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Nordmende Spectra Futura german radios - cn




Also this reviews will be accompanied by a section with graphs of technical measures of the most important parameters.
There is no such thing anywhere else, as far as I know. Not even the manufacturers themselves detailed the technical features of their own devices at this level.
This new section has been developed for an objective comparison of different devices.
In order to avoid interpreting the measurements incorrectly, it is very important to read the warnings carefully the first time.

The Nordmende Spectra Futura is the only transistor device of the German brand that we will review on this site.
We will examine it for its design resulting from the collaboration between the Nordmende design center and the famous American designer Raymond Loewy.
Will talk about Loewy later on this page. However, we all know the products he designed, such as the Coca-Cola bottle or the Lucky Strike pack.

Collaborating with the American designer was a very good choice. The device was a sales success and overshadowed all similar radio receivers of other brands, which sometimes tried to awkwardly imitate its shapes.
It was produced in many versions, with many color combinations, as shown in the brochures of the time shown here.
The most flamboyant model is certainly the Orange-Red, while the most elegant is with solid aluminum bands and wooden cabinet.

Nordmende produced both monophonic and stereophonic versions of this device. Both models are visible in the photos on this page. Obviously the stereophonic version is the most satisfying from a musical point of view.

The electronic design of this model is interesting from our point of view. Being a few years that the transistors were used for commercial purposes, the circuits were very similar to the tube circuits. The voltages and polarizations changed, but the principle schemes were almost the same, so the sound of the amplifiers of this period is close to the sound of the tube ones.

The FM section is quite stable, very traditional and time-tested.

Conclusions: A beautiful device to look at, which adapts to modern as well as vintage furnishings, with a pleasant and sufficiently powerful sound. A piece of design made in the USA in a machine made in Germany in a handcrafted restoration made in Italy.


The first song is by Megan Thee Stallion and Dua Lipa, it's called Sweetest Pie. Megan Jovon Ruth Pete, aka Megan Thee Stallion for her imposing build, is a Texan rapper and girl prodigy. In a few years he has received considerable public and critical success, famous on TikTok his Savage remixed with Beyoncé. In 2021, she was awarded Best Debut Artist. In 2022 he published in collaboration with the singer Dua Lipa, Sweetest Pie (Sweet cake). The song is permeated with very explicit sensuality, as is Megan's style. An irreverent debut in the presentation of the spectacular Nordmende Spectra Futura.

And irreverence and sensuality are the leitmotifs of the second piece, The quadrille of bullfighters from Bizet's Carmen.
The apparent lack of morality of the protagonist, her vitality, the immeasurable propensity for freedom make her incomprehensible, unacceptable to Don José, who falls madly in love with her and as in the worst traditions will end up killing her. The Spectra Futura, despite the small numbers, manages to highlight the chorus and the orchestra with a momentum typical of much more muscular machines.

Nordmende Spectra Futura

Nordmende Spectra Futura

The third song, played by Antonio Serrano (mouth organ) and Javier Colina (double bass,) is actually by Stevie Wonder, Overjoyed. The title, overflowing with joy, does not hide the meaning and impulse of the piece. The text of "Overjoyed" speaks of a love not reciprocated, indeed, hidden, lived all alone on one side. Stevie wants to reveal to his beloved how deep is the feeling he has for her, hoping that she will accept it and reciprocate. Musically, the piece is characterized by the continuous changes of key and the use of natural sounds as a rhythmic basis. Serrano's harmonica is well enhanced by the Spectra Futura which puts it a head ahead of the double bass, as it should be.

The fourth song is the famous Back to Black by Amy Winehouse. “Back to Black” means returning to a state of depression after the end of a love affair. She specifies that it is a state of despondency in which the pain of loneliness drowns in alcohol and drugs. The reference is to the tormented story with Blake Fielder-Civil, which led to her death after a physically and psychologically toxic marriage, where Amy, already debilitated by eating disorders, did not last long.

The fifth song, again by Stevie Wonder, dedicated to his wife, Syreeta Wright. You are the sunshine of my life. The couple was actually already divorced by the time the song hit. Their marriage has always been difficult due to the singer's work schedule. "I've always lived in his shadow," Wright said. However Wonder was very devoted to Syreeta. In the song the husband looks at his now familiar wife and remembers why he loves her and promises he always will. But it didn't work out for this couple.

Palette Contemporary Art & Craft stand


Raymond Loewy appears twice on the cover of the prestigious TIME magazine, in 1949 and 1990 as one of the 100 most influential Americans of the 20th century

Born in Paris in 1893, he emigrated to the USA at the end of the First World War. He was one of the most prolific and creative designers in the world, and perhaps deserves the title of father of industrial design.

His work is not limited to a single sector but extends over the most diverse areas.

Much can be read about his work online and in the numerous books dedicated to him, but probably few know that in 1973 he worked on a diplomatic project between the United States and the USSR with the aim of easing tensions between the two countries during the Cold War period.

A very small part of his most famous works

1939 - The Pennsylvania Railroad S1 steam locomotive
1940 - The pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes
1954 - The Scenicruiser bus for Greyhound company
1955 - Coke - The first large format bottle, and in 1960 the first steel can.
1962 - Studebacker Avanti with bodywork made of fiberglass reinforced polyester, speed over 240 km/h.
1962 - Air Force One, designed following the color indications of President John Kennedy, who followed the tastes of First Lady Jaqueline.
1967 - The Nordmende Spectra Futura designer radio, which was successfully marketed the following year.
1971 - Shell logo, which has remained almost unchanged to this day.


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- 加装蓝牙接收器 - 此收音机配置了蓝牙接收器,由接收器电源直接供电。这使得它可以从任何外部数字设备控制放大器,如iPad、智能手机,或一个复杂的多媒体站。所以你能无线拨放您喜爱的网站或Apple lossless音乐。无线接收器可依客户需求配置。- 多平台连接 - 一个定制的音频线,可以连接任何数字设备,如手机,智能手机,笔记本电脑,光盘播放器等,收音机接收音频。这种特殊的音频线适合现代设备和接收器之间的不同的阻抗。此外,两个立体声信道流入一个不增加负载到输入单元。

Nordmende Spectra Futura


. 历史

1923 - Otto Hermann Mende founds Radio H. Mende GmbH in Dresden producing radios under the brand name “Mende”.
1939 - During World War II the government requests to produce bomb detonators.
1945 - The factory is partially destroyed by bombing and dismantled by the Soviet Union.
1947 - Martin Mende (son of the founder) sets up a new company in Bremen the North German Mende Broadcast GmbH. Whose name is later changed to NORDMENDE. The operational headquarters are established in the former Focke-Wulf aircraft factory in Hemelingen.
1950 - Becomes one of the most prestigious German radio manufacturers. Since 1950, development engineers have been planning the production of televisions.
1953 - The demand for televisions grows and Nordmende is already prepared.
1961 - Nordmende produces the first television with an ultrasonic remote control.
1964 - A new factory is opened in Wildeshausen, then in Bremerhaven, Sittensen and finally in Verden in 1972
1968 - The company is oriented to design products and comes out the "Spectra Futura" designed in collaboration with the famous designer Raymond Loewy.
1969 - The sons Karl and Hermann take over the management and soon have to deal with the onset of the crisis. Competitive pressure was mounting, the market was "saturated" and the high cost of such quality proved to be a competitive disadvantage when the price of color televisions began to fall.
1977 - Company shares were sold to the French group Thomson-Brandt. But even this did not bring the hoped-for help and so in 1980 the last shares of the Nordmende company were sold.
1980 - The production of audio devices is transferred to France, but the French group was not organized and some absurd choices were made such as the division of labor in production and assembly between the plants in Villingen (Saba) and Bremen, which still made more complex and expensive to produce.
1981 - The first factories in Germany are closed. The same fate will befall the other companies controlled by the French group, such as Dual, Saba and Telefunken.
1987 - Europart's plan, 25% owned by the Thompson group, also failed and in the 1990s the new company filed for bankruptcy. Saba, Nordmende and Telefunken merged and remained part of the Thompson group.


生产年份: 1968/70
超外差式收音机IF: 460/10700
7 AM电路,11 FM电路.

