分类: <span>grundig – cn</span>

Grundig 3012 - The butterfly 3012 - cn

Grundig 3…

Grundig 3012


The Grundig 3012 is a very special device called friendly "The bufferfly" because the loudspeakers position. The classification of Grundig devices is as follows:

Serie 1 xxx – Economic Class (ie.1060)
Serie 2 xxx – Economic - Medium Class (ie.2035)
Serie 3 xxx – Average Class (ie.3012)
Serie 4 xxx – Medium – High Class (ie.4035)
Serie 5 xxx - High Class (ie.5010)
Serie 6 xxx – Very High Class (ie.6099)

The Grundig 3012 belongs to the Medium Class but it has some features of the Upper Class.
Firstly, the final tube is a powerful EL12, normally used on Serie 5 devices.

The EL12 is a large pentode that delivers until 8W in A- Class.
The output transformer is a very large, almost like the power transformers in a normal radio, so it hardly goes into saturation.

Another important feature is the two elliptical loudspeakers.
Together, they can reproduce very low notes. Being smaller, they are faster and for this reason the bass is very limited, pleasant and modern.

Finally, the central tweeter and the symmetrical arrangement of the two broadband loudspeakers simulate a sound emitting point source. In this way, it is possible to get a remarkable “soundstage” effect and great depth of environment.

The cabinet of the radio is very beautiful and contains a surprise.
The clear frames that you can see on the sides are not painted, but they are inlaid.
All of these architectural choices do not belong to a Medium Class device, in fact Grundig 3012 is not a device of that class.


Grundig 3012

Grundig 3012


Bluetooth receiver embed



Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.

- Multi Platform Connection - A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.


1930 - At 22 years old Max Grundig begin a radio repair business.

1939 - The II world War start. Grundig works primarily for the Wehrmacht and repair of telecommunication equipment.

1945 - Immediately after the war, the demand for repair work was very great. Max Grundig built the first two Grundig appliances: the Tubatest tube tester and the Novatest testing device.

1947 - Start the sale of a kit radio, the Heinzelmann. The unit is the basis of success, sold more than 15,000 pieces.

1950 - Very high frequency (VHF) is introduced to Germany and places new demands on the industry. Grundig launches the 380 W on the market.

1952 - The first television channel starts up in Germany. After intensive research, Grundig launches the FS 080 onto the market. In the same year the first portable tape recorder Reporter 500 L is created.

1956 - After a lot of radio produced with progrssively high performances was produced the Concert Radio 5080 equipped with an equaliser, which has five controls and a visual display.

1965 - A new factory is established in Braga, Portugal. The Satellit 205 is one of many appliances in the Satellit series. This product marks the beginning of Grundig production of high-quality global receivers.

1970 - The Audiorama 7000 Hi-fi was produced, it has twelve dynamic speaker systems in one speaker.

1976 - The Reel Tape Recorder TS 1000 is equipped for semi-professional use.

1980 - The slim-line Hi-fi Tuner ST 6000 and the Monolith Hi-fi Dynamic Flat Top Antenna, which has 22 speaker systems, are two particularly popular appliances in the new hi-fi range.

1984 - After severe drop in sales Philips increased its stake in Grundig 31.6 percent and takes over the corporate management.

1997 - Philips pulls out of its involvement with Grundig.

2003 - The company files for bankruptcy.

2008 - Turkey's Koç Holding took full ownership of Grundig Multimedia B.V., the parent company of Grundig Intermedia GmbH in Nuremberg.

Courtesy of: Grundig



Year of production: 1952/53
Superheterodyne IF 468/10700
8 Circuiti AM
9 Circuiti FM


2 elliptical wideband
1 Electrostatic Tweeter

Dimensions (LHD): 660 x 414 x 275 mm / 26 x 16.3 x 10.8 inch
Net weight: 13.5 kg / 29 lb 11.8 oz

7 Tubes: EF85 EC92 ECH81 EAF42 EM34 EABC80 EL12

Grundig 3012


The tones control system is very efficient. Above the large tone control knobs there is a band that lights up gradually indicating the emphasis on the band on which it acts.
Interesting the high-tone control knob linked to two thin ropes. One of them is for the position indicator of the control itself, whereas the other changes the position of the ferrite in the MF transformers modifying the inclination of the transformer’s curve.
By doing so high tones were attenuated/accentuated even before getting to the BF stage. Tone control was usually put into effect with the potentiometer on the voltage amplifier stage


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception.
One arm of the dipole is also used for receiving AM bands.
Listening FM band the reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good.
For AM bands using an external antenna the sensitivity is good.
The picture shows the dipole fixed internally to the cabinet.

