives of the artistic and theatrical avantgarde, such as Brecht. Walter Gropius, founder in 1919 of the revolutionary tendency of Bauhaus Architecture, establishes in Darmstad the Bauhaus Archive. The Bauhaus, created in 1919, and permanently snapped off with the coming to power of Hitler, is rediscovered in the early '60s by the new generation grown in the harsh postwar period. The rediscovering of the essential lines of the concept of the great German architect is, for the architects of the '60s an Epiphany. The hose and the furniture become the final product of a mental, planning and practical process that combines together technique, ergonomics, simplicity in an totally innovative stylistic merger.

New building techniques concepts enter into the big firms trough by hiring designers, new profession that starts influencing the production lines. With thins new approach the product-objects that are sold are to be seen in a “total” product vision, that is a synthesis of technique and concept.The modern idea of Design as we currently mean it is born.

Braun is one of the first Firms that decides to invest in Design. The best designer was Dieter Rams, who was on apprentice with Otto Apel (Apel was for ten years the assistant of Albert Speer, Hitler's architect, and following that became the Ministry for Armaments and War Production of the Reich. After the war he was hired by the Americans to modernize the construction industry techniques in the USA). Rams started a stylistic research work that brought him to develop the concept of “ergonomic essentiality”, summarized in his aphorism "Weniger, aber besser", that is “Less, but better” or in a wider sense “Less, as long as better”.The influences of the Bauhaus are clear in his works, particularly Peter Keler works, from which he took the concepts of “spatiality” and “linearity” of works as "Wiege (Cradle)", 1922 translating the into simple and elegant lines.

Carlo Giacchin

Dieter Rams Paris.jpg

Dieter Rams at Vitsœ - Paris

Dieter Rams’ 10 principles of good design

Good Design is Innovative - The possibilities for innovation are not, by any means, exhausted.
Good Design Makes a Product Useful - A product is bought to be used. Good design emphasises the usefulness of a product.
Good Design is Aesthetic - The aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products are used every day and have an effect on people and their well-being.
Good Design Makes a Product Understandable - It clarifies the product’s structure.
Good Design is Unobtrusive Products - fulfilling a purpose are like tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art.
Good Design is Honest - It does not make a product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept.
Good Design is Long-lasting - It avoids being fashionable and therefore never appears antiquated.
Good Design Is Thorough Down to the Last Detail - Nothing must be arbitrary or left to chance. Care and accuracy in the design process show respect towards the consumer.
Good Design is Environmentally Friendly - Design makes an important contribution to the preservation of the environment.
Good Design is as Little Design as Possible - Less, but better. Back to purity, back to simplicity.



Year of production: 1961/65

Superheterodyne IF 455/10700
8 AM Circuits 12 FM Circuits

Wavebands: LW, MW, SW, FM

Operating voltage (CA) 110; 125; 160; 220 Volts

Dimensions (LHD): 562 x 195 x 280 mm / 22.1 x 7.7 x 11 inch
Net weight: 13 kg / 28 lb 10.1 oz (28.634 lb)

11 Tubes: ECC85 ECH81 EF89 EBF89 EM84 ECC83 ECC83 EC92 EC92 ELL80 ELL80

Rotating ferrite aerial for AM bands

Braun RCS9
Braun RCS9


The tone control system use Baxandall circuits as described in the initial comments.
The network is logarithmic and also potentiometers, as in the original Baxandall project.
With this circuit the improved symmetry of response curves is worth it.


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception and a ferrite rotating aerial for AM reception.
Ferrite aerial can be rotated from the outside to achieve a perfect tuning of the device in the AM.
In this picture see the rotation mechanism and the position indicator of the aerial.
The reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good. This unit was in fact produced in a period when there were not many radio stations and those available fairly apart from each others.
Using an external aerial sensitivity is further increased.

Braun RCS9 Atelier 2
Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced


The magic eye has of course been replaced.


Braun RCS9

The volume control is on the left (with built-in loudness) and axially.
The next control you meet on the left is the Treble. Then you can see the Bass control knob.
Above you see the Magic Eye (Tuning Indicator)
On the left you meet the band spread dial with the FM, Short, Medium, and Long Wave bands.
Below you see the control buttons. Respectively: Off, Voice, AFC, Stereo/Mono, Turntable, LW, Internal AM Antenna, MW, SW, FM.
On the right the big tuning knob.
Below you see the Volume Control II (Deactivated), the Balance control and the ferrite aerial orientation knob. 

Braun RCS9 Atelier 2


AM and FM antenna inputs and ground socket.
Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)


Braun RCS9
Saba Meersburg W2 german radios - en

Saba meersburg w2 enhanced – en



The Meersburg W2 Radio was built during 1952 by the company SABA.
The company gave the models of its radios the names of German cities.
This model has been the best amongst all the devices with the output stage in A-class.
The Meersburg's model is unique and outstanding around the world because it uses a powerful EL34 as a power output.
I've never heard of another radio as special as this one.