无线电波段: LW, MW, SW, FM

1 full-range 13 cm

尺寸(长高深): 59x16x16公分

净重: 8公斤

三极管 13: 3 x AF106, 2 x AF121, AF125, AF137, BFY39IV, BFY39II, BC139, AD161, AD162, AC122, AD150, 3 x AA112

Nordmende Spectra Futura


(to be read carefully at least the first time)

  1. The following measures have been carried out in order to compare, from an electrical point of view, the devices that will be reviewed on this site. It is not possible to make comparisons with measurements made by other laboratories on different devices. The instrumentation and measurement conditions are probably very different.
  2. The instrumentation used for the measurements is obsolete and unprofessional. We believe that more precise instrumentation is not necessary due to the tolerances of the human auditory system. Distinguishing a distortion of 1% from one of 1.1% or 1.001% only makes sense from the electrical point of view. Probably no one can hear the difference by ear. Only a child and very few lucky people can perceive the difference between a flat response curve up to 16 KHz and one up to 20 kHz.
  3. The perception of sound depends on many factors, namely the age of the listener, the listening environment, the musical genre that is being reproduced, the listener's expectations, his or her listening habits and knowledge and many other factors, besides of course the quality of the other devices. Therefore, there is no direct and unique relationship between the results of the measurements made and the pleasantness of listening to a specific device.

Nordmende Spectra Futura


Normally the measurement of the bandwidth is done on a resistive load. The deformation caused by the loudspeakers' inductive load and the effect of the mechanical resonance of the speakers themselves on the feedback circuit are not considered. The effects are by no means negligible, the measurements carried out on a purely resistive load are always very linear but they don't coincide with the real frequency response.

On the other hand, this response curve was measured on an inductive laod, that is, with its own loudspeakers.
The frequency response measurements were made with a sinusoidal generator and a 
Wandel & Goltermann WM  20 level meter.
You can see the actual frequency response on the vobulator' screen.

As you can see the low tones are slightly enhanced due to the always active loudness correction.

Nordmende Spectra Futura

Nordmende Spectra Futura


The measurement is always taken on an inductive load, i.e. with its own loudspeakers.

In the image on the left you can see the effect of the bass control in the maximum exaltation position.
In the image on the right you can see the effect of the treble tone control in the maximum exaltation position.

Nordmende Spectra Futura


We consider as Maximum Power the square of the lower of the RMS voltages measured at the three sample frequencies divided by the load resistence.
The measurement conditions are the following:
- sample frequencies, 100, 1000, 10,000 Hz
- 8 ohm resistive load
- distortion less than or equal to 1%.
The measuring instrument provides the RMS value directly.

The measured RMS power is 4.6 W

Nordmende Spectra Futura

Nordmende Spectra Futura


Misura IM% a 1000 Hz

Nordmende Spectra Futura



The Intermodulation Distortion % was measured with the SMPTE standard and measured at 1W RMS.
The two measurements were carried out by modulating the 50 Hz sine wave with a 1080 Hz sine wave and then with a 10400 Hz sine wave, with an amplitude in a ratio of 1/4 compared to the basic sinusoid.
The output voltage was kept around 2.83V on an 8 ohm carico.

The measured Intermodulation Distortion % (IM%) is 0.13%





The original speaker, or speakers in the stereo model, is a modest Isophon P13F.
Its most important features are:

Maximum power 5W
Resonance frequency 130Hz
Frequency response 80-14000Hz
Sensitivity N.C.

The loudspeaker seemed to us not being able to fully express the good characteristics of the amplifier, for this reason we decided to replace it with an excellent JBL GTO525e or similar.
The features of the last is completely different:

Maximum power 135W
Resonance frequency 80Hz
Frequency response 70 - 21000Hz
Sensitivity 92dB

With this new loudspeaker the frequency response and power handling have changed radically.
Compatibly with the small dimensions of the cabinet and the limited power, the sound is now much warmer and more convincing. The effect of exaggerated emphasis of the mid tones due to the difficulty of reproducing the low and very high tones of the old loudspeaker has completely disappeared.

In the end, a beautiful sound capable of filling even a medium-sized room.

控制面板 - MONO Model

Nordmende Spectra Futura

1 - Volume control (with loudness built-in)
2 - The bass control knob
3 - The treble control knob

4 - TA - AUX
5 - L - Long Waves
6 - M  Medium Waves
7 - K - Short Waves
8 - U - FM
9 - AUS - Turn off

15 - FM sensitivity switch
16 - FM tuning knob
17 - AM tuning knob

控制面板 - STEREO Model

Nordmende Spectra Futura

1 - The treble control knob
2 - The bass control knob
3 - Balance Control
4 - Volume control (with loudness built-in)
5 - Stereo broadcast indication
6 - Tuning indicator


1 -
2 -
3 - 

7 - AFC - Automatic frequency Control
8 - STEREO - Mono/Stereo switch
9 - TA - AUX

10 - L - Long Waves
11 - M  Medium Waves
12 - K - Short Waves
13 - U - FM
14 - AUS - OFF switch

15 - FM sensitivity switch
16 - FM tuning knob
17 - AM tuning knob

Nordmende Spectra Futura




Nordmende Spectra Futura
Siemens M47 m47 - cn

Siemens S…

Siemens Schatulle M47


The Siemens Schatulle was produced between 1954 and 1955 and it was another of the best and most successful models of the entire Schatulle series.
Sold in a limited number of items due its high cost and dimension, it was, together with the P48, the model with the most impressive sound impact of the entire Siemens production.

- The power stage is the same as the P48's one, a pair of Push-Pull EL84, a sophisticated counterreaction system, physiological volume control, separate high and bass sound controls.
- There are three ELA series loudspeakers, all of them with double come and highly efficient. Siemens used to have these loudspeakers on its professional installation and in movie theatres.
- Despite its power, this device reproduces sounds with such a fascinating smoothness that can be had , once again, through the large band loudspeakers. These loudspeakers reproduce indeed the entire audible array with a continuity and linearity unknown to multivia systems. Extreme acutes are not so sharp as in electrostatic loudspeakers, but the maker's choice in this device aimed to create roundness and pleasentness of sounds.
- Dimensions are those of an important device. Its shape captures our attention and in every ambience the device's majesty makes it the epicenter of the room, especially when its front windows are open.

This device is best to be listened in on in a spacious room and played out loud.
The tuning stability allows the last station to be perfectly centered after days.
The mechanics is “simple” but robust. The electronic parts are rather complex, but don't worry, it's completely restored.

This one is a device only for a few lucky ones.

Siemens Schatulle M47

Bluetooth receiver embed


Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.
- Multi Platform Connection - A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.


Year of production: 1954/1955

8 AM Circuits
12 FM Circuits
Medium Waves(OM),  Long Waves (OL), Short waves (OC), FM (UKW)
Power supply: (AC)
110; 125; 160; 220 Volt

three 8" dual cone wideband

Dimensions (LHD): 26.8 x 18.3 x 12.8 inch
Net weight: 44 lb 0.8 oz
Tubes 11: EC92 EC92 ECH81 EF89 EM80 EBF80 EB91 ECC83 ECC83 EL84 EL84

Siemens Schatulle M47


The tones control system is very efficient. Above the large tone control knobs there is a band that lights up gradually indicating the emphasis on the band on which it acts.


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception and a ferrite rotating aerial for AM reception.
Ferrite aerial can be rotated from the outside to achieve a perfect tuning of the device in the AM.
In this picture see the rotation mechanism and the position indicator of the aerial.
The reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good. This unit was in fact produced in a period when there were not many radio stations and those available fairly apart from each others.
Using an external aerial sensitivity is further increased.

Siemens M47
Siemens M47


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM bands by the FM bands.
The tuning knob is single but a selector switch commutes into cable systems (all in steel) and pulleys separated depending on the band.

Siemens M47

The shutters’ cladding canvas needs to be acoustically as transparent as possible. It is a robust but holed canvas in order for the light to go through.
If you closed the shutter when the radio is on the effect created by the visible rear lights would be rather unpleasant.
Siemens solved this, infact when you close the left shutter the lightning of the dial scale switches off.


The magic eye has of course been replaced.

Siemens M47


There are four louspeakers.
Two 21 cm (8.2 inches) very efficient bicone and known by experts using these louspeakers to create amplifiers.
The radio is equipped with two cone tweeters assembled on the acoustic lens.
That creates a pleasant ambience and a side diffusion as widespread as possible.


Siemens M47

To the left is the volume control (with loudness built-in). Coaxially there is the ferrite aerial control.
Under the dialglass we find the treble control equipped with indicator on the main dialglass.
On the right we find the magic eye indicating the perfect tuning of each station and the Short, Long, Medium, FM scales and further the tuning knob.

Below there are the bass control , the OFF key, turntables key, the keys to tune in Long Wave, Medium, Court, FM, and the Treble Control.
We also find the keys O-M and O-UK. The device allows you to store a station in a medium wave and another in FM and recall them with these keys.
The recording takes place by tuning two screws on the bottom.

Siemens M47


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Siemens M47
Brionvega Totem RR130 brionvega rr130 - cn


Brionvega Totem RR130


Brionvega is certainly the Italian brand of electronic equipment that left the deepest mark in the history of world design.
On this page, one of the most beautiful equipment of the Brionvega is presented: the TOTEM RR130.
It was designed by the architect and designer Mario Bellini in 1970.