Grundig 3012

Grundig 3012


For both AM and FM bands the tuning system is unique.
The single variable capacitor is divided into 4 sections, two for AM and two for FM.
Each section is used respectively for the RF amplifier and the oscillator.
The mechanism is very simple and robust. It has the disadvantage of being a unique command for all bands.


The magic eye has of course been replaced.

Grundig 3012


There are three speakers, but what matters most about this unit is their arrangement.
They are arranged to reproduce the sound as if it came from a point source, like in a single speaker.
The acoustic result is extremely enjoyable, and the rebuilding of the scene is realistic. You find the depth and the space.
The bass is very deep and fast, and the acute are balanced, thanks to the help of the central electrostatic tweeter.
I do not understand why this configuration was not re-proposed even in the most expensive models. Maybe just to keep costs down.


Grundig 3012

Starting from the left, there are two coaxial knobs.
The most exterior and smaller, is that of the volume.
The internal knob, the larger one, is the control of acute tones.
Above this knob, the larger one, is the control of acute tones, and a little window is visible indicating its position.

We also find the power off buttons, which input from the record player, FM, Short Medium and Long Waves.
There are also two coaxial knobs. The most exterior and smallest, is the tuning knob.
The internal and largest, is the low tone control knob.
Above this, a little window is visible indicating its position.

Grundig 3012


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Grundig 3012
Grundig Stereomeister 300 german radios - cn

Grundig S…

Grundig Stereomeister 300


The following model, the Stereomeister 300 has a transistor FM converter, whereas in the immediately following models the FM valve converter stage has been reinserted.
This device is therefore remarkable both for its wonderful aesthetics designed by Grundig in those years and for the extremely modern features only to be found in later models.

The final stage is a class AB Push-Pull with a feedback circuit for response linearization and distortion decrease.
The response is indeed generally balanced and with a powerful push on bass regardless its small output transformers.
By employing efficient diffusers the power is more than appropriate even if you want to play the in big spaces.

I personally recommed to play this device at 3/5 of its maximum volume.
The response curve changes according to the position of the potentiometer that controls and corrects the volume.
The shift from the section with volume correction to the one with no correction is fairly audible, that is the reason why it is preferable to maintain the volume under the said limit.
No need to say that if you want to take full advantage of the power of this device ... you can turn the volume knob as much as you want.

Following Grundig’s tradition, the radio section is extremely stable, sensitive and free from ground noises.
Even the final stage is silent and buzzless.

Sound high quality, the stereo decoder and the absence of inner loudspeaker (giving the device a rather modern shape) make of this device a great collector’s piece.

After the Stereomeister series Grundig as well as other big german brands started to save on and “optimize” their projects and unfortunately their quality began to decrease and “more modern” quality criteria started to take over.

This device is one of the rare and few Grundig Hi-Fi tube stereophonic receivers

Grundig Stereomeister 300



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- 蓝牙接收器加装-该单位配备了一个蓝牙接收器,直接由收音机供应电源。这使得有可能控制放大器从任何外部数字设备作为一个iPad,智能手机,或一个复杂的多媒体站。所以你能无线听到您喜欢的网站或你的无损档案。无线接收器可根据要求选配。



1930 - At 22 years old Max Grundig begin a radio repair business.

1939 - The II world War start. Grundig works primarily for the Wehrmacht and repair of telecommunication equipment.

1945 - Immediately after the war, the demand for repair work was very great. Max Grundig built the first two Grundig appliances: the Tubatest tube tester and the Novatest testing device.

1947 - Start the sale of a kit radio, the Heinzelmann. The unit is the basis of success, sold more than 15,000 pieces.

1950 - Very high frequency (VHF) is introduced to Germany and places new demands on the industry. Grundig launches the 380 W on the market.

1952 - The first television channel starts up in Germany. After intensive research, Grundig launches the FS 080 onto the market. In the same year the first portable tape recorder Reporter 500 L is created.

1956 - After a lot of radio produced with progrssively high performances was produced the Concert Radio 5080 equipped with an equaliser, which has five controls and a visual display.

1965 - A new factory is established in Braga, Portugal. The Satellit 205 is one of many appliances in the Satellit series. This product marks the beginning of Grundig production of high-quality global receivers.

1970 - The Audiorama 7000 Hi-fi was produced, it has twelve dynamic speaker systems in one speaker.

1976 - The Reel Tape Recorder TS 1000 is equipped for semi-professional use.

1980 - The slim-line Hi-fi Tuner ST 6000 and the Monolith Hi-fi Dynamic Flat Top Antenna, which has 22 speaker systems, are two particularly popular appliances in the new hi-fi range.

1984 - After severe drop in sales Philips increased its stake in Grundig 31.6 percent and takes over the corporate management.