On demand, we can offer this unit with some changes, highlighting its extraordinary performance.
Any changes made are completely reversible.
Below are the most important changes we propose:-
- Replacement of EL34 with a KT88 including the changes of the polarization.
- In order to keep the deep scenographic of the original to change the disposal of the speakers.

The most interesting features about the Meersburg W2 are:-
- Output stage in A Class with EL34 pentode as modern amplifiers Hi- End.-
- Alloy speakers to completely muffle the vibrations.
- Checks the loudness with five prearranged equalization curves selected from a switch.

- The amplifier FM is a pentode. This architectural choice guarantees more sensibility than following tiodano amplifiers. Unfortunately, the high sound is dependant on this type of tube and for this reason it is necessary to be careful to select the correct tube.
- The medium frequencies are equipped with a coupling adjustment. This feature allows  calibration with high precision the slope and extension of the medium frequency curve. Usually, there is not this control and has been predetermined by the manufacturer at an average value.

This radio looks wonderful with its well proportioned form.
It is possible to put the loudspeakers in a library or in a corner in side the wall.
The quality and the power of the sound is beyond imagination.
Furthermore, it is possible to listen to music by streaming because the receiver Bluetooth has been integrated inside the device.
In my opinion this is particularly beneficial.


- Output stage in A - Class with EL34. No other radio in the world has this powerful vacuum tube.

Saba Meersburg w2 Enhanced

Saba Meersburg w2 Enhanced

The position and the kind of the loudspeakers is changed.


The original EL34 was replaced by a powerful KT88.


Bluetooth receiver embed


Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Improved Loudspekers - The two loudspeaker are changed and have now the central axle aligned. A new crossover filter is installed to have the best response curve possible. The results is that the soundstage is incredibly realistic for a mono device. And the listening in mono it may hold some surprises. Seeing is believing.

- EL34 replaced by KT88. - The original power tube of this radio is an EL34. This is an unusual engineering choice and makes this radio one of the most unique in the world. I have wanted to experiment the employment of the KT88 instead of the EL34. The polarization has been changed and the KT88 works in suitable conditions. It is intentional that all its power is not used to the maximum benefit instead could be used on other external speakers. This elaboration has transformed the radio into something similar to a Juke Box. The sound of the KT88 is more dry than the EL34, this last one ( EL34) is more well rounded. It is possible to make a preferential choice as the base is different between the two tubes. The power discharged by the strong KT88 tubes is magnified. The risk is the physical limit will be reached by the frontal loudspeaker at wideband.
This makes the devise suitable for tolerant neighbours!
- Bluetooth receiver embed – The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.

Multi Platform Connection – A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.


Saba Meersburg w2 Enhanced


Saba Factory - Villingen - 1960

Saba Factory - Villingen - 1960


SABA is the acronym for Schawarzwälder-Apparate-Bau-Anstalt meaning engineering institute of Technological appliances of the Black Forest.

The company was founded back in 1835 by Joseph Benedikt with the initial name of Jockele-Uhren, but only in 1923 the production of radio devices began and the company went under the name of SABA.
Toward the end of the 20s SABA became famous with the well-known S35 and in the following years it became the second German producer after Telefunken. During the war SABA produced military equipment and in 1945 the company was completely destroyed by a bombing.
In 1947 the production of radio devices began again and SABA distinguished itself immediately for ist avant-garde and high- quality production.

hey also began to produce TVs (the first PAL color TV is a SABA), house appliances and medical equipment. Many Italians used to work there. The Alnico Greencone loudspeakers became popular for their linearity, power handling, constant impendence that would be employed in each Hi-Fi devices of that time.

The radio devices with motorized tuning became popular as well and SABA became the representative German brand meaning quality, reliability and detailed precision. In the 1970s the decline began. According to specialized magazines of that time not having a Japanese device at that time meant not having Hi-Fi. In the 80s Thompson took over SABA. In the 90s the other way around, having a Japanese device of the 70s meant not having Hi-Fi. They found out that they functioned with a 96% counterreaction and that a device with 0.001 db from 1 to 100 KHz extension did not necessarily sound good.

We do not trust our ears and we do trust what other people say not necessarily with a good purpose.
2007: due to insolvency SABA disappeared from the TLC (Chinese) and Thompson (French) joint venture, and SABA ceased to exist.

Year of production: 19523
Superheterodyne IF: 472/10700
9 AM Circuits 9 FM Circuits/5

Wavebands: LW, MW, SW, FM
1 wideband
1 Tweeter
Dimensions (LHD):: 630 x 400 x 310 mm / 24.8 x 15.7 x 12.2 inch
Net weight: 17.8 kg / 39 lb 3.3 oz (39.207 lb)
7  Tubes: EF80 EC92 ECH81 EF85 EM71 EABC80 EL34

Saba Meersburg W4 Enhanced


The loudspeaker polar diagram.

This is an example of polar diagram of a coaxial loudspeaker. The different lines show the sound intensity at the angle and frequency change. It's evident the minor directionality of low frequencies respect to those high.
We studied the positioning of the two loudspeaker to obtain the best response at a distance of  3 up to 6 meters.

