分类: <span>rr3403 – cn</span>

Ducati RR3404 Paniere ducati - cn

Ducati RR…

Ducati RR3404 Paniere

The Ducati Breveti Society was born in Bologna in 1926 by the Ducati family.
The business grew quickly, so much so, that Adriano Ducati decided to extend the production from condenser to complete radio equipment.
When the Borgo Panigale office was opened further expansion took place.
In 1938, the Optics centre was created and for this reason two other plants were built near Borgo Panigale (one near Bazzano and one in Crespellano).
This production intensified to the point that Bruno Ducati began to study a new project to extend the plant even further.
In 1935, the Borgo Panigale plant was established.
This was a modern and ambitious project intended to create an industrial and technological centre in Bologna.
During this time, Ducati developed abroad opening branches in London, Paris, New York, Sydney and Caracus.
In 1954, during state management Ducati’s production was divided into Ducati Electrotechnics and Ducati Mechanics.
Ducati Mechanics was located in Plant 2, while Ducati Electrotechnics (now Ducati Energia) occupied the rest of the building.
The rest is modern history.

It is not a device purchased in recent times. It was purchased from the grandfather of the current owner.
The radio remained in the family, it was the only survivor of a previous collection; it was too important to remain abandoned in a damp warehouse.
This magic talking box, deserved to see the light of day again and make its baritone tone resonate in the middle of the room.

The page dedicated to this device is different from the usual one, it illustrates the history about this excellent and fascinating restoration.

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