1997 - Philips pulls out of its involvement with Grundig.

2003 - The company files for bankruptcy.

2008 - Turkey's Koç Holding took full ownership of Grundig Multimedia B.V., the parent company of Grundig Intermedia GmbH in Nuremberg.

Courtesy of: Grundig


生产年份 : 1967
超外差式收音机IF 468/10700 - 6 AM电路,10 FM电路.
Wavebands: 中波(OM),Long Waves(OL), 短波(OC),FM(UKW) 


尺寸(LHD):520 x 200 x 280 mm
9 管:
ECC85 ECH81 EAF801 ECC83 EM87 ECC81 EC92 ECLL800 ECLL800



Grundig Stereomeister 300


The original loudspeakers, that can be buyes separately, are composed each one of a double Mid-Woofer loudspeaker and coaxial tweeters. They create a not that brilliant yet balanced sound.
The Stereomeister has 7,5 + 7,5 W output in ultralinear configuration but it can drive big loudspeakers without problems.
In the main gallery you can see the Stereomeister with a couple if AR 98 LS-U.


The radio is equipped with a tube Stereo-Decoder, that means it is a real stereo, not like most other vintage radio that used to be mono in the radio FM and stereo sections only because of the double final section.
To be clear, on the other radios the record player could be played in stereo, but the radio only in mono.

Grundig Stereomeister 300


The tubes are ECC85 ECH81 EAF801 ECC83 EM87 ECC81 EC92 ECLL800 ECLL800.
The 2 ECLL800 are like of a Push Pull of 4 EL95 with their own preamplifier stages built inside.


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM and a ferrite antenna for AM reception.
The receiving sensitivity with internal antennas is very good.

Grundig Stereomeister 300


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM bands by each of the other two FM bands.
The tuning knob is single but a selector switch commutes into cable systems (all in steel) and pulleys separated depending on the band.



Grundig Stereomeister 300


Grundig Stereomeister 300

Inside the black line ... we find the bass control under the magic eye (tuning indicator), the treble control and the volume control with loudness built-in and coaxially the balance control.
Continuing we find the record player button, the Mono/Stereo switch, LW, MW, SW and FM knobs.
On the right side the power switch.
The stereo indicator is on the left.
Under the magic eye that indicates the perfect tuning of each station.
To the right there is the AM main display for Long Wave Medium and Court bands, and the FM display.
Finally, there is the tuning knob.
The movement of the tuning knob is very pleasant being supported by a large flywheel.






Grundig Stereomeister 300
Grundig Stereomeister 15 german radios - cn

Grundig S…

Grundig Stereomeister 15


Despite the look futuristic, for that time, the Stereomeister 15 use only tube circuits.
In this device the original decoder has been replaced with a modern decoder specifically designed. This decoder has a better separation and a lower noise rate than the original one.

The most interesting feature of this model is that the output transformers are bigger than in later models.
I think that also the German industry progressively saved money in their projects.
Transformers larger means less possibility of saturation, deeper bass and lower distortion.
Like others Stereomeister the final stage is a class AB Push-Pull with a feedback circuit for response linearization and distortion decrease.
By employing efficient diffusers the power is more than appropriate even if you want to play the in big spaces.

The response curve changes according to the position of the potentiometer that controls and corrects the volume.
The shift from the section with volume correction to the one with no correction is fairly audible, that is the reason why it is preferable to maintain the volume at a certain level.

The unit is equipped with variable control of the Hall effect.
This refinement has been implemented in order to obtain a depth similar to what you have listening music in a very large room, such as a cathedral.
It's achieved by delaying the sound than the original and remix both.
I discourages the use of the Hall feature. The effect can be pleasant but it is a distortion of the original informations.

Following Grundig’s tradition, the radio section is extremely stable, sensitive and free from ground noises.
Even the final stage is silent and buzzless.

Sound high quality, the stereo decoder and the absence of inner loudspeaker (giving the device a rather modern shape) make of this device a great collector’s piece.

Produced in 1964 the Stereomeister 15 belongs to the Grundig highest class tube radio.

Grundig Stereomeister 15

Bluetooth receiver embed


Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.
- Multi Platform Connection - A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.


1930 - At 22 years old Max Grundig begin a radio repair business.

1939 - The II world War start. Grundig works primarily for the Wehrmacht and repair of telecommunication equipment.

1945 - Immediately after the war, the demand for repair work was very great. Max Grundig built the first two Grundig appliances: the Tubatest tube tester and the Novatest testing device.

1947 - Start the sale of a kit radio, the Heinzelmann. The unit is the basis of success, sold more than 15,000 pieces.

1950 - Very high frequency (VHF) is introduced to Germany and places new demands on the industry. Grundig launches the 380 W on the market.