To avoid pointless words, you have to listen to the result.


The Tone Control system is completely different from the majority of other devices.
The manufacturer has installed a prearranged switch system with five equalization curves.

The selected curve is visible on three vertical and small windows emphasizing a low, medium and acute tone.

The advantages of this system are clarity and stability but its limitation is that it is possible to make a slight adjustment choosing one of the five prearranged equalizations curves.
However the five prearranged equalization curves cover all listening needs.

Saba Meersburg w2 Enhanced


The device has an integrated aerial able to receive FM band.

To receive the AM band there is a connection in the FM's aerial coil.

Behind this device it is possible to find sockets for external aerials.


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM and FM bands.
The movement is transferred to both mechanisms with a system of pulleys and separated gears.

saba meersburg W4 enhanced

Saba Meersburg w2 Enhanced


The magic eye has of course been replaced.


Saba Meersburg w2 Enhanced

The volume is controlled from the tuning knob placed on the left. The loudness is integrated.
In line with the axis it is possible to find a knob to choose the prearranged equalization curve.
On the right you can find the tuning's indicator.

Below is shown the dialglass with different bands: Long, Medium and Short waves.
At the bottom of the dialglass two sections are visible: K-Lupe and UK
The K-Lupe section, convenient to listen to short waves (KW).
The UK section, that is the FM band's scale.

At the end you can find :
- a series of buttons : OFF, normal tuning (AM), closed tuning (AM), Record Player, Bands (Long, Medium and Short), FM.
- three bars indicating the selected equalization curve.
- two knobs on the right. The biggest one for the three AM Band on the and the smallest for the FM Band and fine tuning in short waves.
The tuning of the short waves is carried out in two phases:
1. Press the button KW and tuning use the biggest tuning's knob.
2.Use the the smallest knob (the same than FM tuning) and watch the K-Lupe scale to refine tuning the preselected station.

Saba Meersburg w2 Enhanced


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Saba Meersburg w2 Enhanced
Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced braun - en

Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced – en

Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced

Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced

The best Tube receiver built by BRAUN

This is a really special review. In fact, the device under test is not only one of the best tube stereo receivers built in Germany in the 60's. Not only is the device that has a shocking design, modern and rational than the other equipment of the time. But this device it has been improved by us in its essential points. The result is spectacular.

But let's start from the beginning. The receiver section represents the utmost of Braun tube production. It belongs to the class of biggest German receivers such as Telefunken Opus 2550, Nordmende 3004, Graetz Stereo Unit 250, the Saba Studio I etc.

Main feauture of this device is the simplification of electric circuits (today is pretty self-explanatory, but in 1961 it was considered a remarkable feature). Differently from other devices the Braun’s Negative Feedback is reduced to a single resistance (highlighted in red) aiming at a low distorsion and an excellent musical transparency.

The sounds control circuit is canonical: a very efficient and balanced Baxandall circuit (highlighted in yellow). It allows the sound control without changing the signal’s phase according to potentiometers.

The Loudness circuit (highlighted in green) is extremely simple and studies for a correct emphasis of low frequencies. Sound quality is as good as Telefunken’s, Nordmende’s, grundig's and Graetz’s of the same level, more refinement maybe.. You will definitely need high-efficiency loudspeakers. This enhanced device is valuable for its breathtaking design and for its performance both.

Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced

-FM frequency range widened from to 88 up to 104 MHz.
- New vintage turntable with anti-skating and cartridge weight regulation.
- Ultra noiseless MPX decoder embed.
- Output stages with noiseless resistors.
- Bluetooth receiver embed.
In no other place is there so much


FM frequency range widened from 88 up to 108 MHz


New vintage turntable with anti-skating and cartridge weight regulation


Amplifiers with new noiseless capacitors and resistors


Ultra noiseless MPX decoder embed


Bluetooth receiver embed



- FM frequency range widened from to 88 up to 104 MHz - The tube radios produced in Germany in the years 50/60 are famous worldwide for their excellent sound quality, the beauty of their furniture, their strength and for their construction standards without compromise. Unfortunately the FM band extending from 87.5 to 100 MHz for which are scarcely usable in most cases. After careful study and a lot of tests we were able to obtain a frequency range by some units from 88 to 104 MHz. We have also reconstructed a display exactly identical to the original, made with the same materials and the same techniques, but with the new frequency range. The result is perfect. An original device, but with the ability to listen most stations in any country.

- New vintage turntable with anti-skating and cartridge weight regulation - The turntable originally installed on this beautiful machine is really inadequate. In 1962 you could find much better. But for reasons of space, aesthetics, and I think, also economics, it was installed a BRAUN PC4 model.
The new turntable mounted was produced by Dual and is a very particular model. It has a series of characteristics that have allowed, and made affordable, transplantation.
Compatibility Features:
- Only a few years newer than the Braun
- Quite similar in size to the original turntable.
- Piezo cartridge. So it works perfectly with the Braun preamplifier stage
Improvement features:
- Cartridge weight adjustment
- Antiskating adjustment
It 'been necessary a significant top panel adjustment work, but the result is perfect. It seems born that way.