Eight times Compasso d'Oro, Bellini counts among his most famous creations the Centro Espositivo e Congressuale di Villa Erba (Exhibition and Congress Center of Villa Erba) in Cernobbio, the Tokyo Design Center in Japan, the America Headquarters of Natuzzi in the United States, the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, the Headquarters of the Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt, the Department of Islamic Arts at the Louvre in Paris, the new Convention Center in Milan.

The Brionvega Totem, along with others of Bellini's works, is exhibited at the MOMA in New York. It is visible on this page of the museum.

When closed it looks like a smooth cube of 51 cm per side.
Once opened, the turntable, the console and the two adjustable and removable speakers are found.
The turntable is a beautiful DUAL 1257 with a magnetic cartridge DUAL DN145E. The turntable and the cartridge will be analysed in detail later.
The central body includes a 22W stereo amplifier, an AM/FM tuner and a muzak receiver.

The Totem project follows the famous RR126 Radiofonografo. The two devices share different circuits, but several improvements and updates have been implemented in the Totem.

The acoustic quality is interesting. Leaving the speakers in their rotating supports, the distance between them is sufficient to guarantee a fair stereo separation, even if the best results are surely obtained by extracting the speakers from their supports and placing them at a distance of more than 1,5 meters.
The power is more than enough to fill medium-sized environments.
Rather than the frequency response, which is still quite linear, the most interesting feature is the kind of musicality the device can express. In fact, the sound is warm and mellow, close to the sound of tube amplifiers. This result derives from the type of circuit with a low negative feedback rate and the use of fair components, in complete contrast to the projects of Japanese derivation that were so fashionable in the 1970s.

A musicality with these features, a brilliant design, such a strong personality have determined its remarkable commercial success.

In our restorations we propose a small modification to the loudspeakers by equipping them with a brighter tweeter, which associated with the insertion of a bluetooth 5.1 circuit or of a wi-fi connection allows the listening of liquid music or any web-station of the world with a satisfying level of pleasantness in the listening.

The aesthetic remains absolutely unaltered but the sound changes significantly, becoming considerably more precise and free of disturbances.

Almost all the devices that are sent to us are stained, yellowed and with damaged edges.
For this reason we have equipped ourselves for the total double repainting (white and anthracite) and the screen printing of all the front and back writings.

These incredible restorations are photographically documented at the bottom of the page in the dedicated section.


Brionvega Totem RR130



Bluetooth receiver embed



Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.
- Multi Platform Connection - A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.






In 1945 in Milan, Giuseppe Brion and the engineer Leone Pajetta founded the B.P.M. (Brion Pajetta Milano), electronic component production company.
At the beginning of the 50s the company specialized in the production of radio devices and becomes the Vega B.P. Radio.
At the beginning of the 60s specialized in the production of Tvs and becomes Radio Vega Television.
In 1963, the company takes the definitive name of Brionvega.

Brionvega since ever had world-known designers and produced objects that are exposed in the most famous international museums.
Among the firsts designers Zanuso and Sapper, 1964, that projected the portable TV Algol 11 (picture on the bottom left) and the radio TS 502, the “cube” (picutre on the bottom right).
In 1965 the Castiglioni brothers (ppicture on the top left) signed then the Stereophonic Radiofonografo RR126.
In 1970 the designer Mario Bellini traces the shape of the stereo system “Totem” (picture on the top right).
In 1992, the company is sold by the Brion family to the Seleco.
In 1997 Seleco goes out of business and Brionvega, controlled, does so.
In 2004 SIM2 Multimedia has acquired the part of the Brionvega company dedicated to the radio production.
In 2010 SIM2 Multimedia acquires also the TV sector of the historical italian brand.

Brionvega Totem RR130




Year of production: 1970


Long wave (OL), Medium wave (OM), FM

AC Voltage: 110; 125; 160; 220 Volt

6 loudspeakers

Dimensions (LHD): 510 x 510 x 510 mm / 20.1 x 20.1 x 20.1 inch (closed)
Net weight: 70 lb 8 oz

26 Transistors:

Brionvega Totem RR130


The turntable used in the Totem is the DUAL 1257.
This is an excellent semi-automatic equipped with a DUAL 16-pole motor, with belt transmission and a very heavy plate, for an excellent rotation stability; wow and flutter, in fact, remain within a small 0,05%.
The belt transmission and the detachment of all the not necessary mechanisms during operation allow to reach a signal / noise ratio of 68dB.
The 1257 is equipped with stroboscope and fine adjustment of the speed. It is also provided with micrometric adjustment of the bracket weight and separate Antiskating settings for Conical or Elliptical stylus.

The magnetic cartridge is a DUAL DN145E. This is a cartridge with diamond elliptical stylus built by Ortofon.
A frequency response is declared from 10Hz to 28,000Hz with an output level of 4.0mV
The dimensions of the elliptical stylus are 6 x 18 μm.
The manufacturer recommends adjusting the weight to 1,5 gr.
The load resistance is 47 kOhm.

Brionvega Totem RR130 Brionvega Totem RR130


The Totem RR130 is equipped with two separate volume controls.
- The first (LOUDNESS) changes the level by automatically changing the frequency response curve according to a physiological criterion (at low volume the bass and treble are enhanced).
- The second (VOLUME) changes the level, leaving the frequency response curve unchanged.
Both commands increase the overall output level.

Listening to LOW LEVEL: turn the volume knob to maximum and act only on the loudness knob to get the desired level.
Listening to MEDIUM LEVEL: turn the volume knob halfway and turn the loudness knob to get the desired level.
Listening to HIGH LEVEL: act on both the volume and loudness knobs to get the desired level.

Brionvega Totem RR130


 Left from the top we find two instruments:
- the FM signal level
- the centering of the station
Then we find the knobs of LOUNDNESS,  LEVEL, BALANCE, TREBLE and BASS.
Below we see the knob of the AM tuning which acts on the indicator of the three scales below SW, MW, LW.
On the right you can still see the FM tuning knob which acts on the scale up indicator, FM.

Brionvega Totem RR130

In the lower row of the panel we find a series of keys that have the following functions:
AFC - Automatic Frequency Control
PHONO - Turntable
TAPE - Tape Recorder
FD - Muzak
LW - Long Waves
MW - Medium Waves
SW - Shortwave
Finally we find six keys numbered from 1 to 6 with which you can choose the channels of the muzak.


Each speaker is equipped with three cone speakers, a woofer, a midrange and a tweeter.

Curious is the electrical connections between loudspeakers and amplifier. It is obtained simply by inserting the loudspeakers box into the appropriate support tube, equipped with slide contacts.

The woofer and the mid are quite adequate to the characteristics of the amplifier.
The tweeter is a little silky, soft, it lacks a bit in transparency in the higher frequencies.
This feature was totally irrelevant in radio reproduction, while using the Totem for listening to liquid music or other digital sources we prefer to replace the tweeter with a more modern and brilliant one.
Also the reproduction of vinyls benefits considerably from this.
Of course, in our restorations, the modification leaves the external aesthetics completely unchanged.

Brionvega Totem RR130


Output for external speakers.

Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).

Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)

AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.

Power fuse and loudspeakers fuse.


Brionvega Totem RR130
Saba Freiburg W3 freiburg w3 - cn

Saba Frei…


Saba Freiburg WIII

Saba Freiburg WIII is the company's flagship model in 1953. In that year, only Grundig 5050 could compete with  Saba Freiburg in terms of sound quality.
No other device was provided with concentric loudspeakers and, at the same time, with the 2 x EL84 (6BQ8) push-pull power amplifier.
The sound performance is very satisfying in both devices. The tweeter aligned with the woofer plays voices and solo instruments with unsuspecting brightness and presence.
With the second reinforcing woofer, the depth of the bass is inspiring and the holding power is also remarkable.
We are talking about actual 7W which, with such powerful loudspeakers, enough for large places.
The solution of concentric loudspeakers, unfortunately, was not adopted for the devices subsequently created both by Saba and Grunding, but it was later taken up by  Graetz for some of its top-of-the-rang models.
Now, it is one of the most adopted solutions in Hi-End speakers.