1952 - The first television channel starts up in Germany. After intensive research, Grundig launches the FS 080 onto the market. In the same year the first portable tape recorder Reporter 500 L is created.

1956 - After a lot of radio produced with progrssively high performances was produced the Concert Radio 5080 equipped with an equaliser, which has five controls and a visual display.

1965 - A new factory is established in Braga, Portugal. The Satellit 205 is one of many appliances in the Satellit series. This product marks the beginning of Grundig production of high-quality global receivers.

1970 - The Audiorama 7000 Hi-fi was produced, it has twelve dynamic speaker systems in one speaker.

1976 - The Reel Tape Recorder TS 1000 is equipped for semi-professional use.

1980 - The slim-line Hi-fi Tuner ST 6000 and the Monolith Hi-fi Dynamic Flat Top Antenna, which has 22 speaker systems, are two particularly popular appliances in the new hi-fi range.

1984 - After severe drop in sales Philips increased its stake in Grundig 31.6 percent and takes over the corporate management.

1997 - Philips pulls out of its involvement with Grundig.

2003 - The company files for bankruptcy.

2008 - Turkey's Koç Holding took full ownership of Grundig Multimedia B.V., the parent company of Grundig Intermedia GmbH in Nuremberg.

Courtesy of: Grundig


Year of production: 1964
Superheterodyne IF 468/10700
6 AM Circuits
11 FM Circuits
Medium Waves (OM),  Long Waves (OL), Short waves (OC), FM (UKW)
Dimensions (LHD): 22.8 x 9.1 x 8.7 inch
Net weight: 28 lb 10.1 oz
8 Tubes:
ECC85, ECH81, EAF801, 2 x ECC808, EM87, 2 x ECLL800
Decoder stereo
Ferrite Aerial

Grundig Stereomeister 15


This device is not equipped with speakers placed inside the cabinet as any modern tuner-amplifier
In the gallery you can see the Stereomeister with a couple of Grundig 850 Professional


The radio is equipped with a Stereo-Decoder purposely projected and tested for it.

That means it is a real stereo, not like most other vintage radio that used to be mono in the radio FM and stereo sections only because of the double final section.

Grundig Stereomeister 15
Grundig Stereomeister 15


The tubes are ECC85 ECH81 EAF801 ECC808 EM87 ECC808 ECLL800 ECLL800.
The 2 ECLL800 are like of a Push Pull of 4 EL95 with their own preamplifier stages built inside.


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM and an orientable ferrite antenna for AM reception.
The receiving sensitivity with internal antennas is very good.

Grundig Stereomeister 15
Grundig Stereomeister 15


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM bands by each of the other two FM bands.
The tuning knob is single but a selector switch commutes into cable systems (all in steel) and pulleys separated depending on the band.

Grundig Stereomeister 15
Grundig Stereomeister 15





The stereo FM station indicator

Grundig Stereomeister 15

The tuning indicator has of course been replaced.


Grundig Stereomeister 15

From the left we find the Bass emphasis switch, the Stereo/Mono switch, the bands selectors, FM, SW, MW, LW, Phono and the OFF switch.
After we find the volume control with loudness built-in, the Bass control, the Treble control, the balance control and coaxially the Hall Control.
On the upper side we find the magic eye that indicates the perfect tuning of each station, the stereo indicator, the AM main display for Long Wave Medium and Court bands, and the FM display.
Finally, there is the tuning knob.
The movement of the tuning knob is very pleasant being supported by a large flywheel.

Grundig Stereomeister 15


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Grundig Stereomeister 15
Grundig 4085 4085 - cn

Grundig 4…

Grundig 4085


As for the Grundig 4095 I would like to tell a brief history this cabinet design.
Manufactured in 1956, the 4085 radio set was a Grundig mid-high grade equipment. What distinguished it from other high class Grundig radios was its special design shaped like a stylized Lyre.

Grundig 4085To Greek mythology, the inventor of the lyre was Hermes, who built it with a tortoise shell and a sheep gut to donate it to Apollo, who then gave it as a gift to his son Orpheus. In classical era, the lyre was linked to Dionysus and represented ecstasy and celebration. The lyre probably originates from northeastern Africa.
The design was used in some rare devices previous very daring.Grundig 4085
An interesting example is the Tonfunk (in fact subsequently absorbed by Grundig) Violetta Lyra 1955, visible in the image on the right.

In my opinion the 4085 and 4095 are the big capacity of synthesis of Grundig designers.
They design evoke the sinuous forms of Lira while maintaining clean lines, which they did at the time, growing old hit most other radios on the market.