- Improved amplifier - New high quality Metal Film resistors take a place of the noisy old carbon composite resistors. The old capacitors are completely renewed with very low parasitic losses (ESR). Great attention in the direction of assembly of the components has been used. All the improvements are substantial.

- Ultra noiseless MPX decoder - A MPX decoder was introduced between RF and BF stages. Usually it lack. It's a decoder developed specifically for this unit by a German engineer I work with. The noise level introduced is very low. Crosstalk is perfectly calibrated. With correct receiving conditions the result is an accurate reconstruction of the sound stage.

- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.


Dieter Rams installing the 'The New Electronics' pavilion for the show "Designing Modern Life" held within the Design Museum in London.

London Design Museum Rams

Design Museum of London

Short bibliograpy

- Walter Gropius, The new architecture and the Bauhaus, Cambridge, M.I.T. Press, 1968, ©1965.
- Gropius - Marston Fitch, Walter Gropius, New York, G. Braziller, (The masters of world architecture series), 1960.
- Magdalena Droste; Angelika Taschen, Bauhaus 1919 - 1933, Ko?ln Taschen 2002,
- Reissinger; Robinson; Siebenbrodt, Bauhaus Weimar - designs for the future, Ostfildern-Ruit : Hatje Cantz Publishers, 2000.
- Jaeggi-Schwaiger, Fagus: industrial culture from Werkbund to Bauhaus, New York , Princeton Architectural Press, 2000.
- Hans-Joachim Braun, The German economy in the twentieth century (The German Reich and the Federal Republic), Routledge, New York 1990.
- Jonathan M Woodham, Twentieth century design, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1997.
- Nigel Whiteley, Design for society, London, Reaktion Books, 1998.

- http://www.bauhaus.de/
- http://designmuseum.org/design/dieter-rams
- http://gizmodo.com/5411868/dieter-rams-gallery/gallery/10
- http://www.formguide.de/en/designers/overview/peter-keler/


The 1961 is one of those "crossroads" years of the History of Twentieth Century. That year's events will leave a deep mark - for better or for worse - in Europe. The international context has deeply changed form the post-war years. The Nations that allied to defeat the Nazi Germany are by now opposed militarily and ideologically. From the beginning of the year the Cold War influences the whole World. The threat of a new Global War appears at this point inevitable, and the assumptions are all there. In this gloomy climate, a series of crucial events for mankind comes in succession.

In Germany, in particular, 1961 is recalled as "The year of the wall". In few days the Authorities of the German Democratic Republic ordered the construction of a double layered wall and an armed surveillance system to divide East Berlin form the western sectors. Berlin Wall becomes the symbol of a contrast between East and West that gradually involves the whole World, shortly afterwords bringing it to the brink of a nuclear catastrophe with the Cuban crisis two years later.

The contrasting two superpowers involves all sectors of the economic and political life. Scientific research paves the way to the conquest of Space, opening another contest front between USA and USSR to reach the Space. On April 12th, 1961 Yuri Gagarin with the Vostok 1 is the first human being to travel into Space and orbit around the Earth. the United States of America have to acknowledge the huge leap ahead of the technological development of Soviet Union.

It's the intellectuals turn to build bridges between the counter posed parts. 1961 is sure enough an extraordinary year also for Culture: Ivo Andric is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature; the debate between Positivism and Dialectical materialism divides the Frankfurt School. Karl Popper and Theodor Adorno discuss on the Scientific Research Methodology and give birth to the "Positivismusstreit", namely the clash between Positivism and Dialectical materialism that will influence the future Epistemological debate. The philosophical debate is as such originated by the different ideological visions of Marxism and Positivism. Hemingway commits suicide and Primo Levi writes "La tregua/The Truce", an account of a return to the world of the Living after the hell of Lagers.

The 1961 is moreover the Economic Boom year and the re-construction of the Europe that had been destroyed during the Second World War -that went on during the '50s - forms the paving ground of an unprecedented economic growth period. The welfare society arises, and Germany is in the front line.

German culture rediscovers Weimar. and the representatives of the artistic and theatrical avantgarde, such as Brecht. Walter Gropius, founder in 1919 of the revolutionary tendency of Bauhaus Architecture, establishes in Darmstad the Bauhaus Archive. The Bauhaus, created in 1919, and permanently snapped off with the coming to power of Hitler, is rediscovered in the early '60s by the new generation grown in the harsh postwar period. The rediscovering of the essential lines of the concept of the great German architect is, for the architects of the '60s an Epiphany. The hose and the furniture become the final product of a mental, planning and practical process that combines together technique, ergonomics, simplicity in an totally innovative stylistic merger.

New building techniques concepts enter into the big firms trough by hiring designers, new profession that starts influencing the production lines. With thins new approach the product-objects that are sold are to be seen in a “total” product vision, that is a synthesis of technique and concept.The modern idea of Design as we currently mean it is born.