In the radio section, three peculiarities can be underlined:

  • the Muting button
    By pushing this button, the FM stations search becomes very quiet. The noise and interferences that are normally heard while moving from one station to another in the research phase are quietened. The Tuning Indicator decreases its sensitivity in the interval between two stations, regaining automatically the maximum sensitivity as soon as it gets closer to the station. A pleasant and exclusive refinement.
  • KW-Lupe
    When listening to broadcasts in the short wave band, tuning is often difficult because of the small bandwidth. It only takes a slight movement of the knob to lose the station. In order to solve this problem, Saba drew up the tuning precision control in Short Waves (KW-Lupe). This is how it works: press button K to select the Short Wave band. Tune to a radio station through the big knob of AM bands. Finally, refine the tuning by turning the small knob of the FM band, which in this case works as precision tuning for Short Waves.
  • ORT-S.
    It is possible to store a radio station in Medium Waves and rename it simply by pushing the ORT-S button. The storing mechanism is very simple. Press button ORT-S. Under the radio there is a hole with a screw. By turning that screw with a screwdriver, it is possible to tune to the favourite station. From this moment, every time the button ORT-S will be pushed it will tune to the preset station. In order to listen to other broadcasts in Medium Waves, it will be necessary to just push the button M and use normally the big tuning knob.

As usual for German companies, the series name, Freiburg in this case, is maintained throughout the years, even if the models produced are very different from each other. Among the devices of the Freiburg series, the  WIII model has unique features. The previous models do not have the same tone controls, the next models lack the concentric loudspeakers. They have other features, equally interesting... but not these.


Saba Meersburg w2 Enhanced



Bluetooth receiver embed



Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



Bluetooth receiver embed – The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.

Multi Platform Connection – A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.

Saba Factory - Villingen - 1960

Saba Factory - Villingen - 1960


SABA is the acronym for Schawarzwälder-Apparate-Bau-Anstalt meaning engineering institute of Technological appliances of the Black Forest.

The company was founded back in 1835 by Joseph Benedikt with the initial name of Jockele-Uhren, but only in 1923 the production of radio devices began and the company went under the name of SABA.
Toward the end of the 20s SABA became famous with the well-known S35 and in the following years it became the second German producer after Telefunken. During the war SABA produced military equipment and in 1945 the company was completely destroyed by a bombing.
In 1947 the production of radio devices began again and SABA distinguished itself immediately for ist avant-garde and high- quality production.

hey also began to produce TVs (the first PAL color TV is a SABA), house appliances and medical equipment. Many Italians used to work there. The Alnico Greencone loudspeakers became popular for their linearity, power handling, constant impendence that would be employed in each Hi-Fi devices of that time.

The radio devices with motorized tuning became popular as well and SABA became the representative German brand meaning quality, reliability and detailed precision. In the 1970s the decline began. According to specialized magazines of that time not having a Japanese device at that time meant not having Hi-Fi. In the 80s Thompson took over SABA. In the 90s the other way around, having a Japanese device of the 70s meant not having Hi-Fi. They found out that they functioned with a 96% counterreaction and that a device with 0.001 db from 1 to 100 KHz extension did not necessarily sound good.

We do not trust our ears and we do trust what other people say not necessarily with a good purpose.
2007: due to insolvency SABA disappeared from the TLC (Chinese) and Thompson (French) joint venture, and SABA ceased to exist.


Year of production: 19523
Superheterodyne IF: 472/10700
12 AM Circuits 11 FM Circuits/5

Wavebands: LW, MW, SW, FM
1 Woofer with assial Tweeter
1 Woofer

Dimensions (LHD):: 660 x 435 x 314 mm / 26 x 17.1 x 12.4 inch
Net weight: 19.8 kg / 43 lb 9.8 oz (43.612 lb)
10  Tubes: EF80 EC92 ECH81 EF41 EM71 EAF42 EABC80 EF40 EL84 EL84

Saba Meersburg W4 Enhanced


The loudspeaker polar diagram.

This is an example of polar diagram of a coaxial loudspeaker. The different lines show the sound intensity at the angle and frequency change. It's evident the minor directionality of low frequencies respect to those high.
We studied the positioning of the two loudspeaker to obtain the best response at a distance of  3 up to 6 meters.

To avoid pointless words, you have to listen to the result.


The tone control system is peculiar. It is a Baxandall configuration system with a particular feature, it interacts with the feedback system. This ensures an effective control of the band providing at the same time a reduction of distortion. The use, anyway, is very simple, as we can find the usual tone control knobs at the sides of the display. The colour of windows on the display progressively changes with the rotation of each knob. In this way, it is possible to get an impression of how much tones have been enhanced.

Saba Freiburg W3
Saba Freiburg W3


The device is provided with two internal aerials. A fixed dipole for the FM and UK bands and a rotary ferrite for MW and LW bands.
Clearly, the device is provided with sockets for external aerials on the back.
The ferrite aerial can be rotated with the big knob behind the volume knob.
Around the Magical Eye there is a seal with an indicator which reveals the position of the aerial.


Saba Freiburg W3

Saba Freiburg W3


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM and FM bands.
The movement is transferred to both mechanisms with a system of pulleys and separated gears.anica.

Saba Freiburg W3


The magic eye has of course been replaced.


Saba Freiburg W3

The Volume is controlled by the big knob on the left, the physiologic compensation is integrated.
The front knob, smaller, enables to rotate the ferrite aerial.
Moving right, on the tuning dial we can first find the tuning indicator (Magical Eye).
Around the Magical Eye we can see a crown with the indicator of the position of the ferrite aerial.
Just below, we can see the window of the bass tones indicator, and further below the bass tones knob.
Moving further right, we find the dial glass with the different bands, Long Waves, Medium Waves and Short Waves.
The UK section is the scale of the FM band.
Below it, we can see also the scale of the TV channels, which could be listened to installing an additional module.

Further under is the keyboard, the buttons of which have the following functions:
AUS - Turn Off
UK - FM band
Ϙ - Turntable
UK/M - (FM) Tuning Mute  - (AM) - Ferrit Antenna (otherwise Off)
L - Long Wave
M - Medium Wave
K - Short Wave 
ORTS-S - OM preselected station

Moving left we can see the window of the treble indicator, and below the treble knob.
Finally, on the left remain the two concentric knobs of the tuning.
The one on the back, bigger, regulates the tuning of AM bands (OC, OM, OL).
The front one, smaller, regulates the tuning of the FM band (when the UK button is pushed).
When it is the K button to be pushed, instead, the same knob regulates the fine tuning of the Short Waves.
Under the radio we can find the two pre-selection screws of the OM station, which can be listened to by pushing the ORTS-S button.

Saba Freiburg W3


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.

Saba Freiburg W3


Pre-selection screws to set the OM station


Saba Freiburg W3
Philips Capella 753/4E/3D capella 753 - cn

Philips C…



The Philips Capella 753/4E/3D was the company’s flagship model back in 1955, but in reality, the brand was working towards making it the best piece of technology to come out of Germany, blowing away the competition.

As a matter of fact, they met their goal and produced a unique piece of technology, for both the German and World Wide market.
It’s peculiarities are:

  • A motorized Tuning
  • 6 memorizable stations
  • 4 power tubes (2xEL84 and 2xUL84)
  • Dedicated amps for Hi and Low frequencies
  • An Iron-Free coupling output (OTL)
  • High Damping Factor with Negative Feedback circuit
  • 4 High impedance speakers

Even though the Philips Capella 753/4E/3D boasts a noticeable size, it’s woodwork, frames, and speaker covers contribute in giving it a much sleeker, eye-pleasing look to complete any furniture display.
The Low frequencies are particularly deep thanks to the separated OTL amplifiers and to the impressive size of the subwoofer, approximately 26cm in diameter (more or less 30 inches).
I suggest making good use of the mid-tweeter, as this successfully crafted speaker (17 cm in diameter) makes the mid and Hi frequencies pleasant and true to life, especially if seated in front of the Machine.

High and Mid Frequencies sections
The FM group is of the variable permeability type.
It has a high amplification and stability. Being equipped with an automatic noise suppressor in the presence of signals below 1.7 V, the output is muted to avoid hearing rustling and noise when searching for stations.
The de-emphasis circuit is set to 50 uS, valid all over the world except for the USA and South Korea. In these countries, the filter should be increased to 75 uS.

The AM section is equipped with a rotating antenna for the OM and OL bands. The antenna can be controlled by a knob on the front.
The mid-frequency sections are composed of three separate filters for AM and FM. The first of these filters is adjustable. The second is the amplifier filter and the third filter further increases the selectivity of the device.

The Motorized Tuning and the amplifier section are examined in detail in the following sections.

All the listed solutions translate into a very low distortion, an increase in power, and a pleasantness of use hardly ever obtained in other appliances.
This is the Philips Capella 753/4E/3D

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D
Philips Capella 753/4E/3D


Bluetooth receiver embed



Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.

Multi Platform Connection – A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.