Some stylistic solutions typical of this model were then adopted also by many other manufacturers for a long time.
For instance, the wooden frontal fillets designed to protect the speakers will be used in appliances and speakers until the '70s.
Even the golden color of the cabinet along with the four-sided and sharp lines will denote the most of the forthcoming production as a leitmotif.

Produced in 1956/57, the Grundig 4085 was the upper-mid range device with the most innovative look ever created by this brand.
In that same period, Grundig produced another line, the 4095, which was slightly larger and had a push-pull output stage.
The two devices, however similar, had unique defining characteristics and uses. One is not better than the other as each device has it's own key feature.
The 4095 was privileged with greater power and is better adapted to filling larger environments with sound.
The 4085 was given a Class A output stage, it has a more refined and warmer sound even if it is less powerful.
The EL84 is considered to be one of the best musical tubes ever produced. In fact, it is still used today in high-end amplifiers.
The tone controls are inserted into the feedback circuit so that distortions are further reduced.
Alnico wide-band loudspeakers are very efficient, requiring little power to reach elevated levels of sound pressure.
Furthermore, the warmth of this sound is that typical of very fast wide-band loudspeakers
Today, this type of wide-band loudspeaker is increasingly used in the production of high efficiency horn loudspeakers.
Another musical device with an incredibly modern look.

Grundig 4085

Bluetooth receiver embed


Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.
- Multi Platform Connection - A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.


1930 - At 22 years old Max Grundig begin a radio repair business.

1939 - The II world War start. Grundig works primarily for the Wehrmacht and repair of telecommunication equipment.

1945 - Immediately after the war, the demand for repair work was very great. Max Grundig built the first two Grundig appliances: the Tubatest tube tester and the Novatest testing device.

1947 - Start the sale of a kit radio, the Heinzelmann. The unit is the basis of success, sold more than 15,000 pieces.

1950 - Very high frequency (VHF) is introduced to Germany and places new demands on the industry. Grundig launches the 380 W on the market.

1952 - The first television channel starts up in Germany. After intensive research, Grundig launches the FS 080 onto the market. In the same year the first portable tape recorder Reporter 500 L is created.

1956 - After a lot of radio produced with progrssively high performances was produced the Concert Radio 5080 equipped with an equaliser, which has five controls and a visual display.

1965 - A new factory is established in Braga, Portugal. The Satellit 205 is one of many appliances in the Satellit series. This product marks the beginning of Grundig production of high-quality global receivers.

1970 - The Audiorama 7000 Hi-fi was produced, it has twelve dynamic speaker systems in one speaker.

1976 - The Reel Tape Recorder TS 1000 is equipped for semi-professional use.

1980 - The slim-line Hi-fi Tuner ST 6000 and the Monolith Hi-fi Dynamic Flat Top Antenna, which has 22 speaker systems, are two particularly popular appliances in the new hi-fi range.

1984 - After severe drop in sales Philips increased its stake in Grundig 31.6 percent and takes over the corporate management.

1997 - Philips pulls out of its involvement with Grundig.

2003 - The company files for bankruptcy.

2008 - Turkey's Koç Holding took full ownership of Grundig Multimedia B.V., the parent company of Grundig Intermedia GmbH in Nuremberg.

Courtesy of: Grundig


Year of production: 1956/57
Superheterodyne IF 460/10700
8 AM Circuits
13 FM Circuits
Operating voltage (CA) 110; 125; 160; 220 Volts
3 Wideband loudspeakers
Dimensions (LHD): 25.6 x 14.2 x 12.2 inch
Net weight: 32 lb 9.6 oz
7 Tubes:
ECC85 ECH81 EBF89 EAA91 EM34 ECC81 EL84

Rotating ferrite aerial for AM bands

Grundig 4085


The tones control system is a jewel. The device is equipped with a 5-band equalizer.
A red thread mark the position of the potentiometers and draws the chosen equalization curve.
Each knob is nicely associated with the musical instruments on which it acts.

Bass - Kettledrum, Tuba
Middle-Bass - Bassoon, Horn
Mid- Clarinet, Saxophone
Mid-High - Cornet, Violin
High - Trumpet, Flute

The visual effect is pleasant and easy to understand.


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception and a ferrite rotating aerial for AM reception.
Ferrite aerial can be rotated from the outside to achieve a perfect tuning of the device in the AM.
In this picture see the rotation mechanism and the position indicator of the aerial.
The reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good. This unit was in fact produced in a period when there were not many radio stations and those available fairly apart from each others.
Using an external aerial sensitivity is further increased.

Grundig 4085


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM and FM bands.
The tuning knob is single but a selector switch commutes into cable systems (all in steel) and pulleys separated depending on the band.
The movement is transferred to both mechanisms with a system of pulleys and separated gears.


The tuning indicator has of course been replaced.