Braun is one of the first Firms that decides to invest in Design. The best designer was Dieter Rams, who was on apprentice with Otto Apel (Apel was for ten years the assistant of Albert Speer, Hitler's architect, and following that became the Ministry for Armaments and War Production of the Reich. After the war he was hired by the Americans to modernize the construction industry techniques in the USA). Rams started a stylistic research work that brought him to develop the concept of “ergonomic essentiality”, summarized in his aphorism "Weniger, aber besser", that is “Less, but better” or in a wider sense “Less, as long as better”.The influences of the Bauhaus are clear in his works, particularly Peter Keler works, from which he took the concepts of “spatiality” and “linearity” of works as "Wiege (Cradle)", 1922 translating the into simple and elegant lines.

Carlo Giacchin

Dieter Rams Paris.jpg

Dieter Rams at Vitsœ - Paris

Dieter Rams’ 10 principles of good design

Good Design is Innovative - The possibilities for innovation are not, by any means, exhausted.
Good Design Makes a Product Useful - A product is bought to be used. Good design emphasises the usefulness of a product.
Good Design is Aesthetic - The aesthetic quality of a product is integral to its usefulness because products are used every day and have an effect on people and their well-being.
Good Design Makes a Product Understandable - It clarifies the product’s structure.
Good Design is Unobtrusive Products - fulfilling a purpose are like tools. They are neither decorative objects nor works of art.
Good Design is Honest - It does not make a product more innovative, powerful or valuable than it really is. It does not attempt to manipulate the consumer with promises that cannot be kept.
Good Design is Long-lasting - It avoids being fashionable and therefore never appears antiquated.
Good Design Is Thorough Down to the Last Detail - Nothing must be arbitrary or left to chance. Care and accuracy in the design process show respect towards the consumer.
Good Design is Environmentally Friendly - Design makes an important contribution to the preservation of the environment.
Good Design is as Little Design as Possible - Less, but better. Back to purity, back to simplicity.


Year of production: 1961/65
Superheterodyne IF 455/10700
8 AM Circuits 12 FM Circuits
Wavebands: LW, MW, SW, FM
Operating voltage (CA) 110; 125; 160; 220 Volts
Dimensions (LHD): 562 x 195 x 280 mm / 22.1 x 7.7 x 11 inch
Net weight: 13 kg / 28 lb 10.1 oz (28.634 lb)
11 Tubes: ECC85 ECH81 EF89 EBF89 EM84 ECC83 ECC83 EC92 EC92 ELL80 ELL80
Rotating ferrite aerial for AM bands


The tone control system use Baxandall circuits as described in the initial comments.
The network is logarithmic and also potentiometers, as in the original Baxandall project.
With this circuit the improved symmetry of response curves is worth it.


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception and a ferrite rotating aerial for AM reception.
Ferrite aerial can be rotated from the outside to achieve a perfect tuning of the device in the AM.
In this picture see the rotation mechanism and the position indicator of the aerial.
The reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good. This unit was in fact produced in a period when there were not many radio stations and those available fairly apart from each others.
Using an external aerial sensitivity is further increased.

Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM and FM bands.
The tuning knob is single but a selector switch commutes into cable systems (all in steel) and pulleys separated depending on the band.
The movement is transferred to both mechanisms with a system of pulleys and separated gears.


The magic eye has of course been replaced.

Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced


Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced

The volume control is on the left (with built-in loudness) and axially.
The next control you meet on the left is the Treble. Then you can see the Bass control knob.
Above you see the Magic Eye (Tuning Indicator)
On the left you meet the band spread dial with the FM, Short, Medium, and Long Wave bands.
Below you see the control buttons. Respectively: Off, Voice, AFC, Stereo/Mono, Turntable, LW, Internal AM Antenna, MW, SW, FM.
On the right the big tuning knob.
Below you see the Volume Control II (Deactivated), the Balance control and the ferrite aerial orientation knob.

Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced


AM and FM antenna inputs and ground socket.
Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)


Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced
telefunken concertino steuergerät 2380 german radios - en