In 1891, the brothers Gerard and Anton Philips, started to produce the first incandescent bulbs in Eindhoven.
Later, Philips specialized in the production of electro- medical equipment, and in 1918 introduced the first X-ray tube.
In the following years, Philips began specializing in the broadcasting industry. In 1932 the company succeeded in selling over one million radio equipment and became the world’s first producer.
During the Second World War, Philips transferred to the Netherlands Antilles, and returned to the Netherlands at the end of the conflict.
In the second post- war period, began the production of the first televisions, then the launch of the music cassettes in 1963 and the production of the first integrated circuit in 1965.
In 1982 Philips launched with Sony the first compact disc player.
In 1984 Philips acquired the control of the German Grundig.
In the 90's Philips faced a financial crisis.
In 1991 it inserted on the market the Video CD and it is one of the first companies in the world to develop high definition television.
In 1999 Philips established a joint venture with LG Electronics, named LG Display, which ends in 2009.
In 2006 together with Sony launched the first Blu-ray.
In 2009 Phillips launched the first full-HD LCD TV in 21:9 format.
Phillips holds 48,000 registered patents.
Currently, the production is focused on low- energy lighting products and LED systems and services for diagnostics and production of medical devices.


Year of production: 1955
8 AM Circuits
12 FM Circuits
Wavebands:: LW, MW, SW, FM
1 sub-woofer
1 mid-woofer
2 mid-tweeter
Operating voltage (CA): 110; 125; 220; 240 Volts
Dimensions (LHP): 700 x 455 x 275 mm / 27.6 x 17.9 x 10.8 inch
Net weight: 18 kg / 39 lb 10.4 oz
11 Tubes: ECC85 ECH81 EF89 EBF80 EM80 EABC80 EC92 EL84 UL84 EL84 UL84

Rotating ferrite aerial for AM bands

Ironless output

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D
Philips Capella 753/4E/3D


The preamplifier consists of two stages. At the entrance, the volume potentiometer is equipped with three sockets for physiological correction (loudness). The intervention curves are visible in the first graph.
Philips considers the frequency of 800 Hz to be the center of the audible band, so the treble and bass controls are calculated to enhance the frequencies above and below that value. The choice of this frequency is very important for the musicality and the pleasantness perceived by listening to the device.
In the second graph the frequency response of the preamplifier, with the tones enhanced to the maximum. You notice the different equalization you get by listening to the AM bands (Long Waves, Medium, Short) or listening to the FM band and PHONO.

The final stages are two distinct, one for the low frequencies and one for the high frequencies. These amplifiers control separate speakers, a 26 cm woofer for the bass and three speakers for mid/high frequency, with the 17 cm front speaker disconnectable for 3D effect.
The most interesting feature of these final stages is that they are without an output transformer.

The feature that makes this device very interesting is that each final stage uses a pair of EL84 / UL84 in an ironless configuration, ie without an output transformer (the known critical point of the final stage).
The output stage uses the operating principle called Shunt Regulated Push-Pull (SRPP) used today in HIGH-END amplifiers.
The output transformer limits the bandwidth of the entire amplifier. The bass is limited by the inductance of the primary winding, the treble is limited by the parasitic capacitance resulting from the alternation of the primary and secondary windings. The alternating winding of the primary and the secondary windings is also necessary to improve the coupling and thus reduce the dispersed flow.
The reduction of the dispersed flow increases the damping. This is essential in the loudspeakers mounted inside the cabinet of the radios, which do not work in hermetically closed boxes, and which are therefore free to move almost without resistance from the surrounding air.

The two output tubes (EL84, UL84) of each channel, four final valves in total, are connected in series with DC-DC coupling. Each UL84 is configured as a triode.
The output is taken from the cathode of the UL84. The speaker has an impedance of 800 ohms, identical to the average impedance that occurs on the catode, whereby direct coupling (without transformer) is possible between the final stage and the loudspeaker.
The Philips Capella 753 is therefore totally free of all the problems deriving from the output transformers.

The damping of the loudspeakers is kept high by the low dynamic resistance of the feedback loop.



Another feature of the Philips Capella 753/4E/3D is motorized tuning and preset memory.
Using 6 keys on the keyboard it is possible to memorize 3 FM stations, 2 in Medium Waves and 1 in Long Waves.
Pressing one of the storage keys via a cable pulls the lever H. The opposite side of that lever is pushed towards the disk R. This disk is divided into two parts with different diameters. Depending on how the disc is positioned, the lever H moves by activating a switch that turns the motor to the right or left until the lever H is fitted on the groove on the disc R. At this point, the motor stops. The R disks are rigidly connected to the axis A1 and through frictions to the R disk.

Tuning procedure

When a memory key is pressed, the motor will start to turn to the right or left according to the above.
Through the gears, Z1, Z2, Z4, Z5 the axis A1 is turned. Through the gears, Z6, Z7 the variable capacitor is rotated, which stops when the lever H engages in the groove of R.
To memorize a station, simply press the button on which it is to be stored, pull the tuning knob and turn it to the desired station.

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D


The tones control system is very efficient.
Above the large tone control knobs there is two bands that lights up gradually indicating the emphasis on the band on which it acts.
The high-tone control knob is linked to two thin ropes. One of them is for the position indicator of the control itself, whereas the other changes the position of the ferrite in the MF transformers modifying the its curve.
By doing so high tones were attenuated/accentuated even before getting to the BF stage. 

Bass at max - Treble at max

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D

Bass at min - Treble at max

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D

Bass flat - Treble flat

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D

Bass at max - Treble at min

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D

Bass at min - Treble at min

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception and a ferrite rotating aerial for AM reception.
Ferrite aerial can be rotated from the outside to achieve a perfect tuning of the device in the AM.
In this picture see the rotation mechanism and the position indicator of the aerial.
The reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good. 
Using an external aerial sensitivity is further increased.


The magic eye has of course been replaced.

Philips Capella 753/4E/3D


The 28 cm loudspeaker, with a 25 mm diameter magnetic core, is placed at the front.
A front 17 cm mid-tweeter can also be switched off if you want to increase the 3D effect.
On the two sides, there are two elliptical tweeters pointing upwards. Radiating to the ceiling of the room to take advantage of the reflections of the environment that add to the direct radiation produce an expansion of the soundstage.
There are no dangers of stationary wave due to the working frequency of these speakers.

There are several options for connecting external speakers.
It is, in fact, possible to connect an external woofer, excluding or not the internal woofer while leaving all the other speakers active.
It is possible to connect external medium-high units, excluding or not the internal mid-tweeters, while leaving the internal woofer active.
It is possible to connect woofers and external medium-high units, excluding or not all, or some, internal speakers.


Philips Capella 753/4E/3D

In the center of the speaker panel is the Magic Eye which indicates the perfect tuning of each station.
KLANGREGLER - Low Tone Indicator (FA Key) and High Tone Indicator (SOL Key).
Just below we find the large Volume knob, with built-in automatic loudness correction.
Coaxially you can see the 3 position Speaker Selector Lever (External Only - Indoor + Outdoor - Indoor Only)
Below we find the two coaxial knobs arranged horizontally, which respectively command the Bass Tones and the Treble Tones.
In the middle, we see the dial scale of the AM bands on a dark background (Long Waves - Medium - Short) and the dial scale of the FM band on a golden background.
FERROCEPTOR - Indicator of the position of the internal ferrite antenna. This internal antenna (excludable with the HA key) is used in the OM and OL bands. The internal antenna must be rotated until the best tuning is achieved.
Just below we find the large knob of the Manual Tuning, whose movement is very pleasant being supported by a large flywheel.
ZEIGER - Coaxially you can see the drive lever of the Motorized Tuning. It can be moved in the two directions, to the left or to the right.
Finally, underneath again we find the Rotation knob of the Ferrite Antenna.

To store a station you must:
1 - press the desired memory key.
2 - Pull the tuning knob and tune to your favorite station.
3 - Release the tuning knob.

Under the dials, we meet a long series of 14 keys.
Starting from the left the keys have the following functions:
OL memory
OM1 memory
OM2 memory
AUS - Switch off
3D - Excludes Mid / Front Tweeter by increasing the three-dimensional effect of the sound
HA - Outdoor / Indoor Antenna for OM and OL
LW - Long Waves
MW - Medium Waves
KW - Short Waves
FM1 memory
FM2 memory
FM3 memory


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.

Be careful: Use ONLY 800 ohm loudspeakers


Philips Capella 753/4E/3D
Braun RCS9 braun - cn

Braun RCS…

Braun RCS9

Braun RCS9

Same receiver you find on model with turntable Atelier 2 and 3.