Grundig 4085


There are three wideband loudspeakers.
They are extremely efficient.
A loudspeaker is placed on both sides for the 3D reproduction.

Incredibly amazing sound!


Grundig 4085

On the left you can find the volume control (with incorporated loudness) and the ferrite antenna’s rotation control.
The AM scale for short, medium, long an FM waves.
On the lower left side there are the OFF, tape recorder, record player, AM antenna

The five equalizer knobs, the long, medium, short and FM waves.
Symmetrically to the AM aerial indicator we find the tuning indicator.
Lastly the tuning knob is supported by a big fly-wheel which creates a pleasant movement.

Grundig 4085


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Grundig 4085
Grundig 4040W/3D 4040W/3d - cn

Grundig 4…

Grundig 4040W/3D


At first glance this Grundig looks like a regular high class device of the prestigious german brand. It is not like that.


At that time Grundig was producing its three high class models: the 4040, the5040 and the 5050.
These devices were produced both in 3D with side loudspeakers and only with front loudspeakers.
Compared to front loudspeaker radios, 3D models are endowed with a strong depth effect as far as the sound image is concerned.

Motorized tuning

The three 3D system high class models were also equipped with a motorized tuning system.
It is clearly possible to manually tune the stations by employing the switch to exclude the motor.
The tuning mechanism is an authentic masterwork and it will be described as follows.
The video file (37,31 Mb), which can be downloaded, best shows the functioning of the 4040W/3D.

In those years Grundig began to intensely export its products to the USA. The demand got to such a high level that the joint-venture with the American brand Majestic was created.
Technical specifications of these devices were even stricter than those produced for the inner and the European market.
Grundig decided to produce devices that were suitable for European broadcasting systems while employing Majestic’s restrictive specifications. This 4040W/3D model is one of those rare Grundig/Majestic appliances

It is equipped with a double output transformer for low and medium-high frequencies.
Regular 4040W/3D used to be equipped with a single output transformer. The 4040W/3D has the powerful (18W) EL12 as its power tube.

Other than the electrostatic tweeter, the 4040W/3D has a huge elliptical multioctave woofer with a die-cast drum, which ensures a deep and sweet bass even with the central bass potentiometer (which I suggest).

Watching the big needle going through the scale of its own accord is extremely fascinating.
Due to its design and the robust piece of furniture, which works as a real loudspeaker, the sound of this device is extremely warm and well-rounded.
Further information about the extraordinary refinement of this device will be listed down below. A real delight both to be listened in on and to be seen.
Furthermore, its rareness makes of it a real collector’s item.

One of the greatest expressions of german technical refinement in 1954,
Her Majesty the Grundig-Majestic 4040W/3D.

Grundig 4040W/3D

Bluetooth receiver embed


Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.
- Multi Platform Connection - A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.


1930 - At 22 years old Max Grundig begin a radio repair business.

1939 - The II world War start. Grundig works primarily for the Wehrmacht and repair of telecommunication equipment.

1945 - Immediately after the war, the demand for repair work was very great. Max Grundig built the first two Grundig appliances: the Tubatest tube tester and the Novatest testing device.

1947 - Start the sale of a kit radio, the Heinzelmann. The unit is the basis of success, sold more than 15,000 pieces.

1950 - Very high frequency (VHF) is introduced to Germany and places new demands on the industry. Grundig launches the 380 W on the market.

1952 - The first television channel starts up in Germany. After intensive research, Grundig launches the FS 080 onto the market. In the same year the first portable tape recorder Reporter 500 L is created.

1956 - After a lot of radio produced with progrssively high performances was produced the Concert Radio 5080 equipped with an equaliser, which has five controls and a visual display.

1965 - A new factory is established in Braga, Portugal. The Satellit 205 is one of many appliances in the Satellit series. This product marks the beginning of Grundig production of high-quality global receivers.

1970 - The Audiorama 7000 Hi-fi was produced, it has twelve dynamic speaker systems in one speaker.

1976 - The Reel Tape Recorder TS 1000 is equipped for semi-professional use.

1980 - The slim-line Hi-fi Tuner ST 6000 and the Monolith Hi-fi Dynamic Flat Top Antenna, which has 22 speaker systems, are two particularly popular appliances in the new hi-fi range.

1984 - After severe drop in sales Philips increased its stake in Grundig 31.6 percent and takes over the corporate management.

1997 - Philips pulls out of its involvement with Grundig.

2003 - The company files for bankruptcy.

2008 - Turkey's Koç Holding took full ownership of Grundig Multimedia B.V., the parent company of Grundig Intermedia GmbH in Nuremberg.