Telefunken concertino steuergerät 2380 – en



Around the early 1960s, the biggest German manufacturers put what we now call "receivers" on the market. They called them Steuergerät, which means Electronic Control Unit. The Telefunken Concertino Steuergerät 2380 is one such device.
The Telefunken produced two lines of Steuergerät, one with output stage in A class and the other in AB class. The Concertino 2380 had its output stage in A class, while the Opus 2430, and then the Opus 2550, had their output stage in AB class.
The Concertino has the same sizes, the same cabinet than Opus 2550. The Opus models are more powerful, with 7 W per channel, while the Concertino has 4 W per channel, but 4 W in A class makes the difference.
Another big difference between the Opus and the Concertino is that the Opus was designed with an embedded stereo decoder, while in the Concertino the decoder was optional. All our Concertinos are equipped with a stereo decoder.
The final tube in the Concertino is the famous ECL86. This dual tube consists of a triode, used as a preamplifier, and a pentode, used as a power output. We can often find this tube in refined amplifiers such as the Bang & Olufsen 608 or Scott Stereomaster 200B. The Concertino 2380 is equipped with oversized output transformers to prevent the air-gap reaches saturation. Furthermore, the huge power supply is oversized, as you can see in the pictures.
The circuit also provides a negative feedback that guarantees its linearity. The preamplifier stage has a physiological control of volume and tone controls separated for treble and bass. There are also two removable equalizers, further emphasizing the bass and treble. They’re very useful when the device is coupled to speakers whose frequency response is not entirely linear.
Finally, the sound is very round and balanced, as you'd expect. You can perceive the spaces between the notes. This tube device produces a warm sound, as expected, but can even be edgy with speakers with supertweeters.
The phenomenal sound quality is really unthinkable for this type of device. Since the device has built-in Bluetooth, it’s especially suitable for listening to streaming music. This, in my opinion, is putting it to its best use.

Beautiful stereo receiver with output stages Single Ended in A class, packed into a valuable hidden cabinet. It’s a precious component of a vintage home hi-fi system.

telefunken concertino steuergerät 2380


It is possible to connect any speaker, preferably with high efficiency.



The device is equipped with the rare Stereo Decoder, allowing you to listen to a multitude of FM Stereo broadcasts in stereo


Built-in Bluetooth receiver


Each radio is equipped with a special cable that connects with any digital source.



- Separate loudspeakers - Using separate loudspeakers is an important option for stereo receivers. This allows you to couple the receiver to speakers best suited to particular space, design or acoustic performance requirements. The most suitable loudspeakers are analysed later, under loudspeakers.

- Stereo Decoder - The device has an integrated Stereo Decoder. This allows you to listen to stations that use this transmissions system in stereo. Many stereo receivers are not equipped with a Multiplexer so they work in stereo only when you select the record player’s /Recorder/Aux input . Such receivers, in listening to the radio, send the same signal to both channels, so listening is monaural. This is not the case with the Concertino 2380, which is totally beyond stereo.

- Built-in Bluetooth receiver - This unit can be equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly from the device. That makes it possible to use the amplifier from any digital device, IPAD, Smartphone, or sophisticated multimedia station. You can listen to your wireless Web Stations or favorite music around the room. On request, we can also mount a Wireless Receiver.

- Multi Platform connections - Along with the device, we can also provides you an impedance adapter cable to connect any digital source, such as iphone, smartphone, computer, CD player, etc. This purpose-built cable adapts different impedances of modern digital equipment. Also the two stereo channels are collected into a single flow without increasing the load input unit.

Kaiser Wilhelm II
Telefunken U73b Compressor
Telefunken U73b Compressor
Telefunken V76 in studio


1903 To prevent the English Marconi Company from having a monopoly on wireless transmissions,,Kaiser Wilhelm II orders the company AEG and Siemens to set up a joint venture to develop wireless telegraphy in Germany. It was established under the name of Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegrafen mbH.

1923 The company name is changed to Firmierung in Telefunken, Gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegrafen mbH. Abbreviated as Telefunken, where Tele means Telegraph and Funken means "Lightning" in the sense of being fast and immediate.

1930 Production gradually moves from military and Government equipment to the production of consumer appliances. During this period, Telefunken enters the market of radio-television, recorders and etching of records.

1930 As radio transmissions are now needed not only to transmit telegraph messages, but also true music and speech broadcasts, it becomes necessary to introduce the concept of sound compression, to avoid continual volume level changes of the radio. Telefunken designs and produces the U3, the first compressor for transmitting stations in the world,. TheU73b, as seen in the picture, represents the evolution of previous models—it allows you to change the compression level, the release times and the attack times.

1941 All Telefunken’s actions are transferred to AEG, which effectively becomes the sole owner of the trademark Telefunken, its factories and patents.

1948 Germany is not invited to the Copenhagen Conference, where the division of Medium and Short Wave radio frequencies of Central Europe is decided. The war has just ended, and officially Germany isn't considered as a technologically important nation. Because of this, Germany decides to develop FM broadcasts even if the quality of the transmissions is considerably higher than those in the AM. At this time, Telefunken develops the V72 microphone/amplification system and its evolutions, intended to be used in all German broadcasters and most European ones too, as well as at the most important recording studios, such as EMI, Decca, Telefunken, etc.

1955 The company becomes Telefunken GmbH.

1967 Telefunken is joined with AEG and the company becomes ‘’AEG-Telefunken’’.

1970 Poor management causes the company to lose market shares. AEG begins to outsource entire business segments and make constant rearrangements.

1985 Daimler-Benz AG buys what remains of AEG-Telefunken.

1996 The name Telefunken is cleared and all activities related to audio products stop.

Today The company name has been renewed in Telefunken Holding AG. Telefunken and its use worldwide are responsible for the name. In United States Telefunken USA buys the rights to build and market worldwide original microphones and some audio equipment under the brand Telefunken Elektroakustik.
The original company that helped spread the music throughout the world doesn’t exist anymore.