但让我们从头开始。接收器部分可以说是Braun电子管设备生产的极限。德国最大的电子管接收器生产还是属于这些大厂,比如Telefunken Opus 2550,Nordmende 3004,Graetz Stereo Unit 250,the Saba Studio I等。










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- FM频率范围从88到104兆赫---在1950 / 60年代德国生产的电子管收音机是世界闻名的,这是因为他们出色的声音质量,他们美丽的机箱外型,他们的实力和他们没有妥协的作业标准。不幸的是,FM频段只有从87.5~100兆赫,但无法接收到100兆赫以上的电台,经过仔细的研究和大量的测试,我们能够获得的频率范围由原有范围扩大至88~104兆赫。我们还重建了一个与原始完全相同的玻璃面板,用相同的材料和相同的技术,且与新的频率范围对应,结果是完美的。使我们可以在任何国家收听到大部分的FM电台。

-Piezo唱头: 所以它能夠在Braun前置放大器完美地工作
- 唱头重量调整
- 抗滑调整

- - 放大器的改进---新的高品质金属膜电阻器取代嘈杂的老式碳复合电阻。旧的电容器完全更新,新的电阻器具有非常低的寄生损耗(ESR)。我们非常注意这些老旧零配件的续用性。所有的改进都是实质性的。

- -超静音MPX解码器--- MPX解码器引入RF和BF阶段之间。通常没有这个装置的。这个解码器是由和我一起工作德国工程师特别为这个接收器设计的。噪音电平非常低。串话干扰完美校准。正确的接收条件,结果是一个准确的声学重建

- 蓝牙接收器加装-该单位配备了一个蓝牙接收器,直接由收音机供应电源。这使得有可能控制放大器从任何外部数字设备作为一个iPad,智能手机,或一个复杂的多媒体站。所以你能无线听到您喜欢的网站或你的无损档案。无线接收器可根据要求选配。


迪特·拉姆斯(Dieter Rams)在伦敦设计博物馆中的新电子展馆里为”设计现代生活”展览布置。

London Design Museum Rams



- Walter Gropius, 新建筑与包豪斯, 剑桥、麻省理工大学出版社, 1968, ©1965.
- Gropius - Marston Fitch, Walter Gropius, 纽约, G. Braziller, (世界建筑大师系列), 1960.
- Magdalena Droste; Angelika Taschen, 包豪斯 1919 - 1933, Ko?ln Taschen 2002,
- Reissinger; Robinson; Siebenbrodt, Bauhaus Weimar - 设计的未来, Ostfildern-Ruit : Hatje Cantz Publishers, 2000.
- Jaeggi-Schwaiger, Fagus: 从Werkbund到Bauhaus的工业文化, 纽约 , Princeton Architectural Press, 2000.
- Hans-Joachim Braun, 在第二十世纪的德国经济(德意志帝国和联邦共和国),纽约出版社, Routledge, New York 1990.
- Jonathan M Woodham, 第二十年代的设计,牛津大学出版社,牛津, 1997.
- Nigel Whiteley, 为社会的设计,伦敦,Reaktion Books, 1998.

- http://www.bauhaus.de/
- http://designmuseum.org/design/dieter-rams
- http://gizmodo.com/5411868/dieter-rams-gallery/gallery/10
- http://www.formguide.de/en/designers/overview/peter-keler/






对比两个超级大国涉及经济和政治生活的各个领域。科学研究为征服太空而铺路,也开辟了美国与苏联之间的另一场太空竞赛。1961年4月12日,Yuri Gagarin与东方1号是第一次人类在太空轨道环绕地球的。美利坚合众国必须承认这是苏联技术发展的巨大飞跃。

这是以对立身份出现知识分子之间建立的桥梁。对文化而言1961年果然也是不平凡的一年:Ivo Andric是获得诺贝尔文学奖;法兰克福学派实证主义与辩证唯物主义之间的争论。Karl Popper和Theodor Adorno讨论了科学的研究方法,产生了“Positivismusstreit”,即实证主义和唯物辩证法之间的冲突,将影响未来的认识论的争论。哲学论争是由马克思主义和实证主义的不同意识形态观所引发的。海明威自杀,Primo Levi写道“休止/停战”,历经啤酒的地狱后回到生活世界的帐单。


德国文化的重新发现者Weimar。而艺术和戏剧的先锋派的代表,如Brecht. Walter Gropius.在1919的包豪斯建筑的革命倾向的创始人,Walter Gropius是BAUHAUS学校的创办人,包豪斯的目的是将艺术和工艺结合起来,以此解决工业革命所产生的问题。Walter Gropius认为,“必须形成一个新的设计学派来影响本国的工业界”。第二次世界大战后,他的建筑理论和实践为各国建筑界所推崇。他认为现代建筑师要创造自己的美学章法,“通过精确的不含糊的形式,清新的对比,各种部件之间的秩序,形体和色彩的匀称与统一来创造自己的美学章法。这是社会的力量与经济所需要的。在日常生活用品的设计中,包豪斯强调设计家要着眼于工业大生产,要为大多数人生产实用美观的物品,而不是为少数的富豪生产奢侈品。


Braun是最早决定投资设计的公司之一。最好的设计师是Dieter Rams,他出生于1932年5月20日,出生地是德国的威斯巴登。1947年他在威斯巴登的Werkkunst学校建筑学专业学习。1955年他成为1921年建立的Braun公司的一位建筑师和室内设计师,1956年开始为他们设计产品。1961年他成为布劳恩公司产品设计和发展部门的领导。他曾为建筑师奥图·阿培尔(Otto Apel)短暂地工作,随后便加入家电用品制造商百灵的设计部门,同时期建立起与乌尔姆造型学院的产学合作关系,1961年晋升为百灵首席设计师,一直到1995年仍留有这个头衔。他带来了发展“符合人体工程学的重要性”的概念,总结了他的名言"Weniger, aber besser",,即“少,但更好”,或者更广泛意义上的“少,只要更好”。他在作品中对Bauhaus的影响是明显的,特别是Peter Keler的作品,从他作为概念的“空间”和“线性”的作品为“wiege(摇篮)”,1922翻译成简单和优雅的线条。

Carlo Giacchin

Dieter Rams Paris.jpg

Dieter Rams at Vitsœ - Paris

由Dieter Rams提出,好的设计应具备的十项原则:

1.好的设计是革新的: 永远不要为了设计革新而革新。

2.好的设计是实用的: 产品是供人使用的,好的设计强调产品的实用性。

3.好的设计是美观的: 一个产品的审美品质和它的实用性是不可分割的,因为产品每天都在使用,对人们和他们的幸福都有影响。

4. 好的设计使产品可以理解: 它能够自己解释自己。

5.好的设计是谨慎克制的: 履行某种功能的产品具有工具属性,它们既不是装饰物也不是艺术品。

6.好的设计是诚实的: 产品不应该看起来比实际上更创新、更高效和更有价值,它不试图通过无法兑现的承诺来操纵消费者。

7.好的设计是经久永恒的: 它避免迎合时尚,也因此不会过时。

8.好的设计在细枝末节处也维持一致: 不要容忍随意和偶然。设计的逻辑性和准确性,最终都是表达对消费者的尊重。


10.好的设计是尽可能少的设计: 少,但更好。回到纯净,回到简单。


生产年份: 1961/65

超外差式收音机IF 455/10700
8 AM电路,12 FM电路.
无线电波段: 長波,中波, 短波,FM


尺寸(LHD) 562 x 195 x 280 mm


11管: ECC85 ECH81 EF89 EBF89 EM84 ECC83 ECC83 EC92 EC92 ELL80 ELL80

Braun RCS9
Braun RCS9







Braun RCS9 Atelier 2
Braun Atelier 3 Enhanced




Braun RCS9


Braun RCS9 Atelier 2




Braun RCS9
Grundig 4040W/3D 4040W/3d - cn

Grundig 4…

Grundig 4040W/3D


At first glance this Grundig looks like a regular high class device of the prestigious german brand. It is not like that.


At that time Grundig was producing its three high class models: the 4040, the5040 and the 5050.
These devices were produced both in 3D with side loudspeakers and only with front loudspeakers.
Compared to front loudspeaker radios, 3D models are endowed with a strong depth effect as far as the sound image is concerned.

Motorized tuning

The three 3D system high class models were also equipped with a motorized tuning system.
It is clearly possible to manually tune the stations by employing the switch to exclude the motor.
The tuning mechanism is an authentic masterwork and it will be described as follows.
The video file (37,31 Mb), which can be downloaded, best shows the functioning of the 4040W/3D.

In those years Grundig began to intensely export its products to the USA. The demand got to such a high level that the joint-venture with the American brand Majestic was created.
Technical specifications of these devices were even stricter than those produced for the inner and the European market.
Grundig decided to produce devices that were suitable for European broadcasting systems while employing Majestic’s restrictive specifications. This 4040W/3D model is one of those rare Grundig/Majestic appliances

It is equipped with a double output transformer for low and medium-high frequencies.
Regular 4040W/3D used to be equipped with a single output transformer. The 4040W/3D has the powerful (18W) EL12 as its power tube.

Other than the electrostatic tweeter, the 4040W/3D has a huge elliptical multioctave woofer with a die-cast drum, which ensures a deep and sweet bass even with the central bass potentiometer (which I suggest).