Courtesy of: Grundig


Year of production: 1954
Superheterodyne IF 460/10700
11 AM Circuits
11 FM Circuits
Medium Waves (OM),  Long Waves (OL), Short waves (OC), FM (UKW)
Operating voltage (CA) 110; 125; 160; 220 Volts
4 Speakers:
1 Woofer
2 Midrange-Tweeters
1 Electrostatic Tweeter
Dimensions (LHD): 655 x 427 x 316 mm
Net weight: 18,5 kg
8 Tubes:
ECC85, EF89, EF89, ECC82, EBF80, EABC80, EL12, EM85
Optional module to receive the TV channels.
Rotating ferrite antenna for AM

Grundig 4040W/3D


The tones control system is very efficient. Above the large tone control knobs there is a band that lights up gradually indicating the emphasis on the band on which it acts.
A detail specific for “extreme” technical radios lovers: the high-tone control knob is linked to two thin ropes. One of them is for the position indicator of the control itself, whereas the other changes the position of the ferrite in the MF transformers modifying the inclination of the transformer’s curve.
By doing so high tones were attenuated/accentuated even before getting to the BF stage. Tone control was usually put into effect with the potentiometer on the tension amplifier stage.


Another refined feature: like other devices ( also lower class) the ferrite antenna is rotable and it can be activated through an external knob.
It places the antenna orthogonally in respect to the repeater so as to receive the highest signal. As far as this device is concerned the ferrite antenna is introduced through a switch, which is automatically switched on when the knob is turned. The latter is coaxial to the volume knob.

The position of the antenna can be read through the transparency of the magic eye. The resulting effect is amazing. When the antenna is disconnected you can read AUS on the magic eye.

Inside the case there is dipole for FM reception as well as an adjustable ferrite antenna for AM reception.

Remarkable is the perception of the reception with the inner antennas. The employment of an outer antenna ensure and unbelievably good perception. This device was indeed produced when there were a few and very far from each other radio stations.


The tuning system is a real masterwork.
When the tuning switch is on AUS the tuning is manual as in regular devices.
When the automatic tuning switch is on EIN the current station is “mechanically” stored.

I pushed UKW2 and I am listening to a 89.90MHz station.
If I now push any of the other tuning buttons, the motor will take the pointer to the last listened station.
Pushing then UKW2 again the motor tunes exactly at 89.90 MHz.

The process can be repeated for any station on UKW1 UKW2 MW1 MW2 and LW bands.

The mechanical memorization is achieved through a number of frictions, springs, steel tie-rods and levers that require an accurate calibration.
Once calibrated and oiled, the mechanical system is extremely reliable and robust.
Its cogged wheels and flexible steel-blade frictions prevent any possible slid. A remarkable example of mechanical engineering.


The tuning indicator has of course been replaced.

Grundig 4040W/3D


There are four loudspeakers.
The woofer is huge and extremely efficient.
The radio is equipped with an electrostatic tweeter on both sides for the 3D reproduction.
Remarkable the woofer’s dimensions compared to the valves.
Amazing sound


Grundig 4040W/3D

On the left you can find the volume control (with incorporated loudness) and the ferrite antenna’s rotation control.
You can see the antenna position indicator and behind that the magic eye. The AM scale for short, medium I and II and long waves.
FM I and II scale.
On the lower left side there are the ON/OFF, record player, the long, medium 1, medium 2, short waves, FM1 and FM2 tuning button.
Lastly the tuning knob is supported by a big fly-wheel which creates a pleasant movement.
The tuning switch is coaxial to the tuning knob and you can see the automatic/manual tuning switch.
Below there are the two bass and high control knobs.

Grundig 4040W/3D


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Grundig 4040W/3D
Grundig 4035W/3D 4035w/3d - cn

Grundig 4…

Grundig 4035W/3D


Produced in 1954/55, the Grundig 4035W/3D substituted the glorious 4040W/3D.
It inherited the great sound created by the huge loudspeaker system and the Class A final stage.

The modern EL84 substituted the EL12 for a more precised and defined sound, if that is even possible. The EL84 is still considered one of the most musical tubes ever produced and it is still used in the High-End amplifiers.

Even in this case the device is equipped with a double output transformer and with an elaborate feedback system that has been designed to linearize the frequency response in the output stage.
The second output transformer is specific for the side loudspeaker so that you will not ever have saturation effects.
It is of course an expensive solution that will be abandoned in later production.
The tone controls are inserted in the feedback circuit so that the distorsioni is further reduced.

The FM converter stage is composed of two separate triodes as in the most prestigious SABAs.
This stage is amplified by an exclusive circuit equipped with an EF89 before continuing in Medium Frequency stage.
This peculiarity reduces the interferences, already very minimum, with the amplitude signal’s width fluctuations.
Tuning is therefore extremely stable.