Year of production: 1963

Superheterodyne IF: 460/10700 8 Circuiti AM 11 Circuiti FM

Medium Waves (OM), Long Waves (OL)
Short waves (OC), FM (UKW) 

VOLTAGE (AC) 110; 125; 160; 220 Volts

External Loudspeakers

Dimensions (LHD):   25.6 x 10 x 10.6 inch

Net weight: 30 lb 13.4 oz

8 Tubes: ECC85 ECH81 EBF89 EBC91 EM84 ECC83 2 x ECL86

Rotating ferrite antenna for AM bands
Stereo Decoder

telefunken concertino steuergerät 2380


The coupling of this receiver with high efficiency speakers is perfect.
Any Open Baffle, or JBL, Altec, Cervin Vega and Jensen.
Satellite speakers with hidden subwoofer are also fine.
However, the receiver is unable to drive low efficiency speakers, such as the AR3A and similar models.


As with each Hi-Fi amplifier from this time period, the Concertino 2380 has separate bass and treble control. An interesting feature is that the high-tone control also changes its efficiency with the volume variance, because of its association with the loudness circuit.

There is also a system of correction for the frequency response, consisting of two buttons that insert preset equalization curves. The BASS button emphasizes the low frequencies while the Jazz button emphasizes the high frequencies.


Inside the Cabinet there is a dipole to receive FM bands and Shortwaves. A ferrite rotating antenna is for long and medium waves reception. The ferrite antenna can be rotated from the outside to collect the maximum possible signal while receiving two AM bands.

In the picture you can see the entire mechanism of the antenna’s rotation. Using the internal antennas, the sensitivity is very good. Of course, under some conditions, using an external antenna further increases the receiver’s sensitivity.


The tuning system is interesting and different than other devices made in Germany. The device is equipped with separate tuning mechanisms for AM and FM bands. There are two tuning knobs, separate but coaxial, with cable and pulley systems separated depending on the band. This type of tuning has a very strong mechanics.
Regarding maintenance, cleaning and lubricating once every 10 to 15 years is sufficient.

telefunken concertino steuergerät 2380


The magic eye has of course been replaced.


telefunken concertino steuergerät 2380

To the right is the Magic Eye, which indicates the perfect tuning position for each station.
You can also see the coaxial volume controls (with built-in loudness) and balance controls.
Just below there’s the Bass control knob.
At the top we can find the dial glass.

Below, in order,
- the BASS switch (bass boosted),
- STEREO, AUS (off),
- LW (long wave), MW (medium wave), KW (shortwave), UKW(FM),
- INTIM (reduces the volume by 20 dB),
- JAZZ (treble emphasis).
Finally there are AM/FM Tuning knobs.
Below, you can see the high-tone control knob.

telefunken concertino steuergerät 2380


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


telefunken concertino steuergerät 2380
saba meersburg W4 enhanced german radios - en

Saba meersburg w4 enhanced – en



The MEERSBURG W4 model was built in 1953 by SABA.
Saba singled various models of their equipment giving the name of German's cities.
With Push-Pull power stage the Freiburg has always been the top model.
With Single Ended A Class power stage the top model has always been the Meersburg.
However the Meersburg W2 (the subject of a future review) and the Meersburg W4, for various reasons, have characteristics which, from some points of view, make them even more interesting models of Freiburg.

This review is also a little bit special.
In fact, this unit some changes to exalt to the maximum the already remarkable performance have been made.
This equipment will be exposed to the public, in Rome in October 2016 and in Taipei in December, and other future exposures. A copy can be ordered of course.
As our practice these changes are completely reversible.

But we come to the most interesting native features of this device.

Audio section:
- Final stage in pure A Class. Like the best modern Hi-End amplifiers. A true Religion.
- Speakers concentric. As the prestigosi and refined Hi-End, Goodmans, Altec, Jensen speakers etc. The only way to get a realistic and detailed sound image at the same time.
- Baxandall circuit on Tone Controls. As in the best Hi-Fi amplifiers of the following years. The other manufacturers were using the most simple and cost control configurations.

Radio section:
- FM Amplifier pentode. This constructive choice ensures greater sensitivity than later triode amplifiers. Unfortunately it accompanied by a higher intrinsic noise to the type of tube, for which is required a careful selection of the tube itself.
- Media converters with variable frequency coupling. This peculiaroità to calibrate very accurately the slope and the extension of the Medium Frequency bell. Normally, this control is not present, and is secured from the factory to a mean value.
- Double medium frequency stage. This expensive option guarantees a high sensitivity and selectivity.

The furniture is beautiful, the proportionate and rounded shapes sizes. Flaming (the design of the wood grain) is chosen with wisdom and taste. The mirror finish with which the device is proposed it further enhances its beauty.
For the speaker layout it is suitable to be positioned in a library or in a niche in the wall.
The sound quality is really unimaginable for this type of equipment.
Since the device is equipped with built-in Bluetooth, it is particularly suited to listening to streaming music.
The best use I can do, in my opinion.