Watching the big needle going through the scale of its own accord is extremely fascinating.
Due to its design and the robust piece of furniture, which works as a real loudspeaker, the sound of this device is extremely warm and well-rounded.
Further information about the extraordinary refinement of this device will be listed down below. A real delight both to be listened in on and to be seen.
Furthermore, its rareness makes of it a real collector’s item.

One of the greatest expressions of german technical refinement in 1954,
Her Majesty the Grundig-Majestic 4040W/3D.

Grundig 4040W/3D

Bluetooth receiver embed


Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.
- Multi Platform Connection - A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.


1930 - At 22 years old Max Grundig begin a radio repair business.

1939 - The II world War start. Grundig works primarily for the Wehrmacht and repair of telecommunication equipment.

1945 - Immediately after the war, the demand for repair work was very great. Max Grundig built the first two Grundig appliances: the Tubatest tube tester and the Novatest testing device.

1947 - Start the sale of a kit radio, the Heinzelmann. The unit is the basis of success, sold more than 15,000 pieces.

1950 - Very high frequency (VHF) is introduced to Germany and places new demands on the industry. Grundig launches the 380 W on the market.

1952 - The first television channel starts up in Germany. After intensive research, Grundig launches the FS 080 onto the market. In the same year the first portable tape recorder Reporter 500 L is created.

1956 - After a lot of radio produced with progrssively high performances was produced the Concert Radio 5080 equipped with an equaliser, which has five controls and a visual display.

1965 - A new factory is established in Braga, Portugal. The Satellit 205 is one of many appliances in the Satellit series. This product marks the beginning of Grundig production of high-quality global receivers.

1970 - The Audiorama 7000 Hi-fi was produced, it has twelve dynamic speaker systems in one speaker.

1976 - The Reel Tape Recorder TS 1000 is equipped for semi-professional use.

1980 - The slim-line Hi-fi Tuner ST 6000 and the Monolith Hi-fi Dynamic Flat Top Antenna, which has 22 speaker systems, are two particularly popular appliances in the new hi-fi range.

1984 - After severe drop in sales Philips increased its stake in Grundig 31.6 percent and takes over the corporate management.

1997 - Philips pulls out of its involvement with Grundig.

2003 - The company files for bankruptcy.

2008 - Turkey's Koç Holding took full ownership of Grundig Multimedia B.V., the parent company of Grundig Intermedia GmbH in Nuremberg.

Courtesy of: Grundig


Year of production: 1954
Superheterodyne IF 460/10700
11 AM Circuits
11 FM Circuits
Medium Waves (OM),  Long Waves (OL), Short waves (OC), FM (UKW)
Operating voltage (CA) 110; 125; 160; 220 Volts
4 Speakers:
1 Woofer
2 Midrange-Tweeters
1 Electrostatic Tweeter
Dimensions (LHD): 655 x 427 x 316 mm
Net weight: 18,5 kg
8 Tubes:
ECC85, EF89, EF89, ECC82, EBF80, EABC80, EL12, EM85
Optional module to receive the TV channels.
Rotating ferrite antenna for AM

Grundig 4040W/3D


The tones control system is very efficient. Above the large tone control knobs there is a band that lights up gradually indicating the emphasis on the band on which it acts.
A detail specific for “extreme” technical radios lovers: the high-tone control knob is linked to two thin ropes. One of them is for the position indicator of the control itself, whereas the other changes the position of the ferrite in the MF transformers modifying the inclination of the transformer’s curve.
By doing so high tones were attenuated/accentuated even before getting to the BF stage. Tone control was usually put into effect with the potentiometer on the tension amplifier stage.


Another refined feature: like other devices ( also lower class) the ferrite antenna is rotable and it can be activated through an external knob.
It places the antenna orthogonally in respect to the repeater so as to receive the highest signal. As far as this device is concerned the ferrite antenna is introduced through a switch, which is automatically switched on when the knob is turned. The latter is coaxial to the volume knob.

The position of the antenna can be read through the transparency of the magic eye. The resulting effect is amazing. When the antenna is disconnected you can read AUS on the magic eye.

Inside the case there is dipole for FM reception as well as an adjustable ferrite antenna for AM reception.

Remarkable is the perception of the reception with the inner antennas. The employment of an outer antenna ensure and unbelievably good perception. This device was indeed produced when there were a few and very far from each other radio stations.


The tuning system is a real masterwork.
When the tuning switch is on AUS the tuning is manual as in regular devices.
When the automatic tuning switch is on EIN the current station is “mechanically” stored.

I pushed UKW2 and I am listening to a 89.90MHz station.
If I now push any of the other tuning buttons, the motor will take the pointer to the last listened station.
Pushing then UKW2 again the motor tunes exactly at 89.90 MHz.

The process can be repeated for any station on UKW1 UKW2 MW1 MW2 and LW bands.

The mechanical memorization is achieved through a number of frictions, springs, steel tie-rods and levers that require an accurate calibration.
Once calibrated and oiled, the mechanical system is extremely reliable and robust.
Its cogged wheels and flexible steel-blade frictions prevent any possible slid. A remarkable example of mechanical engineering.


The tuning indicator has of course been replaced.

Grundig 4040W/3D


There are four loudspeakers.
The woofer is huge and extremely efficient.
The radio is equipped with an electrostatic tweeter on both sides for the 3D reproduction.
Remarkable the woofer’s dimensions compared to the valves.
Amazing sound


Grundig 4040W/3D

On the left you can find the volume control (with incorporated loudness) and the ferrite antenna’s rotation control.
You can see the antenna position indicator and behind that the magic eye. The AM scale for short, medium I and II and long waves.
FM I and II scale.
On the lower left side there are the ON/OFF, record player, the long, medium 1, medium 2, short waves, FM1 and FM2 tuning button.
Lastly the tuning knob is supported by a big fly-wheel which creates a pleasant movement.
The tuning switch is coaxial to the tuning knob and you can see the automatic/manual tuning switch.
Below there are the two bass and high control knobs.

Grundig 4040W/3D


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


Grundig 4040W/3D
Graetz 177W 177w - cn

Graetz Sp…

Graetz Spitzen Super 177W


The Graetz Spitzen Super 177W is the most prestigious Graetz radio produced in the early 50s. “Spitzen Super” means extra strong, the device’s vocation.
This device is huge and does not hide its pride of being on the A list. The cabinet, in my opinion, is the best among the Graetz devices. The wood flames are deliberately noticeable and give the cabinet a certain lightness. Its blunted edges and again lighten the overall aspect of the cabinet.

The sound of this device is rather smooth and its knobs can be turned without twitches. Tuning stability is given by the heavy fly-wheel located on the same axis of the control and ensuring inertia.

The power stage is a push-pull of two EL84 like many other later Hi-Fi amplifiers. The remarkable loudspeaker array with a huge wide band elliptical woofer, an elliptical midrange and a cone tweeter on the backside.
The sound is powerful and very precise. Graetz favored sound quality over pure power and wanted to document the details of this choice. Further on, on this page, you can find an entire section describing the actions made on this device. Usual profound bass, medium is there and acute is sharp. Clearly the valve final creates no problem with the listening.

This Graetz is certainly the result of an accurate study and of an expensive project in order to be among the best at that time.
The counterreaction circuits are very complex and tone controls are inside them, so that the emphasis given to the controls varies according to the volume. This effects adds to the fact that the circuit is equipped with a more than one stage loudness. When the acute sounds are at the highest the medium AM bell-shaped curve can be changes with the help of a switch integrated in the potentiometer. By doing this the acute sounds of that band can be further raised.
Many other remarkable elements characterize this device. An example is the number of condensers employed. A beautiful high quality device, with a fascinating aesthetics, perfectly functioning and with a powerful and “cozy” sound.

Graetz Spitzen Super 177W

Bluetooth receiver embed


Each radio is equipped with a cable for connection to any digital device.



- Bluetooth receiver embed - The unit is equipped with a BLUETOOTH receiver powered directly by the receiver power supply. This makes it possible to control the amplifier from any external digital device as an IPAD, a Smartphone, or a sophisticated multimedia station. So you can hear your preferred web station or your lossesless file without cables on the room. Wireless Receiver can be equipped upon requests.
- Multi Platform Connection - A customized adaptation cable to connect any digital device as Iphone, Smartphone, Laptop, CD Player etc. will be provided with this radio. This special cable suits the different impedances between the modern equipment and the receiver. Furthermore the two stereo channels flow into one without increasing the load to the input unit.

graetz factory

Graetz factory


The Ehrich & Graetz metalworks was a factory established in 1866 in Berlin by Albert Graetz (1831–1901) and the tradesman Emil Ehrich (died 1887) under the name "Lampen-Fabrik Ehrich & Graetz OHG" (E&G).
By 1897 the firm was controlled by Albert's sons, Max Graetz, and Adolf Graetz. The company grew rapidly, and in 1899 factory complexes were built in Berlin, in the United States, France, the UK, and Bombay.
Around 1910-1916 Max Graetz developed the famous Petromax Lantern. Around 1925 the factory also produced radios, and other electrical appliances under the name Graetzor.