All these expensive technical solutions create a high level sound quality. The 4035W/3D makes us incredibly satisfied.

Grundig 4035W/3D

Bluetooth receiver embed


Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.
- Multi Platform Connection - A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.


1930 - At 22 years old Max Grundig begin a radio repair business.

1939 - The II world War start. Grundig works primarily for the Wehrmacht and repair of telecommunication equipment.

1945 - Immediately after the war, the demand for repair work was very great. Max Grundig built the first two Grundig appliances: the Tubatest tube tester and the Novatest testing device.

1947 - Start the sale of a kit radio, the Heinzelmann. The unit is the basis of success, sold more than 15,000 pieces.

1950 - Very high frequency (VHF) is introduced to Germany and places new demands on the industry. Grundig launches the 380 W on the market.

1952 - The first television channel starts up in Germany. After intensive research, Grundig launches the FS 080 onto the market. In the same year the first portable tape recorder Reporter 500 L is created.

1956 - After a lot of radio produced with progrssively high performances was produced the Concert Radio 5080 equipped with an equaliser, which has five controls and a visual display.

1965 - A new factory is established in Braga, Portugal. The Satellit 205 is one of many appliances in the Satellit series. This product marks the beginning of Grundig production of high-quality global receivers.

1970 - The Audiorama 7000 Hi-fi was produced, it has twelve dynamic speaker systems in one speaker.

1976 - The Reel Tape Recorder TS 1000 is equipped for semi-professional use.

1980 - The slim-line Hi-fi Tuner ST 6000 and the Monolith Hi-fi Dynamic Flat Top Antenna, which has 22 speaker systems, are two particularly popular appliances in the new hi-fi range.

1984 - After severe drop in sales Philips increased its stake in Grundig 31.6 percent and takes over the corporate management.

1997 - Philips pulls out of its involvement with Grundig.

2003 - The company files for bankruptcy.

2008 - Turkey's Koç Holding took full ownership of Grundig Multimedia B.V., the parent company of Grundig Intermedia GmbH in Nuremberg.

Courtesy of: Grundig


Year of production: 1954/55
Superheterodyne IF 460/10700
10 AM Circuits
11 FM Circuits
Operating voltage (CA) 110; 125; 160; 220 Volts
1 Woofer
2 Midrange-Tweeters
1 Electrostatic Tweeter
Dimensions (LHD): 25.8 x 16.8 x 12.4 inch
Net weight: 36 lb 5.5 oz
8 Tubes:
2xEC92, EF89, ECH81,EAF42, EABC80, EL84, EM34

Optional module to receive the TV channels.
Rotating ferrite antenna for AM

Grundig 4035W/3D


The tones control system is very efficient. Above the large tone control knobs there is a band that lights up gradually indicating the emphasis on the band on which it acts.
A detail specific for “extreme” technical radios lovers: the high-tone control knob is linked to two thin ropes. One of them is for the position indicator of the control itself, whereas the other changes the position of the ferrite in the MF transformers modifying the inclination of the transformer’s curve.
By doing so high tones were attenuated/accentuated even before getting to the BF stage. Tone control was usually put into effect with the potentiometer on the tension amplifier stage


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception and a ferrite rotating aerial for AM reception.
Ferrite aerial can be rotated from the outside to achieve a perfect tuning of the device in the AM.
In this picture see the rotation mechanism and the position indicator of the aerial.
The reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good. This unit was in fact produced in a period when there were not many radio stations and those available fairly apart from each others.
Using an external aerial sensitivity is further increased.


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM and FM bands.
The tuning knob is single but a selector switch commutes into cable systems (all in steel) and pulleys separated depending on the band.
The movement is transferred to both mechanisms with a system of pulleys and separated gears.


The magic eye has of course been replaced.

Grundig 4035W/3D


With this beautiful keyboard type, called "a piano", you can not know out which button was pressed and which band you are listening.
Above each key there is an indicator that changes color when the appropriate key is selected for this reason .


There are four loudspeakers.
The woofer is huge and extremely efficient.
The radio is equipped with an electrostatic tweeter on both sides for the 3D reproduction.
Remarkable the woofer’s dimensions compared to the valves. Amazing sound!


Grundig 4035W/3D

On the left you can find the volume control (with incorporated loudness) and the ferrite antenna’s rotation control.
The AM scale for short, medium, long an FM waves.
On the lower left side there are the ON/OFF, record player, the long, medium, short and FM waves.
Symmetrically to the AM aerial indicator we find the tuning indicator.
Lastly the tuning knob is supported by a big fly-wheel which creates a pleasant movement.
Below there are the two bass and high control knobs.

Grundig 4035W/3D


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Grundig 4035W/3D