- Dual concentric loudspeakers for a perfect sound image reproduction.

saba meersburg W4 enhanced

- New illumination system for a perfect simmetry in the dialglass retroillumination.

saba meersburg W4 enhanced

- Bluetooth receiver embed.

saba meersburg W4 enhanced

The position and the kind of the loudspeakers is changed.


We changed also the illumination system.


Bluetooth receiver embed


Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Improved Loudspekers - The two loudspeaker are changed and have now the central axle aligned. A new crossover filter is installed to have the best response curve possible. The results is that the soundstage is incredibly realistic for a mono device. And the listening in mono it may hold some surprises. Seeing is believing.

- Improved Illumination - Illumination system is changed for a perfect simmetric illumination of the dialglass. On the original device the illumination was not perfectly simmetric on the left respect the right side of the dialglass. It's not acceptable. Look at all other Saba Meersburg W series do you see on the net to understand the difference.

- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.

Multi Platform Connection – A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.

Saba Factory - Villingen - 1960

Saba Factory - Villingen - 1960


SABA is the acronym for Schawarzwälder-Apparate-Bau-Anstalt meaning engineering institute of Technological appliances of the Black Forest.

The company was founded back in 1835 by Joseph Benedikt with the initial name of Jockele-Uhren, but only in 1923 the production of radio devices began and the company went under the name of SABA.
Toward the end of the 20s SABA became famous with the well-known S35 and in the following years it became the second German producer after Telefunken. During the war SABA produced military equipment and in 1945 the company was completely destroyed by a bombing.
In 1947 the production of radio devices began again and SABA distinguished itself immediately for ist avant-garde and high- quality production

They also began to produce TVs (the first PAL color TV is a SABA), house appliances and medical equipment. Many Italians used to work there. The Alnico Greencone loudspeakers became popular for their linearity, power handling, constant impendence that would be employed in each Hi-Fi devices of that time.

The radio devices with motorized tuning became popular as well and SABA became the representative German brand meaning quality, reliability and detailed precision. In the 1970s the decline began. According to specialized magazines of that time not having a Japanese device at that time meant not having Hi-Fi. In the 80s Thompson took over SABA. In the 90s the other way around, having a Japanese device of the 70s meant not having Hi-Fi. They found out that they functioned with a 96% counterreaction and that a device with 0.001 db from 1 to 100 KHz extension did not necessarily sound good.
We do not trust our ears and we do trust what other people say not necessarily with a good purpose.
2007: due to insolvency SABA disappeared from the TLC (Chinese) and Thompson (French) joint venture, and SABA ceased to exist.


Year of production: 1953/54
Superheterodyne IF 472/10700
8 AM Circuits 11 FM Circuits
Wavebands: LW, MW, SW, FM
Operating voltage (CA) 110; 125; 160; 220 Volts
Dimensions (LHD): 600 x 385 x 276 mm / 23.6 x 15.2 x 10.9 inch
Net weight: 14.7 kg / 32 lb 6.1 oz (32.379 lb)
11 Tubes: EF80 EC92 ECH81 EF41 EM71 EAF42 EABC80 EL84
Rotating ferrite aerial for AM bands

Saba Meersburg W4 Enhanced


The loudspeaker polar diagram.

This is an example of polar diagram of a coaxial loudspeaker. The different lines show the sound intensity at the angle and frequency change. It's evident the minor directionality of low frequencies respect to those high.
We studied the positioning of the two loudspeaker to obtain the best response at a distance of  3 up to 6 meters.

To avoid pointless words, you have to listen to the result.


The tone control system is very efficient. Above the large tone control knobs there is a band that lights up gradually indicating the emphasis on the band on which it acts.

saba meersburg W4 enhanced


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception and a ferrite rotating aerial for AM reception.
Ferrite aerial can be rotated from the outside to achieve a perfect tuning of the device in the AM.
In this picture see the rotation mechanism and the position indicator of the aerial.
The reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good. This unit was in fact produced in a period when there were not many radio stations and those available fairly apart from each others.
Using an external aerial sensitivity is further increased.


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM and FM bands.
The movement is transferred to both mechanisms with a system of pulleys and separated gears.

saba meersburg W4 enhanced

saba meersburg W4 enhanced

saba meersburg W4 enhanced


The magic eye has of course been replaced.


saba meersburg W4 enhanced

The volume control is the big knob on the left (with built-in loudness).
Axially the front knob controls the ferrite aerial orientation.
Toward the right side you meet a little window with the Bass Indicator and the Tuning indicator.
Below you see the Bass Control knob.

Following you meet the Band Spread Dial with the FM, Short, Medium, and Long Wave bands.
Below you meet the control buttons. Respectively: Off, Aux, LW, MW, SW, FM.
Following you meet the Treble Control knob with above its Treble Indicator.
Lastly, on the woodcase you see the Tuning knobs. The biggest for the FM band, the smallest for the AM Bands.

saba meersburg W4 enhanced


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


saba meersburg W4 enhanced