In the Second World War, just as in the First World War, the company was part of the war industry. With the use of forced laborers from France, Russia and the Netherlands the company made huge gains in production.
At the end of April 1945 the factory was claimed by the Russian army.

In 1949 the firm became part of the "peoples" program, "VEB-VolksEigenerBetrieb" and since 1950 "VEB Fernmeldewerk, Berlin Treptow (RFFT)." VolksEigenerBetrieb, means that the factory was owned by the people for the people (Communism)

In 1948 Erich, and Fritz Graetz founded a new company in Altena, Germany known by the name The Graetz Firm, which was successor to the lost family company in Berlin. The new company produced mainly radios and televisions.
In 1961 the company was then sold to Standard Elektrik Lorenz (SEL) AG, but since 1987 has been to the present owned by the Finnish company Nokia.


Year of production: 1954/55
Superheterodyne IF 468/10700
7 AM Circuits
12 FM Circuits
Medium Waves(OM1, OM2),  Long Waves (OL)
Short waves (OC), FM (UKW)
1 Elliptical mid-woofer
1 Elliptical midrange
1 Tweeter
Dimensions (LHD): 26.9 x 16.5 x 12.8 inch
Net weight: 39 lb 11 oz
10 Tubes:
3 x EC92, 2 x EF41, ECH81, EM34, EABC80, 2 x EL84

Graetz Spitzen Super 177W


The tones control system is very efficient. Above the large tone control knobs there is a band that lights up gradually indicating the emphasis on the band on which it acts.


Inside the cabinet there is a dipole for FM reception and a ferrite rotating aerial for AM reception.
Ferrite aerial can be rotated from the outside to achieve a perfect tuning of the device in the AM.
In this picture see the rotation mechanism and the position indicator of the aerial.
The reception sensitivity with internal aerials is very good. This unit was in fact produced in a period when there were not many radio stations and those available fairly apart from each others.
Using an external aerial sensitivity is further increased.

Graetz Spitzen Super 177W
Graetz Spitzen Super 177W


The tuning system is another gem.
The unit is equipped with mechanisms for keeping separate the AM and FM bands.
The tuning knob is single but a selector switch commutes into cable systems (all in steel) and pulleys separated depending on the band.
The movement is transferred to both mechanisms with a system of pulleys and separated gears.


The magic eye has of course been replaced.

Graetz Spitzen Super 177W
Graetz Spitzen Super 177W


The front speaker set.
Note the big mid/woofer  compared with the lens cap of my SLR camera.


Graetz Spitzen Super 177W

On the left side you can see the volume control knob (with incorporated loudness).
On the same axis there is the regulation of the ferrite aerial.
On the right the magic eye indicating the perfect tuning of each station.
Below the bass tones indicator and further below its control knob.
The Long, Medium, and Short Wave AM scale and the FM scale.
On left-hand corner on the bottom the Off, record player, recorder buttons and those for Long, Medium 1, 2, Short and FM Wave bands.
On the right the treble indicator and its control knob.

Graetz Spitzen Super 177W


Output for external speakers.
Socket for recorder (tonbandgerat).
Turntable input (Tonabnehmer)
AM and FM aerial inputs and ground socket.


For the first time and only for this machine, I decide to post the instrumental collection of data
regarding the frequency response of the low frequency stage. it is a simple and incomplete waves
collection of data yet enough precise and indicating the quality of amplifiers of that time.

Measures on the final stage have been conducted with an inductive load, therefore the square wave
is affected by form distortion.


Graetz Spitzen Super 177W
graetz sinfonia 4r-221 german radios - cn

Graetz Si…

GRAETZ Sinfonia 4R/221 (88 – 108 MHz)


SINFONIA 4R/221在1955 / 1956年是Graetz生产中最著名的系列核心产品,配备Rundstrahl-Raumklang durch Klangkompressor(全方位环绕声压缩机)。



这收音机所有的设计都是令人兴奋的,从敏锐的按键和坚固的机械噪声,到愉悦柔和的音调和音量控制,直到伴随着调谐旋钮运动令人安心的大飞轮。由于其两阶段的中频调谐高度准确和稳定。但为什么会有人不想买它?SINFONIA 4R依然是一个相当昂贵的收音机,这可能真的是唯一的原因!

这是配备声音压缩器且最有价值的Graetz收音机---1954 / 55年西德制造

graetz sinfonia 4r-221


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- FM频率范围从88到108兆赫---在1950 / 60年代德国生产的电子管收音机是世界闻名的,这是因为他们出色的声音质量,他们美丽的机箱外型,他们的实力和他们没有妥协的作业标准。不幸的是,FM频段只有从87.5~100兆赫,但无法接收到100兆赫以上的电台,经过仔细的研究和大量的测试,我们能够获得的频率范围由原有范围扩大至88~108兆赫。我们还重建了一个与原始完全相同的玻璃面板,用相同的材料和相同的技术,且与新的频率范围对应,结果是完美的。使我们可以在任何国家收听到所有的FM电台。

- 蓝牙接收器加装-该单位配备了一个蓝牙接收器,直接由收音机供应电源。这使得有可能控制放大器从任何外部数字设备作为一个iPad,智能手机,或一个复杂的多媒体站。所以你能无线听到您喜欢的网站或你的无损档案。无线接收器可根据要求选配。

– 多平台连接-一个定制的适应电缆连接任何数字设备,如iPhone,智能手机,笔记本电脑,CD播放器等将提供这台收音机。这种特殊的电缆适合现代设备和接收机之间的不同阻抗。此外,两个立体声信道流入一个不增加负载的输入单元。

graetz factory


Ehrich & Graetz金属制品厂由Albert Graetz(1831–1901)和商人Emil Ehrich(死于1887)以“Lampen-Fabrik Ehrich & Graetz OHG” (E&G). 为公司名称成立于1866年柏林。 
到1897时,公司由Albert的儿子Max Graetz和Adolf Graetz控制。公司发展迅速,1899分别在柏林、美国、法国、英国和孟买建立工厂。 
1910-1916 年Max Graetz成立了著名的Petromax Lantern公司。1925年工厂也以Graetzor公司名稱開始生产收音机和其他电器。


1949年公司成为“人民”计划的一部分,自1950年成為“VEB VolksEigenerBetrieb” “VEB Fernmeldewerk, Berlin Treptow (RFFT).” VolksEigenerBetrieb,,意味着工厂的人拥有者是人民(共产主义)。 

1948年Erich和Fritz Graetz在德国Altena成立了一家新的公司名稱為Graetz公司,这是Graetzor在柏林遭沒收的家族公司的继任者。这家新公司主要生产收音机和电视机1961年公司再卖给Standard Elektrik Lorenz (SEL) AG,但自1987年以来一直到现在由芬兰Nokia公司拥有。 



超外差式收音机IF 468/10700
8 AM电路,12 FM电路.
无线电波段: LW, MW, SW, FM


尺寸(长高深): 66x41x30公分

净重: 16公斤

7支放大管: ECC85 ECH81 2 x EF89 EM34 EABC80 EL84


graetz sinfonia 4r-221 main feature

Musica 和 Melodia兩型號没有太多的分享,Sinfornia 4R这个型號是被设计来满足当代富有的发烧友的需求。 
当这项修复完成后,我有机会聆听美妙的NBC交响乐团- Harmonia Mundi,G小调大协奏曲“Christmas”的发烧版。音乐播放器是我的Marantz CD94 MKII插入
經由SINFONIA 4R听交响乐真是令人兴奋的,甚至比听我自己的音响更精彩,虽然他们都对我很苛刻的标准定制。

graetz sinfonia 4r-221 loudspeakers


正如已经先前说,Sinfonia 4R/221--- Rundstrahl-Raumklang durch Klangkompressor转化为全方位环绕声的压缩机。我想指出的是,此收音机在1954生产,但我们已经在谈论环绕声!


在Hi-Fi的进化过程中,这个问题已经解决了不同的系统和解决方案。当时,Graetz 4R系统是非常有效的。巨大的低音单元安装在Sinfonia的前面板和这符合我们所说的事实,低音全方位、因此不易定位。中高音调双扬声器内置于机箱顶板。






graetz sinfonia 4r-221 aerials





graetz sinfonia 4r-221 control am fm
graetz sinfonia 4r-221 tuning indicator




graetz sinfonia 4r-221 control panel






graetz sinfonia 4r-221 rear side




graetz sinfonia 4r-221